Should the minimum wage be raised to $15 an hour?
Should the minimum wage be raised to $15 an hour?
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the price of food will go up and you will only have a bigger number and not any more money.
why not raise it to 30$?
Nope it should be eliminated
Holy shit I want those milkies to smash my balls into smotherenes
FUCK I love Angela White.
her tits suck tho but her attitude is awesome
It would be 26 dollars an hour had it kept up with inflation
Yeah I'm all for it.
>Minimum wage goes up
>Business owners are forced to lay off a fuckton of millenial parasites relying on tips
>Millenial parasites can no longer afford their lavish lifestyles
>Forced to get real jobs such as blue collar work and compete with foreigners for actual work
>Women are forced to become housewives since easy waitress positions will be in far less demand
Maybe the next generation won't be raised to be free riders and actually rebuild society
247$ an hour, so people will be forced to do
thing for themselves instead of enslaving others.
Sigh... we already gave the left the minim wage and that was not good enough.
It is as if having the government set things is stupid because they cannot keep up with the market or something.
No. Fuck off and die you filthy commie.
Why not raise it to 100.000€ so everyone can be a milionaire and buy race cars and mansions?
Or we could just take women's rights away and solve it that way.
Start a business and pay all of your minimum wage workers $15 an hour and see how it works. Until then, go be a commienigger somewhere else.
At this point, I say yes.
I just want to see this country collapse.
Only for women because they get disadvantaged in the workplace. And to stop men from hiring only men, there should be women quotas in any workplace.
Based, also nice digits
>require women get paid more then men
>no women are ever hired again because of ridiculous costs
>they all go back to being wives
>no more need for wamen gibs
>it's removed from the nondiscretionary budget with the reason that maority women have families and also are required get paid more in the workplace
>women no longer feel ok with cheating due to the safety net being removed
>labor market shrinks, wages all raise
>number of taxpayers decreases, taxes stay the same, budget spending decreases across the board
>Women all become low risk insurance liabilities due to faith in women's safety at home
>Insurance becomes cheaper, more men are making more money, govt revenue increases
>Universal health insurance actually becomes possible for the first time in american history
>less women go to university for doing housework
>Universities spend less on useless amenities
>Universities spend less on useless degree programs
>University enrollment goes down. University prices go down to increase enrollment and because they spend much less
>Govt programs to allow improverished people to uni can now apply to more people, but less people now need it
>this essentially creates near universal male college enrollment
>all because we required that women be paid more than men
100% this, the commie got it, definitely 100% agree with this
You know the fucking drill, whore. Post 'em.
No, it's simple.
Raise the min and then shit costs more.
So everybody that makes more than min wage(the middle class) gets hurt because there wages stay the same yet prices went up.
kys agi scum
>$15 an hour
>fiat currency
heres a random image from my dump as this is just another baitshill thread
Why stop at $15? Why not $50? $100?
Fuck if we’re gonna legislate ourselves wealthy let’s go all the way $1000000000/hr min wage full Zimbabwe tier.
will watch this later on my Vive
why not just make them billionaires? ezpz
food prices are usually considered "sticky", they won't go up as fast, so in the short term people will have more disposable income. Which if they spend will stimulate the economy.
Yeah it went up to $14.00 per hour here, and I just read a report that they need a minimum of $25.00 to be able to afford an apartment
$15? Why is it necessary to raise the min wage to $13? $10 is too much.
>Should the minimum wage be raised to $15 an hour?
Ask Bernie's paid election workers, I saw they wanted to be paid that.
Youre right sir! 7.25 an hr and 70 years of wage stagnation is more reasonable!
Fucking kill yourself.
I'll give the girl on the left a raise if she becomes my sex slave.
Is that the blonde with the case of tweaker man face, or the brunette?
If you have VR gear go to vrcosplayx
>$15 minimum wage
Yes, but then all welfare programs need to be axed as well
raise it one or two dollars but 15 is too and food has gone up, minimum wage has not
by the way, a 15 dollar minimum wage just means more people hiring illegals and paying people under the table. as well as people getting fired and replaced with automation
also it means more jobs going to other countries and less jobs in America
If the minimum wage gets boosted to 15 dollars an hour, I'm going to fire my legal Assistant, and tell my paralegal and receptionist they have to copy and file, to cover the gap.
