Hilariously accurate.
Hilariously accurate
so that why San Francisco and Seattle are utopias woah
well just everybody nuke america, canadians can be refugees
better than any southern shithole
One utopia works and the other doesn't
>free to pursue their ambitions
Lmao nah
>left wing utopia
because right wingers believe there's no such thing as 'utopia' and any attempt to bring it in real life is going to only worsen the already miserable life of theirs which is true
Conservatives don't believe in utopias
But they believe in sky fairies
Fascism really is a strange ideology.
I don't
>that name
Based Suzdaltsev
>free to pursue their ambitions
>my ideology good
>your ideology bad
>no government
>no police
>all streets run by Gangsters
>everyone has a gun
>everyone is equal
>everyone makes money
>people treat each other with respect due to fear
this is the perfect utopia.
Good post
Wow... really makes you think
based strawman
that in US locking people up is big business and they treat their prisoners better than their citizens
Utopia is what you can actually build and accomplish through blood, sweat and tears.
Commies will accept any totalitarian atrocity for the promise of some Star Trek pie in the sky bullshit
What if my ambitions aren’t leftist approved goodthink?
What’s hilarious is how little they understand what right wingers want.
Mob rule would happen in 2 days
Yeah cause southern states are filled with niggers
Fairies don’t live in the sky, they live underground.
We actually are user...
Help us before its too late.
Utopia cannot be achieved while scarcity exists.
Until the resource generation problem is solved, we cannot restructure society away from capitalism, and it would kill billions to do so.
>total fantasy
>the 50s
Right wing people deal with real problems right here and now.
Everyone is happy because of antidepressants
>left wing utopia: is literally impossible
>right wing utopia: is achievable, if nothing else
Right wingers are both Hitler AND Corporations. Even though that makes no sense and every corporation supports and often funds leftist groups.
Logic does not matter, their "education" assures them that they will achieve paradise. Not that they are shattering their own natural protection against corporations (such as family) and will be the worst kind of slaves to the upper class no matter what. Wageslaves for some Corporation under Capitalism, Work camp slaves to "the Party" under communism.
What about a national socialist utopia with all the good things about the left-wing utopia but a place were people willing work a backbreaking job for the glory of their nation, prosperity of their people and love of their family?
Imagine thinking you can build a utopia without working while also indulging in degeneracy, drugs and the hatred of children.
Left Wing Utopia
Red border around your image so people see it in the catalog, good trick
and San Francisco
Money grows on trees
That was sarcasm, stupid empathyless bong.
>prisoners have free healthcare
>therefore free healthcare is bad
you have to admire how smart americans are in brainwashing their own people into wanting to be fucked over.
Free healthcare? The term itself is fucking offensive if you're not an utter retard.
I like how everyone who has a cock in this fight pretty much strawmans the others argument by turning him into the professor from Candice.
The other guys utopia: since they are in power their utopia must mean the present day, and it is in this, the best, of all possible worlds.
There is no empathy in politics
Only debates, posturing and negotiations.
And that's why politics is mostly pointless bickering, while the moguls all play civilization IRL
>wouldnt be put down by all the other people with guns
excuse me?
>materialist utopias
You doing it wrong sempi-san-chan-ichi
Tax payer funded
A left wing utopia is where the government claims everyone is happy and safe, when in reality everyone is starving.
Utopia is a pathetic fantasy.
better than any midwest state then.
Faggot is gay 60 hours is nothing and a world with no jews or nigs sounds like paradise.
Midwest is getting filled with muslims it starting to tell.
I would be fine with working 100 hour weeks if it meant that no niggers, kikes, or spics were in the country.
I have had actual conversations with actual conservatives and this is actually what they want. Trust me.
Usually something to the tune of "I am an uneducated conservative and I don't want society to work properly."
>for the glory of their nation
only if that is in the form of interstellar travel
One is possible the other produces Damon and civil strife everytime it has been tried
>Lmao nah
but it's true.
The ambition of every shitskin is to enter a country where gibs are enough for freeloading for their whole life.
Emphasis on the word "utopia"
You have to admire how indoctrinated the Europoors are into thinking their healthcare is "free" and therefore shouldn't weigh on their conscience, despite it being the result of thievery.
So you are saying they are enemy combatants? What's he problem then? Like, do you morons even take into account context of your shitty memes?
>free to pursue ambitions
>everyone dead.
I'm pretty sure this logic implies that at some point the right side will win.
Liberal reality
>everyone is poor, starving, and terrorized by secret police
Right-wing reality
>everyone is so rich the Liberals risk their lives to get there
>everyone is so rich the liberals risk their lives to get there but continue to vote liberal causing their shitty policies which ruined where they came from to destroy where they've moved
the bottom one is just japan
Thermodynamics and energy conservation basically ensure that scarcity of some sort will always exist.
