Anti-manspreading chair receives 'backlash'

>A student has faced an "unpleasant backlash" over her award-winning chair designed to stop "manspreading".
>But since the award, she said: "I have received a lot of explicit messages from men who seem to be under the impression that I hate all men."
>The 23-year-old said the reaction from those who used the chairs was "brilliant and interesting".
Who used it, sadomasochists?
>She also made a second chair intended for women which encourages sitters to push their legs apart.
I love how taking up more space than necessary is apparently the issue, but her female chair encourages them to engage in the behaviour she's angry at men for.
>She said the chairs were "more of a concept and not necessarily a functional design", but said she was encouraged that the judges "like the feminist slant on design".

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I hope this doesn't impact her commission.

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Oh look this thread again

I don't care about trivial bullshit, neither should you.

bury her up to her chin and throw rocks at her

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I bet shes into some bdsm stuff, just look at her face and tell me if im wrong

>>But since the award, she said: "I have received a lot of explicit messages telling me exactly what I should do with my chairs"


Openly discuss pain in your testicles. It’s natural and beautiful like periods and breastfeeding. Don’t shame a manspreader who is tending to his testes

>I bet shes into some bdsm stuff
Probably true of most feminists. I bet they at least like a good choking.

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>Rape in the middle east, honor killings, forced prostitution.
I sleep
>Some guy in a class room sitting with his legs 2 inches apart.
Real shit.

Friendly reminder this dumb bitch is in getting a free ride through college.

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