This post reeks of boomer scum
I think perhaps inflation should be fixed instead.
She's Jewish so I'm sure she's ok with that. Go for it user
exactly and thats the problem we already have here in europe
I cannot understand why people are so blind to not see that
They are always talking about decreasing the space between the poor and the rich
In fact, what they mean by this is
Giving out "free" money to "poor" people to destroy the middle class
The super rich are not affected by this at all, it only helps then
Because without a middle class, they can simply "rule" the economy, having no competition, being able to freely choose prices, without having to have a good product or service
All in all, everyone who is talking about raising the minimum wage is either retarded or a kike
This will ruin our economy, like it already did in europe, and just leads the way to a communist leftist jew system, in which we will have to live, with all the good goy points and social engineering
The best thing would be, no minimum wage at all, to have something you must earn it, it would make the middle class stronger, the super rich less strong, and poor people would also have their niche, it would also benefit some of them
The rest cant expect something big in life, when they are not working for it, like the rest
A few hundred euros wont make a difference for those people, but it will for the other majority of people, living in that country
Let's raise female wage by 20% of what the man makes. No, 30%, or maybe 40%
You know because we need to think about the feminists of course.
*feels inner jew rising
A higher minimum wage hurts the people it's intended to help. The number of jobs decreases and everything else just gets more expensive.
>Only for women because they get disadvantaged in the workplace.
So Femanon I am guessing you want to come out, and work in the field like we men doing concrete, digging ditches, and other things that build civilization. I will train you to operate, and maintain a concrete pump. Yes you all are so disadvantaged working 9-5 in ACed offices. Oh the humanity!
Why not 100 dollars an hour?
Hey buddy, I’m agreeing with you. $1,000,000,000.00 minimum wage for everybody! Why let the elites be the only ones enjoying immense riches?
>The real concern is how to ensure that companies don't milk you alive for your boost in wages.
Companies complain that then they wouldn't be able to pay people/afford goods & services of this nature... This is a falsehood. If min wage was increased you could raise prices of products and services.
we all know a higher min wage will become an excuse to drastically increase prices, this can only be combated by consumers denying to pay/buy crazily priced products in order to stabilize and correct the inflation & devaluation companies capitalize on
>Since minimum wage was enacted it hasn't changed much or increased with the economic inflation
This killed the greatest source of income/trade in the USA, the family unit. By not increasing min wage with inflation we have thus ruined the white family unit that was the backbone of US commerce. Large families spend lots of money for goods & services, this boosts the economy, and keeps prices low & dollar value high due to the families requiring to wisely spend their hard earned cash.
By not correcting minimum wage we have a economic sink that is essentially slowly becoming a slave & elite class.
>"Higher Minimum wage will ruin the economy goyim"
This is bullshit as well, we all know the more money being circulated within a country the stronger the economy it has. Buy increasing min wage more commerce will happen, this is routinely proven. If passed Consumers need to try an keep prices as low as possible in order to combat the inflation bubble we have been experiencing.
>Family units are usually 1 dad, 1 mom, and 1 kid nowadays
>in the past, when minimum wage was enacted it was to ensure families of 4 could afford housing & food, while providing enough wage to boost/keep the economy healthy
>currently min wage is $7.25, on average you need 3-4 full time min wage jobs to raise a family of 4-5 in order to afford all expenses without any worries. And this is in one of the cheapest living areas in the states alone
>by not increasing minimum wage you are dooming the LARGE WHITE FAMILY DREAM and are driving families into the welfare trap
>if we suddenly increase min wage the economy would need time to catch up
companies would attempt to sell at twice the price asap, but any sane individual would think its insane and instead seek cheaper small business providers thus boosting local economies & not lining elite pockets. It would also motivate people to grow & sell their own goods again to combat high prices.
By doing so we keep prices low, boost white family units, combat rampant economic devaluation via inflation, and encourage a non welfare state society. This will in turn lower niggerdom, and spichood by removing the economic incentive of minorities to be mating rabbits and allow whites to have larger families in the process
You must destroy the welfare state to prevent white replacement, and INCREASING MIN WAGE is the best choice we got to make welfare unappealing to minorities, whites, and trash groups. you gotta keep welfare benefits unchanged in order to kill its support & people's motivation to use it. We have all seen The Minority that does applications and doesn't get a job in order to stay on welfare, well if welfare doesn't help as much as min wage, we can kill the welfare state & the minority hood farms. ITS A WIN WIN, and all we gotta do is pay a few more cents on the dollar for shit we use every day that we can't make/do ourself
That’s retarded logic. Mostly because it’s not even remotely true. Food prices can change rapidly. It’s why there are futures on the price of things like basedbean and corn.
