Alienation by Boomers

Does anyone else feel completely disconnected from their parents? I was just visiting my parent's house and the complete, unashamed selfishness of the two of them is unbearable to the point where I told them I no longer wanted to speak to them or have anything to do with them. They take no responsibility for the position the country is in, believe that life is solely about having fun and fuck everyone else because nobody else cares, and act like they are not members of society, living in their bubble of suburbia until they sell our family home to move to Florida, like all boomers do.
I always wondered what it was going to be like when they died, how I would cope with being utterly alone in life, considering my sister gives less of a fuck than they do and Im already a wizard. After thinking about it though, I'm already alone, and its such a terrible feeling. Was this just another part of the plan? To create a whole generation of people of the mentality, "Fuck you, got mine?" so insufferable that their own children are disgusted for what they stand for, nothing? I also realize that this all can come off as a whiney uber liberal blogpost and could be construed in a number of different ways, but goddamn, why is it wrong to care about society, about other people other than yourself?

TLDR; Fuck boomers for not taking responsibility for any part of what is going on in the US regarding society, from electing shitty leaders and living far beyond their means on the credit of (((bankers))), to the illegal immigration crisis and complete replacement of race and culture in their country.

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this is not new, and you are not special.
every generation said the same shit.
your kids will say the same about you

My dad is dead, murdered by other boomers and kikels for refusing to bow to their scams after het got too deep into the oil industry.

My granddad still lives, but he is a silent generation glownigger who is all the evil boomer stereotypes, minus the ignorance, he knew exactly what he was aiding and did it for money

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>implying any of us are having kids

you have a microwave and cable tv, plus the internet
you have it way better

No shit, dumb fucking leaffaggot, I know Im not special. If I was special, then nobody else would be of the opinion "Fuck Boomers"

What did he learn about?

you will grow out of it some day.

we have those things and no hope of home ownership, stagnated wages for over a decade...

>Grandpa Glownigger
That's a funny and terrifying notion

>picks three shit consumer goods and services as their criteria for "having it good"
Found the boomer