Why Romania is the best country in the world.
>oldest civilization in Europe dating back to the proto-Romanian Turdaș-Vinca culture
>Dacians were an extremely advanced civilization that defeated Romans for centuries
>Original White Aryan race (Dacians)
>best technology
>Many great historical and scientific achievements like airplane
>best soldiers, defeated many great empires by ourselves
>most beautiful women in the world
>very manly and masculine alpha male men
Dont be envious of Romanians.
Why Romania is the best
can't argue with that.
another day another bozgor psyop thread, again, nice try mongoloid horsefucker
Romania stoped being great in 1989
After Russia, Romania has the strongest military in Europe, but the average Romanian soldier is equivalent to 10 Russian soldiers so in fact Romania is stronger than Russia as is proven by Russian fear of Romania.
all we need to do is steal a few nukes and we'll rule the globe.
all we need is good leadership and Romania will rule the globe once again.
where do you pull that out of? The far right "mainstream" is full of gypsies and the fringe iron guard larpers are embarassing lunatics
Can you stop spamming this board with your shitty thread?
When they least expect it we will take our nukes, by force or otherwise.