Trump pins pro-Israel tweet

Fuck every goddamn anti-semite on this shitty board. Fuck all of you bitches, Trump is making Israel great again and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop him.

MIGA + MAGA = freedom and prosperity

Attached: migamaga.png (731x533, 483K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mark Levin
This is why DRUMPFT never wins, he keeps sucking the dick of the hook-nosed faggots who sabotaged him during the election.

Attached: Mark Levin anti-trump kike.png (699x887, 356K)

Fuck you, idiot anti-semite, Trump won in 2016 and he will win again in 2020.

It only seems to be prosperity for Israel, though. I see no evidence whatsoever that Israel is providing economic or military support to Americans in America. Even if they wanted to, we wouldn't need it - we're not currently under attack by anyone.

Make no mistake, this is a one way road. Americans are being forced to contribute tax dollars to a country several thousand miles away because they have lobbyists in our government.

If you can't understand why people would get pissed about Americans starving while we pay money to finance wars IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, then I can't explain it to you.

Levin switched to Trump in the general though you fucking schizo

Attached: 1561596038181.jpg (950x960, 66K)

>I see no evidence whatsoever that Israel is providing economic or military support to Americans in America.
Watch this

>Make no mistake, this is a one way road. Americans are being forced to contribute tax dollars to a country several thousand miles away because they have lobbyists in our government.
No, but because they are literally our best ally. Jews are the only ally white people in general have.

Wake up!

Great video, love PU!

It seems kind of desperate.
>Please don't incriminate me with your epstein honeypot! I take back all those things I said about America first.