Mexico wants El Chapo’s drug money for anti-poverty programs...!!!

Mexico wants El Chapo’s drug money for anti-poverty programs...!!!

Attached: el-chapo.png (720x420, 236K)

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Cool. Nobody actually gives a single fuck about Mexico. sage.

I want this nigger to be executed.

There once was a man named El Chapo
He made an extremely good taco
Although he sold lots of drugs
And employed only thugs
I still wish I had those tacos

He a amassed billions working for the CIA, now at his peak they topple him and seize everything he ever made. Just.

Suck a fat dong Mexico

You mean the cartel wants it back.

Imagine building up a wealth so huge that countries are fighting over it. BASED

Fuck Mexico.

nah we're taking it. It's a small pittance for what Mexico has stolen from us.

Fuck you, we are using it for a wall.

chapo has already spent it on education and poverty programs in Mexico. Towns and infrastructure literally would not exist without him.


of course they fucking do.. We clean their shit off the streets because they are so goddamn incompetent and then they want all the cake for theirselves.. The worst part is the beat scenario is them actually taking the money and gibbin it to their niggers but itll just go straight back into the hands of the cartel or some corrupt pig politician. Fuck beaners

This looks like a well crafted, well sourced op. Even then, that money (probably in some swiss bank) is better off under american administration. Mexico can't into honesty and rule of law.

they can have it, once they fund the wall

>Mexico wants El Chapo’s drug money for anti-poverty programs...!!!
>Fuck you, we are using it for a wall.

checks out.

Based, Im thinkin about those tacos.

No latinamerican country can. And it's not about money or resources. It's the latino mentality

My town has a population of about 35,000 and an annual budget of about 345 million. Chapos money isn't really that much.