Daily Greece Thread

Thread about one of the best countries in the world.

(Sorry for not posting this noon).

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Hello again

Greetings! How are you?

Greece good, Turkey bad

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Best country before 300 A.C.


Greek roaches will never be great

Daily reminder that in order to get us out of this mess, boomers must be tossed to the street to die of starvation as an example to future generations. Anyone saying otherwise is a pasokspawn nigger that tries to cash out on a failing system before the check comes to deal with dept, niggers and leftist feminist screeching banshees.

Attached: cfe917eb081595b50faa-1428190121.jpg (395x500, 48K)

>turk rape babies calling other countries non whtie

Attached: hellenic lands.jpg (2048x856, 175K)