But even if it were true it doesn’t mean food prices won’t eventually increase. So we just keep raising the minimum wage over and over to combat the slowly increasing prices of food because the minimum wage has been increased ?
>Youre right sir! 7.25 an hr and 70 years of wage stagnation is more reasonable!
Yes, and 0.00 an hour is the most reasonable of all.
Minimum wage laws just force the poor to work as unpaid volunteers/interns for years before they have the "job experience" to work a minimum wage job.
Minimum wage should be around $22.00 an hour if we were to keep the same purchasing power as we had in the 1970s.
Profits would temporarily dip percentage wise, but the amount of boost the economy would have from so many people buying so many things they have been desiring for so long would be off the charts. There wouldn't be a new cat left on a lot.
this. Canada minimum wage is $15 an hour.
raising the minimum wage will simply raise the cost of everything; it drags down the middle class, it doesn't prop up the poor/stupid/lazy class
no get rid of the minimum wage and just give everyone UBI
>Profits would temporarily dip percentage wise,
Being this deluded, stop smoking weed. Corporations, and their shareholders do not just allow their income to drop.
post a picture of someone who gets paid atleast min wage.
Why not a soft cap on wages instead?
>any household making above 300k is taxed at an additional 15%, with 3% off per child
>any business/corporation operating in the US that makes over 3 million profit annually is taxed at 40% of their gross income
>these can stack
>Cali and New York fags btfo
>upper middle class and higher are encouraged to have kids
>big businesses can still make huge numbers but are forced to invest in their employees to avoid the tax
>small businesses are largely unaffected
It should be tied to inflation and raised incrementally every year. $15 is just a random number that they thought they could get people to rally behind.
>t. sub-100 IQ dullards that think real commies post here
>what is inflation
No, they shouldn't be built to be jobs to live off of, to accommodate for the higher wages, they're going to have to up the prices of their food, because of this other shit will rise and then die to inflation it will be worse than what it was
Also this VR scene was God damn amazing
Due to*
The minimum wage is an excelent way of keeping niggers unemployed.
Niggers are mostly uneducated, some don't even have a high school degree so that makes it more worthwhile to hire a white man because whites tend to be more educated, why hire an
uneducated nigger for $5 when you can hire a more qualified person for $5?
I challenge any leftist or if there are any people who care about social justice here to make a counterpoint to this post.
I'd rather them be on that than unemployed like fuck, if they're unemployed there's going to be a greater likelihood for crime and on top of that we'll have to pay for unemployment/welfare
There's a high quality sex doll of the girl on the left that you can find on aliexpress.
tell that to Canada
only blacks want minimum wage to be raised because they're too dumb to realize that it wouldn't fix anything
The minimum wage should be enough that a White Teenager can earn a little spending money while they lean what a job is. That is all that a minimum wage job is meant to be. It was never intended to be a living wage for invading criminal aliens who should not even be in America, or any civilized White Nation.
The minimum wage should probably be around 5 dollars an hour, maybe not that high.
How much would you pay some dumb teenager who doesn't know what a job is or how to do it?
If, for some reason, they are doing a great job and deserve more than the minimum rate, they you can go ahead and pay them more than that, nothing is stopping you from doing that.
My point was that blacks will never be worth their uneducated labor if you can pay an educated white dude the same. If wages were left to the market they would be better adjusted and unemployment would also reduce. If you want employed niggers, minimum wage isn't the way to go.
>will inadvertently help big businesses by shitting on small businesses
>the collective of small businesses provide meaningful competition against big corp.
>will effect non-profit businesses
>will cause positive feedback loop between cost of living and higher min. wage
>raise min. wage, cost of living goes up, therefore we need to raise min. wage, costs of living will go up even more
>companies will fire people and raise prices of goods and services to make up for profit loss due to paying MORE for labor
Did I miss anything?
What the Hell?
