Why can't right wingers create good art?
Why can't right wingers create good art?
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Several of my knives and one sword hang in several Modern Art Museums across the US and one in Europe.
Doing actual things that are good
Knives and swords aren't art they are crafts
Says the leftard who can't do the art of meme.
We are the very best at art. Every truly great artist of classical antiquity has been conservative. Liberals cannot do any hard work, so they flock into art, and the stuff they produce is shit, like modern art.
>art isn't important
Chink or commie?
>they are crafts
Metalsmithing and woodworking are art forms, you insufferable 3rd Worlder.
Not moved, you aren't creating art. Art is the subject of the thread not crafts
Arno Brekker
You should read Kerry Bolton's "Artists of the Right".
nearly all of the old masters were racist, sexist, and highly religious
try harder you little inca spic
art is dead, the left killed it
Coping at maximum
Arno Breker's statues were all destroyed (despite not containing any overt Nazi symbols such as swastikas) because it was so powerful they feared that they would not be able to end national socialism as long as such inspiration existed. Same with all of the monuments Hitler built.
who decides what art is good? is there even good or bad art?
You're wrong.
Just a shit copy of commie propaganda art
If shit smeared on a canvas is considered art then everything is.
I'm a photographer.
>shit that Needs some muscle to be created isnt art, but some fag painting his dog is
i thought Peru killed their fags, why are you still around ?
Wagner made some pretty good music
Look up the definition of art retard
They can
Next shill attemp plox
The left is post modern. Their art is trash.
I'm too busy sharping my Katana collection.
gelatin is that the israeli group who participated to 9/11 ?
Because whites are sub human trash who need to be exterminated
Do say?
Is an iPhone also art just because ugly art exists?
>America has no culture
Because they're all Muslims. And Muslims actively exterminate their artist population.
>implying this isn't good art
Wouldn't surprise me modern art is just a jew money laundering scheme.
>Right wing can't do....
>post modern leftist "art" is bett-..
i would unironically buy a coffee table book of your photography.
I could argue the language you speak is a work of art and English is a historically right wing language
These are ads retard
>Is an iPhone also art
Did a liberal take a dump on it? If so yes.
I'm working on it. Will be released no sooner than 2025 since I will be dead and no one can complain and sue
How much good art are leftists doing right now?
>America has no culture, no?
why is ben the jew on the left side?
>right wing can't do art amirite goys?
>the patriarchy ruined art...
>"Art isn't art unless I deem it so"
By that logic, statues aren't art and neither are paintings
funny coincidence indeed
Pic related is his best work, celebrating multiculturalism and tolerance
God damn he woke
Art is mainly created by unhappy incels
It's an expression of mental imbalances
Interesting question
>who said they weren't?
>define your term "art"
If contemporary modern art
>founded/gatekeeped by (((acadamia)))
>galleries funded/ran by (((liberals)))
>patrons/collectors (((liberals)))
>American are center always (((NYC)))
>artists have always been freaks/gay
>artists always been targets of govt who want to keep influencers in line
>abstract exspressionist movement in 1930s all Jews fleeing Europe
>Any right-wing artist who tried to step foot into the contemporary art world would be ran out in a (((New York))) minute
>also despite the idea the artists are free thinking individuals, culturally they're all cookie cutter sheep and would never think of straying politically
Take your meds schizo
>>American ART center always (((NYC)))
This let's burn all white art, churches, sculptures, etc. It's all incels we all need insectoid Chinks ruling over us
because right wingers are the ones who have to sell the diarrhea you call art.
He retard; just because he painted photographs of traditional time glimpses of American heritage didn't mean he was redpilled. In fact, the guy was a liberal. Not that I'm a liberal, it just really is hard to find American conservative visual artists of noterity
you know in your heart this is false. leftist art is shit.
What? How many art dealers have you met?
Why are you gay?
Why can't the left wingers create good art?
>art dealer
the dealer will be MUCH more right wing than the artists of what hes selling
You're both right. There's art in craft, and craft in art, but art exists for itself, has no other purpose besides being art. Crafts can be artfully made, and they often serve a purpose, have a function. This, to me, is the distinction. It doesn't make one better than the other. Art serves no purpose, can be easily perceived as meaningless. An exquisitely crafted bowl or sword loses its purpose if it is only for display, making it similarly useless. A fine art vase can be used to hold flowers or keys or umbrellas, but in doing so loses its purpose. They are distinct, but overlap.
memes are art
if dada and canned turds are considered art by the left, then certainly our memes are fine art
also kys spicnigger
Also let's be honest; conservative/liberal dichotomy is a regional affair in America. Art has a home in (((NYC + LA))). How many gay Liberals you know can shoot a gun and ride a horse?
That Tarrant video was preddy good. The sound track made it even better.
>maximum cope
You mean either much more gay or much more European-Jew. Where do you guys get this shit from?
Funny thing that urinal was actually mocking nonsensical art
No it wasn't. It was rethinking/questioning art. Just like this thread.
ok you tell me
which is more right wing capitalism
>drawing doodles
>selling doodles drawn by somebody else
Yes it was
>Art of the Deal
its always the latter
the person selling the thing that is art has to create the value, this involves a lot more creativity than it took to make the art in the vast majority of cases.
We do though
You’re looking at the wrong artists clearly.
I’d go as far to say even bansky isn’t a cunt. Go inspect from bruegels
Okay fag what’s art
implying memes arent art you philistine
im considered right wing by many people &
have been told that i am a good artist
Kid, we *invented* art, music, and architecture as you assume it should be
based, pics?
>American mutt claiming European art representing Jewish deities
>tell us Bob, when you cornered the chink little girl against the wall then what happened?
This one is the best. Its the passage of knowledge from older to younger generations.
>shill kike posting behind shill proxy