Who else hates these annoying subcreatures? Man's best friend my ass, they should be killed on sight along with their retarded owners.

Attached: BORDER PATROLED.webm (960x540, 1.6M)

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Fuck off, chink nigger. There's no food shortage here.

You are literally the "dogs" of humanity you inbred swine.

Attached: 1562461333629.jpg (268x268, 7K)

dios mio... un americano

it i s d o g gggggggggggg here

Attached: 1560653103175.jpg (946x960, 144K)

Even your ID marks you as the enemy in your own language.
End yourself you fucking subhuman

I don't trust any ''man'' who hates dogs, they have a tendency to be the lowest of the low.

dogs are subhumans and dog owners are below dog-tier

Attached: 1541870909371.png (793x531, 90K)

seeeeeee frisb now here

I can smell you across the ocean pedro.
Go suck some spics of in your detention centers