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$15 minimum wage is a good idea and if you disagree you are old, stupid, have a watery brain, or all 3.

i don't believe your fake image. the dollar means very different things in each state.


since most niggers don't bring $15/hr of value to their job, there will now be fewer jobs for niggers

Fucking hell we are doomed. Inflation has won. Our country is completely done for. Get ready for a mega blast in prices and stocks. Going make you wanna be in 1820 instead of 2020

btw i know that image is fake i just wanted to dunk on niggers

It's essentially DOA in the Senate.

>how dare poor people make money! we have to completely destroy our country because the minimum wage has been adjusted for inflation for the first time in 3 decades!
fucking smooth brain fucking faggot

It's real

into the trash

They would never have done so if they controlled the senate too. Are you this gullible of political games?

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its a fucking factual statement about the house passing a bill you fucking moron what the fuck do you want?


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imagine being so desperate for clicks that you post your bugman website to an anonymous cartoon pron imageboard

This. It's just postering so they can tell their base, "WELL WE TRIED." It's a waste of everyone's time.

>getting this past cocaine Mitch in the senate, or keeping Trump from Vetoing this and wiping his ass with the proposal.

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I kind of want this because I am a poorfag and it would help me personally
But I also recognize that it's dumb as fuck and not in everyone's best interest, so while I want it selfishly, I morally oppose it

>everyone that calls me stupid for doing something stupid works for a liberal news agency and posts here as part of a coordinated shilling campaign
what a fucking moron

you're dumb as fuck if you dont want a higher minimum wage

As much as I don't think bottom feeding spics preventing teenagers and such from working entry level jobs deserve a cent more than they're making, I also don't buy the boomer tier logic of "businesses can't afford this and automation will take their jobs!". If your business can't survive with an increase in wages, you're probably running a shitty business. As for automation, if you think paying people more to do a job they already know is bad, wait until you have to change your entire infrastructure to accommodate machines you sure as shit don't know how to use, so who will you be paying to plan this out and maintain it once it's all in place?

I swear, a trip to Japan is all it'd take to shut everyone up on this retarded "debate". Tons of restaurants out there have machines you order from but still have wait staff, line cooks, etc. On top of that, they have a minimum wage of roughly $10 an hour with many businesses choosing to pay more, and you don't get Jewed on tips, either. Literally everything about their service sector is superior and it stems from an attitude of trying to find the best solution for everyone rather than trying to pinch pennies and make the absolute most amount of money you can at all times.

>$15 minimum wage
>Tens of millions of illegals for cheap labor and many more on their way

I support the bill but the fact is the bill will likely die in the senate or get killed by Trump if it passes the senate. For the bill to pass you would need a Democratic senate who bows to progressive ideas (by forcing the Centrists to buy in or replacing them with Social Democrats).

why not make it $150 dollar?
or better yet $1500?
a fuck it, how about $1.5 million?
you gonna be rich
just think about it

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They need the government to increase their wage
They are tired of being a slave
They could develop marketable skills
But instead take blue pills
And then the government makes them their slave

fuck off jew

One word: inflation. If you can't grasp such a simple concept, then you're a god damn idiot. While we're at it, got any more buzzwords for us?

lol none of you dumb fucks see the significance of the timing? this is damaging to the economy, they know it wont get passed but they will use it as ammo against the republicans harnessing the ignorance of economics against them.

tl;dr the rich bigots wont raise min wage, vote for us for more free things! and so it was.

fuck all of you

nice reddit spacing

Inflation happens whether or not we increase wages dumbshit. It's been that way since the early 1900s.

>what if i took something reasonable and framed it as unreasonable LOL

You moronic if you want the entire country to hit $15 an hour bye bye to ever other worker who is at minimum/currently below 12, hello machines and a ton of unemployed idiots.

you stupid fucking mutt dipshit lick my fucking asshole

because its not an arbitrary number. its specific to maintaining a standard of living and should adjust with consumer price index which it hasnt for decades

$15 minimum wage is adjusting for inflation you fucking moron. Wages are fucking stagnant for the last 40 years.

>this is damaging to the economy
you are so fucking stupid it hurts.

id rather be the governments slave at $15/h than the corporations' slave at $7/h. not that what you said actually made any sense

all this does is hurt small business and give big corporations a greater stranglehold on the market, small businesses absolutely can not afford to pay 15/hr and be expected to grow, bigger companies on the other hand can, this will only lead to more monopolies and an even bigger obstacle for start up businesses in a world where already 70% of companies fail within there first 10 years

You want a collapse?

