Hillary Clinton pays

FBI user here. Tomorrow Barr announces the re-opening of the Hillary Clinton investigation and presents several indictments of high government officials. Also the court in southern Florida will release documents showing Bill Clinton was fucking underage girls on Epstein`s plane.. Have a great day. And fuck Jim Comey. His time is coming.

Attached: fbi.jpg (225x225, 15K)

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It'd been a few days since a decent larp thread, thx and here is your you

Attached: 1492512012376.jpg (386x269, 16K)

Trust muh plan MIGA

Proofs needed. Otherwise you are just another shitty faggot LARPer.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-18 at 11.44.30 PM.png (482x602, 327K)

That's bullshit but I believe it
put me in screencap

Hey Q

I knew you were real!

Tits or GTFO

Attached: scully.jpg (620x853, 63K)

>all this on a Friday
That's where you screwed up, user