When the fuck is weed going to be legal nationwide...

When the fuck is weed going to be legal nationwide? It seems silly how it’s a gradual process of each state accepting it.

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Blue - legal
Dark green - legal for medical use
Light green - legal for medical use, limited THC content
Gray - Prohibited for any use
D - decriminalized

Arizona and New Mexico will legalize by the end of 2020, if it’s not legalized federally before then

my prediction has always been by 2020 it will be federally legal but we'll have to wait and see

Honestly, would be a lot easier with Dems in office

it's called the 10th amendment, fag

>Honestly, would be a lot easier with Dems in office
Bullshit. If that were true why hasn't NY legalized. The dems don't own that issue it was libertarians that fought for legalization, not the self serving left that just takes advantage and credit for shit they had NOTHING to do with.

>The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
so you're saying that the federal government never had the authority to criminalize weed in the first place?

How the fuck does Nebraska work?

>Honestly, would be a lot easier with Dems in office
The dems don't want anything to be legal. They want everything to be conditional with tons of hoops to jump through. They want you to ask permission and pay tons of permits (((bribes))).

>In the U.S. state of Nebraska, cannabis is illegal for all purposes, but first offense for possession of small amounts was reduced to a civil infraction in 1979.
Literally the first sentence on the first search result on the first google search

Hopefully they stop trying to ban Kratom too, that stuff is great. Works wonders for anxiety and insomnia

By the 10th
We are free nations

>he needs drugs to not be a neurotic basket case
What a weakling

Did nothing for me but upset my stomach. Needed like 12 pills to feel anything and then it was a very very very very light buzz. I used red vein.

Am I doing it wrong or something?

>It seems silly how it’s a gradual process of each state accepting it.
No that’s how it should be. The federal government shouldn’t be mandating anything and it should be left up to the states

Nor did it have the authority to illegally spy on US citizens or to enforce Common Core.

Just blaze it goy.

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You're insecure about yourself so you want others to be even more miserable, in order to seem stronger in comparison. Is that it?

He says on a weed thread lol
You do you, bub. I use it for insomnia and the murder inducing rages I get from dealing with niggers in the Division of Corrections.

I'm happy illinois legalized marijuana because I don't drink and still like to get a buzz but it sucks that it was fat cat Pritzker whose family pushes the transgender ideology and backs tranny hormone manufacturers that did it. At least maybe the state might climb out of its impending ruin with the economic boost

Red vein is good for pain, and general anxiety.
White vein for energy, like a mild stimulant.
Green for sleep and sedation.

I dont take the pills, I buy bulk powder and mix 2 grams with 20 oz. Gatorade. Boom, good for the day.

The pills are ok, but only if you make them yourself. Get 000 pill casings from any vitamin store, and bulk powder from Socal Herbal Remedies, a months worth cost $25.

The best part so far is that you cant really fuck it up. If you do too much, you will throw up. That's it. If you push past that point, I'm not sure. Never tried, never plan to.

Maeng Da is the best kind.

Yes, this is true.
Other guy, remember this. Green Maeng Da

They can criminalize any part of the weed economy that involves weed or money crossing state lines. It's called the fucking 10th amendment, I just told you. That's exactly the reason why it's a "gradual process of each state accepting it" you densoid.

there will be a bill sponsored in Virginia to legalize

dude weed lmao

Any weed use is gay.

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Not all states have the required amounts of degenerates to pass it yet

It's only good it's that way. Let the states make the most laws and the federal state make a very few around trading standards and defense. The lower the administrative level is, the more you have a say in it's workings.
community -> city -> state -> federal union.
Let most decision be made locally, to ensure a more competitive market. It is fucking annoying for farmers to have city-folk decide what to do.

>I'm happy illinois legalized marijuana
Why ? It’s probably going to be 60$ a gram after taxes



No, they didn’t and the SC ruled in favor of Timothy Leary and legalized weed. It was short lived because Nixon was “smart” and scheduled weed through the fda.

You want a hit off this bong?

if Trump could sign that Virginia bill the nation might make special exception president for life, that and dumping the fed

Not to mention there are only like 1,000 licenses to actually sell weed granted.

Which means the state and all the politicians will enrich themselves with it and everyone else wanting to participate gets totally fucked.

hell no, dems would say they will and then blame other party for no, republicans are the same, more getting nothing done, we need restrict term limits to 1 in both houses and extend presidential term limits to 3, prevent lame duck syndrome every other term

Yet another example of Illinois being a total shit hole.

>Which means the state and all the politicians will enrich themselves with it
look at CA, cannabis was 1/5 of their state budget with medical only, once recreational happened you have commodity pricing, 800 a lb, stuff costs so little you really should never buy it

more US presidents from IL than any other state, makes total sense

When we find other ways of justifying using white tax dollars to pay for police in minority communities. The drug war isnt about drugs. It's about finding the money to police shitty communities which have ruined their own tax base.

Only reason the retards in my state voted the govenor in, they didnt realizes if you want a weed card he gets your firearms

Thats how all things like this go...Suffrage? Same thing, several states allowed woman to vote before it was federal.

Should be legal only for medical use. As someone in the medical field I've seen both its great physical effects when prescribed and its horrible psychiatric effects when overdone recreationally. Should be treated just like painkillers in that sense

It only harms the developing brain.

Every faggot who says this has some equal or worse habit like chugging three sodas a day or eating fast food multiple times a week

Not at the moment.
Too many radicals, lawmakers are like 40% radical from the impeach motion they made earlier.

They won't get shit done that's why it's going through the states.

Unless you want to get addicted and have some of the worst withdrawals I suggest stay away. The honeymoon phase ends in about a month.

Who cares

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Dude in medical field says that pot should be treated like painkillers. You are the problem. Just for fun how do you treat a plant like a pill?

Have you tried quitting yet? Just wait for those withdrawals to set in. First 3-5 days suck , but the 3-6 months of PAWS really suck. I would reconsider using this.

I used for 5 years and it got me nothing but a full year of deep depression when I quit.

I hope it never is legal in my state so degenerate califags and niggers won't move here.

Marijuana is the most redpilled drug. Why do you think republicans want to decriminalized it?