Sufficient capital accumulation can produce abundance of certain goods, but there will always be things to make that are at the limit of current resource constraints.
The need to economize, to have feedback loops that nourish productive activity while degrading nonproductive activity will always be necessary.
Wealth redistribution is equivalent to wealth destruction: it is a dissipative force the slows the process, reducing the productive capacity of the economy as a whole.
"Capitalism" is just a word for the ecosystem of firms, a firm is just a organism engaged in productive activity. A firm's life is at risk. It must grow or carve out a niche in the ecosystem in order to survive.
Politics is the name for resource allocation within a firm. Catallactics is resource allocation between firms.
Restructuring away from capitalism is isomorphic to having a single firm. This has the effect of reducing feedback loops, turning all decisions into politics, and making the entire ecosystem more fragile.
>left wing utopia
>fantasy land
>right wing utopia
>factual and based in reality
Hilariously accurate
Russian utopia
>we fight everybody at the same time
More like:
Leftwing utopia =
>Deny reality in order to institute your schizoid beliefs in what an ideal world looks like and ignore all the countless examples of mass suffering during every previous attempt to institute the very utopia you're advocating for.
Rightwing utopia =
>Utopia is not possible, at least not in how we imagine it today. Therefore the best we can do is use a system that respects reality, tries to respect individual rights while also respecting the needs of the group (ie: nation), and maybe we can reduce suffering, increase life quality, and allow as many humans as possible to self actualize within the system we've built.
Which one of these two is more achievable?
Protip - never will 'everybody' be happy.
Ironic that the policies of each produces the "utopia" of the other.
This but unironically though.
You guys love to act as if there's no difference between good and bad things.
As if your side is morally equivalent to ours, as if your side is anything short of evil.
Convincing a people to commit ethnic suicide is wholly evil.
"Free healthcare" actually means "not allowed to pay for better health care, and you get put on the Liverpool Care Pathway if some pedophile noble decides he needs your organs more than you do."
Capitalism's "free healthcare" (aka "walk it off") actually has a higher survival rate than the NHS, for this reason.
Whenever I heard the word "morality" I reach for my copy of "Beyond Good and Evil."
There is a difference between good and bad. But consider that perhaps what I call "good," you call "evil." What I call "bad," you call "good."
if you work 60, I'll work 80.
Leftist america.
Anything that's not banned is mandatory.
Don't forget your floaties in the pool
Better than believing they themselves are a sky fairy. Or a dog. Or the opposite gender.
Left wing Utopia
Everybody on Earth is being raped by niggers and arabs, is unhealthy because they have AIDS from being raped by niggers and arabs, has gone through marxist indoctrinatio... err is 'educated' and everyone is free to pursue their ambition of raping white people, except white people who are literal slaves working endlessly to pay for the welfare for all the niggers and arabs.
Right wing utopia
White Americans work 40 hours a week and get to keep almost all of what they earn because taxes are low, in a job they love because they're not trapped in it, because there isn't a job shortage, with healthcare they pay for because they can afford it due to not being taxed to death, and all the welfare leeches who cause societal decay (aka are degenerates) are dead.
>everybody else is dead
You can't have jewish conditions without jews.
Conservatism is based on darwinian evoIution, it isnt reIigious or based on any ideaI
You are confusing it with Christian Democracy
Be my guest and import more third world rapefugees
Feminists, trannies and antifa onions boys don’t seem very happy to me.l, But what would i know
Stds, third world diseases and decadence are wonderful things
In what? Sociology?
>free to pursue their ambitions
Euphemism for free to be a naked tranny on a float or free to get abortions, but in the midst of heavy censorship and indoctrination
Fuck this fuck you
It is interesting to note that people are unable to understand that pursuing a utopia is actually a negative thing, since you are wasting time trying to pursue a delusion.
wheres my 2500 dollars in medical savings, obama?
you absolutely can pay for better, private healthcare.
why do ameriretards think tax payer funded things like health care for all is bad?
i don't understand how stupid someone has to be to be against it. stop using roads then.
>leftists believe in a fantasy world
Yep very accurate
Point made
You're correct. Additionally, you can begin looking for common brain circuits across different brain processes. Argument and Rebuttal and Rank and Value and Exchange and Obligation (for contract negotiations) have already been classified and cataloged.
rightwing utopia actually works
leftwing utopia fucking collapses and millions die
Lol what? We don't have a small city's population of homeless in our cities despite our "good weather." Your trash heap shitholes are biggest arguments against liberalism.
Theocracy is based. Morality is handed down for a higher power than us flesh apes.
Not all of them do, but the problem is that healthcare usually comes with a pro-immigration candidate. The ones that don't like universal healthcare more generally have an argument that boils down to niggers: they cost more, contribute less, and are already ruining everything, leave healthcare alone.
Where do I sign up?