For Federal employees
Big nothingburger
Lots of virtual signal spending on their behalf lately
This and the shit theyre trying to pass for 9/11 survivors

Inflation is a fiat money supply problem faggot

my wage is at least 30$ an hour so FUCK OFF

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this has never happened anywhere on any large scale, in any industrialized country in history.

you're scared you might actually live comfortably for once. You're scared you might finally get the chance to loosen your shackles for the first time in your life and you shriek and cry and demand to make them tighter you stupid fuck

This means nothing until Democrats realize migrants and outsourcing will still be used to bypass paying $15/hour until something is done about work visas.
Plus it'll be a few years before it takes effect,

>Wages are fucking stagnant for the last 40 years.

Perhaps they should address WHY wages have stagnated rather than pay Jamal $15/hour to flip a burger.


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then demand you make more money
get a union
do collective bargaining
stop being a fucking stupid cuck

Its beyond damaging do you make ~13-14 an hour now? Well ya wont be and wont ever be if you think raising minimum to 15 will raise your paycheck. You're fucked and will be begging within a year cuck bitch.

Agreed. I am just waiting for the $1000/hr minimum wage so I can make my car payments in an hour. Can't believe idiots actually oppose paying a fair wage

Inflation is below 2% at the current minimum wage of 7.25$. These free market models you have in your head are based on the false assumption that the market is at full utilization. When in reality it is not largely due to imperfect information.

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You're a mouth breathing cuck faggot if you think 15/hr is a good thing eat shit and die

2 things:

-wages haven’t kept up with inflation in even the slightest bit (something like 1/64 of what a dollar used to be worth) so as the price of living has increased in most of the country generally fewer people have been able to scrap by and now rely on government aid to make ends meet

-small businesses have thrived off of this low wage job market and been able to grow and expand because of it. Basically no small business is prepared for this and thusly it will shutter many places or drastically reduce their growth to the point of stagnation and only multi million dollar corporations will be able to compete and will quickly absorb their market share as they desperately try to rebalance

These aren’t democrat or republican positions they’re just the truth and the truth is we’re fucked. Pick your poison

Yayy! Gas will only go up to like $4.89 a gallon now!! Sweeeet

>harms the economy
>raises consumer spending
>raises GDP

it's only "reasonable" for now
give it a year or two and you will need $50
soon thereafter $100
rinse and repeat
ad infinitum

and your "standard of living" is defined by what, again

if you folks could just think five fucking minutes in advanced
even only once

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Goodbye, economy

You wont massive layoffs and massive unemployment is the outcome. I run a business for a living and this is horrible news for the economy/any business

ok its capitalism and the accumulation of power within capital

oh wait that makes you cry and throw a fucking fit to admit the truth

you're fucking fantasy doomsday scenario has never happened to any inflation adjusted raise of minimum wages in any industrialized nation ever.

The minimum wage should be abolished.

I cant wait to pay $3 for a jr hamburger at Wendy's!! Woooohooooo

For those of you playing chess instead of checkers...

They did this to change the narrative and stop the hemorrhaging of support.

The correct move here is to pass the bill in Senate and for Trump to sign it immediately and take credit for it.

Probably shouldnt have a million plus immigrants come in ever year making the labor pool larger





millions of what and where? did the US get genocided in 1900?

shh or you will get an inane response like "why don't you raise it to a million dollars"

the entire fast food industry going out of business would be a good thing,

They're just throwing whaever shit that makes the voters energized. When Democrats take the Senate, you won't be hearing much of this minimum wage talk. Remember Obamacare? Year after year they sent an Obamacare repeal bill to the white house and once Republicans took all 3 branches they couldn't get it together. It's all a circus.

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It has literally never affected the economy negatively any time the minimum wage was increased. Not a single time in any country.

So now you loose all your underlings and any and all work related to said underlings you're fucked hahahah enjoy the massive overhaul your business will have to do to make sure everyone is 15/hr

I'm going to have to fire a few people. Unfortunately I don't have an unlimited bank account of money stashed away. I do look forward to firing a few guys and devaluing their earnings for the past 6 months though, it's like punching down when they're down and mega hilarious.

>implying cocaine mitch will let it pass the senate
>if it somehow magically passes the senate trump dab on shit and veto it faster than he starts twitter shitstorms

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>give it a year or two and you will need $50
>soon thereafter $100
well its been 30 years since avergae wage has risen so idk what you base that on

Why are you being so hostile?

Serious question. If we are going to have a minimum wage at all why shouldn't it be pegged to inflation? Minimum wage in most states has not changed much in decades and inflation is around 2% a year. Either peg minimum wage to inflation or don't have it at all. The way it is now is half assed.

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How will it help you when you get fired. What job do you have that you are sure wont be outsourced or automated. One thing no one is mentioning is TIPPED workers also would get 15 bucks an no fucking restaurant will have waiters. You will have a computerized menu at your table, and a bus boy will run your shit to you.

