Hello friends, ITT, we celebrate the beauty of the Irish race and the purity of our people. Please, no anti-Irish shills. Long live Ireland!!!

Attached: 394BB3FC-C90A-494D-8A3B-B9A6E968AC6F.jpg (650x650, 74K)

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>our people
>American flag

Attached: 1548903751937.gif (300x259, 1.68M)

What? I can’t love the Irish because I am an American? They are the greatest Aryans of all

Whats there to be proud of
The irish are trash, have never done anything on their own, and hate the british although they gave them civilization

Come on buddy, that’s not fair. We Irish have given the world a lot! We have them good Irish music and whiskey

Bold words coming from a Mexican. Go back to the barrio stupid taco nigger.

Attached: irishpepe.png (229x220, 8K)

Haha based, fuck Mexico! Our Irish women are the most beautiful and we are the purest Aryans!

replace irish with mexicans

I hope irish retards starve to death again

Wtf please be civil in my Ireland thread