Fact: if you think random acts of violence achieve anything politically worthwhile you are literally no better than a...

fact: if you think random acts of violence achieve anything politically worthwhile you are literally no better than a nigger

Attached: christchurch-accused.jpg (2500x1873, 683K)

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If that was true, democrats wouldn't shoot up schools

Attached: RodwQK3.jpg (1500x1125, 218K)

Any assassination ever disagrees with you


they, too, are achieving politically worthwhile something by just chimping out

>American war of independence

I think that if I drove a technical into the middle of Detroit this winter and started draining the oil out of substations that it would surely eliminate a lot of niggers

an organized nation wide revolution is not a random act of violence

The archduke would like to have a word with you.

tbqh this