I'll be eating out much less if this passes the senate

>want to ask for more money
>scared my boss will just say no and replace me with some serf who they can pay less for
>want to collectively bargain
>literally impossible at my bank because all my co-workers are retardlicans
>collective bargaining power is absolutely useless because there is no labor shortage in the country and we basically have open borders in california
feels bad man. on the other hand im making 13.40 an hour because california is based about entry level wages

8.58 if everyone is at 15/hr the morons on this board dont realise the price increase with a massive wage increase like thism

There are no minimum wage jobs here. Every job pays over our 7.25 minimum wage. No one accepts a job for it. The market will move up wages, but there needs to be less labour coming in. Immigration reform now; immigration reform IS workers rights.

Why did we give corporations a 1.5 trillion dollar tax break, if not to raise the minimum wage? This is our trickle boys get ready to suckle hard

because this country is dumb as fuck and just wants to constantly eat its own shit rather than improve its standard of living.

>because its not an arbitrary number. its specific to maintaining a standard of living and should adjust with consumer price index which it hasnt for decades

Where do you or anyone else get this claim?
Going by inflation, it would be around $11. Based on US growth, it should be around $21

because its all a collection of smoke and mirrors to try and keep the workers from revolting, not meant to actually function well

this. It makes less populated areas noncompetitive resulting in nash equilibrium in populated areas.

I saw your Tulsi limerick as well.

Keep it up fren

Call me a cynic, but fucking over Democrats with by the Senate passing and Trump signing this bill would be a good thing.

Then the wage gap will rise and democrats will pass another bill banning men from dishwashing and busboy jobs.

Shut up you stupid fucking nigger. Read what happened in NYC when they unionized their carwashes. Only car washes in NYC are automated. You think machines are that fucking hard? Japan's been in 25 years of stagnation even though its filled with smarter people and no niggers man. Youre a dumb fucking faggot.

Would never pass the senate but still scary as fuck. Ontario just raised it's minimum from 11.85 to $14/hr(10.74US)and food and restaurant prices have fucking skyrocketed, not to mention people were abandoning jobs by the bus load after years of service. Why the fuck would you bust your ass unloading trucks or landscaping or construction labor when you could go sling coffee or bag groceries for a xouple bucks less?
Some businesses might handle it others will come here to Canada or go to Mexico for the cheaper labor plus inflation will screw over the little guys.

>Raise minimum wage to $15 an hour
>Means even more in USD than something like CAD because of currency differences
>Means especially more than AUD(Australia) where everything is ruined by import fees/taxes
>Suddenly there are few minimum wage jobs left as automation takes over every possible field it can
>Suddenly any and all benefits get cut
>Only jobs left are filled by College/University grads with crippling debt that are desperate to pay it off and so work under poor conditions
>Illegal immigration and hiring illegals for less-than-minimum spikes dramatically
Great idea.

>He hasn't seen Canada
Local Walmart just replaced 2/3 of the staff with machines because of Ontario raising the minimum wage to roughly $10.75/hr USD. Good luck getting fucking rekt.

Also after the wage hike work started to slow down where I was, until my hours depleted to 0 a week and I was officially laid off for 7 months on Unemployment Insurance Only recently started working again the past few weeks... now it's starting to slow back down by the looks of it. Probably a few more weeks and I'll be working part-time hours if I'm lucky.

You realize how idiotic this statement is and how it has no relevance whatsoever?

honestly we should mandate that employess get a certain % of the value of their labor. obviously for any business to profti and fucntion, you cant pay them 100% of the value of their labor, but places like mcdonalds paying as many peiople as they can minimum wage, and managers getting less than a dollar over minimum wage is paying them far, far less than the value of their labor. its how they rake in billions every year

Or... Ooooor just stop being a lazy fuck yourself and strive for something beyond burger flipping.

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I don't know man. My state raised the minimum wage and I never seen so many vacant storefronts. The nearby pub got shut down for tax evasion because he was paying his employees off the books. He cited the minimum wage being too high to operate.

There you go peasants, another few dollars an hour for your indispensable drudgery.

Now stop complaining and get back in the cage.

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You have no fucking clue what you're talking about when it comes to running businesses or the economy so go fucking sit on your buttplug in the corner you trash pile. Now fuck off and raise minimum to 9/hr and we'll talk otherwise fuck right off unless you want unemployment and riots.

fuck minimum wage and fuck RICO dodgers

You wanna see support for banning immigration rise? Pass this bill, and watch the minimum wage class cry when illegals take their jobs with under the table pay.

For sure. Raise the minimum, automate away their jobs, and let the monkeys starve. If your job pays you less than $15/hr as a "functional" adult, you don't deserve to steal future generations resources.

What country has more than doubled their minimum wage?

You might as well ask why Democrats never bothered to get a national law passed defending abortion and instead decided to leave it resting on the ever precarious balance of the Supreme Court.

walmart is going to get rid of workers with or without a minimum wage anyway
you might as well get paid before you're forced to fight the amazon and walmart private military over automation property rights