I sadly fell for the femdom meme and now I think the idea of women choking me with their legs is hot. How do I train my brain to not find this attractive? Is it even possible to unlearn fetishes?
>inb4 this isn't political
I feel like your sexuality is conducive to your political orientation. Just look at how many homosexuals are leftists. How can I take control of a relationship if the idea of my woman grabbing me by the balls is arousing?
How do you unlearn fetishes?
Cant. I wish I could just wish away my diaper fetish, but that ain't ever gonna happen.
Stop masturbating, start working out, and do something productive every time you get the hint of a notion that you wanna fall back into it
It’s hard but can be done
I don’t know man. I somehow untaught myself being into beastiality, however I haven’t unlearned my fetish for hookers.
>t. Married, and to the outside world, normal upstanding citizen
pretty much exactly what he said. Every time u want to fap punch something or work out until exhaustion. Literally a reptile harvesting you chi; punch the fuck out of them.
>this is who you're debating on Jow Forums
stop watching porn
Nofap. I'm serious. I had some degenerate fetishes (far worse then femdom) and after not fapping for about a month my brain just kinda reset.
If you'll do it keep in mind the easiest way is to avoid temptation instead of constantly fighting it. Stay away from porn, and when you do inevitably get a boner just find something else to focus on. Distract yourself instead of fighting the urge.
Also for me the change was sudden. Didn't see any improvement throughout most of it, then over the course of 2-3 days completely lost interest in all the degenerate shit i was previously into.
Good luck user, I believe in you.
I used to have this fetish.
It changed because I realized just how unattractive it is to women. And then I got closer to women and realized just how weak and delicate they actually are. Seriously grabbing their arm too firmly will leave bruises. They aren't rough at all, they are sweet and nice
This doesn’t work. I workout 5-6 days a week and rarely ever jack-off. The longer I go without jacking the more I want to fuck a Hooker. I typically either break by doing one or the other.