White-collar prosecutions and corporate fines drop under Trump
>A drop in white-collar crime prosecutions and corporate fines during the Trump administration has prompted a warning from a leading law firm.
>New York-based Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz issued a memo to its clients noting the “significant” decrease in both the number of cases and the scale of penalties over the last two years.
>It comes after data from the US Department of Justice revealed white-collar prosecutions – including offences of fraud, antitrust violations and identity theft – hit a 20-year low earlier this year.
>Prosecutions peaked in 2011, during Barack Obama’s first term in office, and have steadily declined since, according to Syracuse University’s TRAC reports.
>“White-collar prosecutions since President Trump assumed office generally have been lower than in previous administrations,” researchers said.
>Corporate fines from criminal prosecutions also plunged by more than 90 per cent, according to a study comparing the last year of the Obama administration and the first year under President Trump.
oh no, less crime under Trump. impeach!
>not enforcing the law means there is less crime
do you have some "crime is a constant" graphs?
what are you even talking about? if you read the article you would know that prosecutions are down which does not mean crime is down.
You have no proof crime is up, or at the same rate as previous years.
>The report notes that the decline in federal prosecutions does not necessarily indicate a decline in white collar crime, but it may reflect shifting enforcement policies, changing availabilities of essential staff and congressionally mandated legislation alterations.
Right from the report you clown.
There are more regulations on white collar crime under trump, meaning a drop in prosecutions being a consequent result of less crime to prosecute is more likely; being that a larger number of regulations resulting in fewer prosecutions would require individual regulations to be assessed and analyzed to determine the multivaried potential causal relationships.
And you haven't done that, you fucking stupid retarded low IQ plebeian.
>speculation from lawyers Rosen & Katz
so, still no proof. Lawyers are not statisticians.
Is this really supposed to change my vote? Pathetic.