These tim pool type fence sitting turds are the biggest threat to the white race they have zero standing whatsoever...

These tim pool type fence sitting turds are the biggest threat to the white race they have zero standing whatsoever they worship money my 200 IQ is screaming out for your betterment

Attached: Time pool.jpg (330x330, 16K)

Shut up nigger and stop LARPing as white.

Who cares what an aussie thinks. All you fags do is spam American politics and you don't even live here

European here, is Tim pool a secret conservative agent?

tim pool is only popular because hes a jewish shill

I'm waiting for him to swap into FUCK DRUMPF mode right before the election so his brainwashed followers will all agree.

tim pool is utterly fucked and I don't talk about e celebs often I haven't seen a man who could shove a fence so far up his ass since defranco hes just fucking terrible please unsub him I know you wont though so I will make this thread everyday for 1 year

shut the fuck up boomer they’re an international treasure

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You can have even 100k views... but does it change the popular vote?
I don't think...
All this polical youtubers are just some kind of enterteiners...

>I will make this thread everyday for 1 year
absolutely based

us aussies are disgusted by this tim pool

Attached: as.png (943x939, 1.77M)

Here's the real picture.

Attached: images (88).jpg (678x452, 19K)

they’re actually literal shills. especially people like defranco, tim pool, the intellectual dark web, and parkman. israel owns these people.

You fags reek of sexless

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Just imagine. Some people have more complicated beliefs than
>i like and agree with everything democrats believe
>i like and agree with everything republicans believe
At least pool is disciplined in his beliefs and sticks with them regardless of just blindly following a political party

There's a difference between not knowing what your opinion is vs just being more moderate.

tim pool is an OK fag. I had the pleasure to work with him during the occupy movement back in 2012. His heart is in the right place but he looks foundation and is rather emotional sometimes.

lacks* not looks fuck

holy fuck you’re a stupid faggot if tim pool is fooling you into thinking he has some set of complicated, carefully considered beliefs.


nice argument. I disagree with Pool on a lot of things, but at least I understand what his political beliefs are

If you think the white race is under threat, you have no faith in our race.

Grow a pair, faggot.

If you think he's a "fence sitter" you aren't seeing the basic truth that he's just low brow garbage click bait.

His youtube videos' titles are literally click bait.

Go monitor your patreons

Don't let him get off if we can get even one person to in subscribe over the 1 year I will post this thread we all win


why do you care so much aoc shill?

Ethnically I'm yang gang