Where to go

Texan here

This state is clearly fucked, and it isn't going to get any better. Aside from it being hot as fuck most of the time, third worlders are moving here in hordes. Even if I were to live in a more rural town it will not be long before it is tainted. My entire family lives here, but I can't deal with this for much longer. I need to be in a better position to meet a good woman and start a family in a safe and more homogeneous community. I estimate in 2-3 years I will be ready enough to move out of state or possibly out of country. Given current demographics and political leanings, what are my best options on getting the hell out of here? The world is seeming like a much smaller place the older I get.

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you let them take Texas you let them take America

nice blog, no one cares

its gone. taco carts on every road side
3 different texmex joints at every pawn shop
boomers going slow when the speed limit is high. speeding when the limit is low. worse than spics?

I'm afraid Texas is already lost my friend. No use going down with the ship. It's time to consolidate.

Not a blog post. I need answers, and it's related to politics.

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The horror

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Hey bud. West Texan here. I moved up to Idaho. It’s nice here.

Seems to be a nice place. I have been considering the Idaho, Wyoming, Montana area, but my company has no jobs out there that I am aware of. I should have my Arborist certification in 2 years though. As long as it's in demand up there I might be able to make something work. How are the natives?

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Okay the area of I90 from Spokane to Bozeman is going to boom. It’s just beginning now. There are going to be a lot of jobs. You need to find a business you can do and not have competition. You’ll rake in the bucks fast. There are a shit load of trees here so arborist sounds good. See if your company is willing to open an office here. Spokane, Coeur d’Alene, Missoula, Flathead Valley, and Bozeman are going to boom for long times to come, white flight.

You dig in and lay roots in the hill country with a milking goat and some hens. Wage war over the water, the principal resource necessary for human life. That's what'll go immediately after the vote. One can't just put a neighborhood everywhere, where will all their water come from?