Those bitches are not young teenagers who need to begin with a minimum wage job.
And they are too old to attract a first class husband.
They are of no value.
however for the fags who wont copy pasta my link
I will explain an idea I have
>We could get a senator to draft up a policy proposal that establishes brackets of min. wage for various sizes of companies
>if you're a company that makes 1 billion or more a year, you have to pay your employees 15 an hour
>if your company makes 500 million a year, you have to pay your employes 12 an hour
>if you company makes 10 million a year, you have to pay your employees 10 an hour
>if your company makes 5 million or less a year, you only have to pay your State's required minimum wage
spotted the discord tranny
The underlying issue is, that the job market is filled with low-wage service sector jobs (a lot of them are even part-time jobs) and the jobs in the industry and production are dying out. And there is even a correlation between well-payed service sector jobs and a strong industrial sector. Look at Switzerland: a mere cashier earns more than 4000$ per month and they don't have a minimum wage there.
When the jobs in the industrial sector shrink and shift into the service-sector, you actually need a minimum wage, otherwise you have a lot of impoverished angry full-time employees in your country.
Of course, you could also create an artificial worker shortage, by kicking out all immigrants. That would also rise the wages.
im a fucking genius
CEO here. There is no point in raising the minimum wage. I would have to pay my workers more. Which means I'm going to let some people go because contrary to popular belief my bank account is not harboring and infinite stream of Benjamins.
To cover the new cost to pay my employees I will need to charge my services/product higher. Presumably this will be happening around the board as well. With new capital the cost of living most likely increased as well as people now have more money to spend and apartments are quick to capitalize on that.
At this point we're back where we started, only less people have a job. To be frank, I will survive. My business is small but I have enough income owed to me to tank a hit. But a lot of small businesses won't because their profit margins are low. So not only will those go out of business, everyone working there will lose their job.
Fortunately big corporations like Walmart, McDonalds, and Wells Fargo will be able to absorb this without batting an eye. So we're left with more unemployed people, higher cost of living, and corporations have now eliminated their small business competition.
Basically if you think raising minimum wage is a good idea you're a fucking retard. Especially if you prose some bullshit moral argument that CEOs do nothing and aren't giving you a """fair""" wage, i.e. you are a pussy bitching about a contract you agreed to. Get fucked brainlets.
I should be in the god damn congress, not these yahoos
so you basically make an incentive to work for a big fucking corporation like walmart instead of a local grocer trying to compete and gain market share through competition? genius
>what is inflation
all non-city areas are going to be fucked
puerto rico which minimium wage is tied to federal will see the average wage double, causing a massive depression and more immigration
>more automation
>college students and young adults unemployed
>low wage workers lose all employment due to immigration and no work
but cities should decide all policies
The one on the right looks just like a TS that fucked me a few years back..... anyone know who that is?
no, not at all
BECAUSE they will be forced to pay a bracketed min. wage, they will only hire so much
they still have a bottom line
they still have a profit margin
they still have to compete against the FAMILY owned small businesses who provide more than 53 percent of our workforce employment
big companies aren't going to let in floods and floods of entry level employees, since they will be forced to pay their fixed min. wage
small businesses would benefit from this
just because its a min. wage, doesn't mean they don't pay higher
me and my GF both work for small bussines
I make 20 an hour
she makes 10 an hour, both are well above minimum wage
need a source on that, if minimium wage was "the same as ....."
the empirical data is that it peaked in 1968 at 2017 $ of 9.90$, NOT 22$
thats retarded
no your not
its not retarded
its actually a good idea
it would preemptively help smaller businesses
You just dont get it do you
Eventually the dems are going to take over the house, senate, and executive office due to demographic changes in this country
niggers spics and chinks love the dems
WHEN this happens, they will use this as opportunity to usher in all their bad ideas
Getting something like my idea passed by house, senate, and president before hand would serve as a nice shield for smaller businesses
address a problem before it even fucking happens
you god damn idiot, look at the bigger picture
This could lead to hyperinflation. If wages and prices are both higher, what gets affected the most? Money in the bank. Your bank account is worth half as much because minimum wage is more than twice as high. Now they raise minimum wage again to get people more money, which raises prices again. This happens over and over until Trump's billions can't even buy a loaf of bread. Welcome to Zimbabwe.