>"why yes, i think trump is a zionist puppet. How could you tell?"
"why yes, i think trump is a zionist puppet. How could you tell?"
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this might be the worst thread in the history of threads maybe ever.
>nuclear codes joke blah blah blah
You shills are really doubling down on this “trump doesn’t suck Jewish cock” crap aren’t you?
Why did Trump send more money to Israel and more troops to the Middle East BEFORE our border wall got built?
Why is Israel prioritized over our own fucking border?
better vote dem and play my wife's boyfriend's switch.
These Trump faggots are fucking pathetic. Trump is the only thing they have in their life so they defend him to the bitter end. I knew it was over when his daughter married a jew.
I fucking burst out laughing at work seeing this. Easily identifiable soibois and feminists will disappear in the next 4 years. They will be ashamed to ever admit they never supported the President.
Ah yes, the memories of that shitty Krystal model bring me back.
Just kill Jews.
Shhhhhhhh kike boy. Back to work at the jidf now