Am I White?

Attached: DNA.png (414x1400, 41K)

Attached: fat fuck american.png (592x631, 207K)



Attached: 1532713775923.png (1620x2880, 150K)

Into the oven, shlomo


On a serious note, should I do the test? I've always wanted to see my haplo group background, but I'm also wary of my dna being on (((their))) database where they can sell it

>believing these stupid tests

You are, at most, 0.9% white mate.

To give you a hint at what I look like, think of Carl form ATHF except not fat, not balding, and without nearly as much body hair.

Attached: Carl.png (246x385, 76K)


>if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck it's a fucking fuck.

Don't let kikes purity spiral you.

lol ur an amerimutt

Literally what the fuck is this ethnic composition?

you are such a fucking paranoic autistic moron.

you are not special at all they give a fuck about your dirty dna .

No, OP is an Amerimutt. He's still "white"
Unless you're going to argue you on his 14% "west African" side, chink.

I mean you chinks have yet to have your dna tested, I'd love to see how many of your population has "east African" traces. I bet it's more than OPs.


Attached: amerimutts.jpg (600x600, 64K)

>t. Coping chink

Op is whiter than you. SAD.

Attached: download-11.jpg (87x224, 6K)

>12% black.
hahaha!!! oh look it's venti.

Attached: 1.png (1920x974, 392K)

How much of an amerimutt am I?

Attached: DNAnalylsis.jpg (294x525, 24K)

Attached: amerinigger.jpg (736x1098, 281K)

Nigger jew chink mut mulatto pig fucker.


Attached: images-26.jpg (178x283, 8K)

With those numbers, it comes down to what you look like.

You are retarded if you believe East Asians Living in Asia have detectable "east African" DNA

>No you
>t. Chink

your ethnicity is absolutely fucking disgusting.

Yes goyim, that totally won't be a problem when in 20 years we will have designed babies and we will genetically castrate all white boys.

Where did you get this picture of me?

These sites love adding random jew dna. One of my family members is "1%" Jewish when all my aunt's, uncles, grandparents etc are 0%. It mixes some slav dna chains with jew I suppose.


Attached: 18A4D4CD-56FC-4C5E-8A9D-EE93994EBD07.jpg (414x1400, 512K)


Hard to tell with this randomly generated character sheet. Do a reroll and ask again.

You actually paid money for this, didn't you OP?

Attached: s7stznr1t3u21.jpg (576x768, 63K)

Why are you all still so ass-blasted over the war
You will always be a soulless bug, go murder children or rape underage women or something.

I dunno why people bother checking your DNA. Your biological DNA on storage now and will be used against you or your relatives.

eat shit amerimutt

Attached: amerishits.png (876x657, 1.09M)

% nigger.


Never underestimate the mutt. Mutts are some bad bitches. We'll fuck you up.

87% mutt mate.

Trips don't lie

No it doesn't lol. Those numbers are too high to be noise or ambiguous.

Amerimutt meme is real
