Why aren't you gardening this year?

Why aren't you gardening this year?

If you are, what are you growing?

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Weeds. My plan is to get out sometime soon and hack them down before they go to seed. My conclusion is that it's a clusterfuck unless I lay down some of that gardening fabric or at least buy mulch
>buying mulch
how fucked up is that

I will when i have time and my own house with a yard.

Do a bucket garden. It's so much easier.

I live in one of the hot parts of Arizona so basically nothing yet. Trying to keep my aloes alive until the hottest month is over, then planting begins.

You should grow some really hot peppers

too busy browsing and reading Jow Forums

growing cotton for my slaves to pick

ordered some hooker and pizza seeds from china

Fuck your tomatoes.

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take the mycologypill

3 rows of heirloom tomatoes (grape/roma/regular) variety
Basil (I make a ton and dry it)
Bell Peppers
Bananna Peppers


You will never be successful enough to buy your own house.

do you use plugs in a log? I am looking into this now for the future

How do you dry the basil? That shit keeps going just about year round depending on how much you really use.

Matoes Korn bush been been a lazy year

I cut off the stems, then put them into bundles wrapped up almost like a cigar into some paper towels or even cheese cloth. Then I hang them in my back room with a fan on.

no, because I'm not experienced enough. but eventually I would love try that.

Use cardboard or news paper. Then water it down and spread compost. You can easily get a huge compost pile just using grass from mowing and fall leaves. Throw in some egg shells, banana peels, tea bags/coffee grounds/filters, and you'll be well on your way.

Beans, cassava, mango, groundnut, bananas, onions, millet, okra, lettuce, cucomber, watermelon, maize, cashew, oranges

>it's good to own land

rabbits be outa control this year. I will hunt and trap and trade the pelts for yo veggies though.

The first year I tried growing hot peppers, it was just two bushes. Maybe like 2-3gal buckets. Basically a big flower pot.

So many peppers I had to learn how to dry them. Baking tin in the oven at the lowest setting for about 45 minutes. As long as they were good and dry. The learning moment came from when I got one of several containers out to use and it was all full of insect eggs. That's why you want to use several containers. Just moved on to the next one.


that sounds comfy user. How is life in Gambia?

Oh and starting up papaya this year. Also some indigenous plants whose names in english i don't know

I was starting a compost pile but then my landlord's yard crew threw a bunch of broken up concrete and other debris on top of it. I don't know what else, but they managed to kill the tree growing next to it. I'm not thinking that's a good place for compost anymore.

At least I have a lot of worms now. I'm a little iffy on the thought of using cardboard or newspaper in a food garden, but that's a thought.

nice user, sounds like paradise.

I used to make psilocybin mushrooms in a jar with spore prints, brown rice flour and vermiculite. It's easy. I have realized using the plugs is the same thing in a wet log, as long as your humidity is right.

Because I'm not poor

love the choices, but thyme would be a nice addition

i am growing balls this year.
t. FtM degenerate

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t. first nigga to die

>can't grow dude weed in his memeflag "country"

only reason I don't is because my brother has a ton of thyme. We tend to grow a lot of spices and dry them, because of the outrageous dry spice prices in the fall and winter (I live in the Midwest).

And as long as your log isn't full of something else that wants to grow instead. Mushrooms can be easy as pie or a real pisser depending on what else is around that likes to grow in the same environment.

At least it's not like a garden where you have to wait a long time to try over.




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the usual
tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers
trying for watermelons but i can never tell when you are supposed to pluck them

Tomatoes (lots of them)
Various culinary herbs

In winter I'll do kale, Swiss chard and other things.

You will regret using the fabric, trust me. If you get floods a couple years, whatever disease/algae/growth occurs will stay and moisture is also an issue as less sun gets to the soil, causing root rot. You ideally need to change the fabric every few years, and newspaper/cardboard is just a cheaper solution. Sorry to hear about the compost pile, I have mine under a huge bush and keep the lower half pruned so it has a natural barrier. Can also get a couple cheap garbage cans and drill some holes and make your own sifter.

Your dick looks like shit, bae.

Are there any boards dedicated to gardening? Sorry if this is a newfag question btw. I've just always loved gardening and I want to get back into it even if it's just tomatoes in a pot or something.

when the bottoms of them at the root start yellowing

Turn them over once in a while so they don't rot. If they're starting to rot, then you might as well start picking them before they get worse. They're like pumpkins that way. If the ones you start to pick are obviously early then wait longer for the rest.

Grow your beans pedro

sometimes /ck/ but the best gardening threads are always here..unless jannies decide to delete them..EVEN THOUGH they are very political and crucial

Onions, carrots, potatoes, green beans, bellpeppers, Chili's

Then we also have strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, buckthorn, and ofc the woods are full off blueberries, and mushrooms

Nothing's better then homegrown, I just need some chickens

Not too bad. Cheap fertile land and nice stupid natives. Along the coast life is easy and making money is extremely easy. Getting hot now though.

It could have been, if colonization hadn't fallen apart. Still managable though. The best part is that gambians today wish they were under British rule again (or American or German or pretty much any white mans rule)

t. i will just call uber eats faggot


pic related

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I am growing 20 types of peppers, 10 types of lettuce and leafy greens, 2 different beets, four carrot varieties, turnip, radish, cucumber, beans, pumpkin, fennel, amaranth, zucchini and lavender at the moment. Tomatoes are for newfags and commercial fags. I’d rather puchase those through local farmer.

3 different breeds of tomatoes, 4 breeds of strawberry, zucchini, eggplants, basil and coriander.

last year they started out looking good then the ends of the melons where the root attached turned brown.
idk if i waited too long to pick them or what, i kept epexcting them to get bigger like a grocery store melon but they stopped growing at like 1/4 that size

/out/ and /diy/ has nice gardening threads fren.

I'd rather just use grass clippings, especially because they don't spray it down with chemicals. Even the rabbits and whatnot love the yard, unlike the ones that are all sprayed down and mowed by very south americans.

I'm just too autistic to speak with the guy who mows it. He used to leave the bags of clippings out for the trash, but I guess the landlord thought that was too slovenly. Kike landlord even took out the tree I could have used to rake up leaves in the fall and use those.

that's great though, one of my favorite herbs

Interesting. I'll have to look out for more. Thanks.

I can't this year. The white trash and the blacks that moved in down the street kept stealing our pots and tomato plants.

its still bigger than yours, incel

Oh and of course growing my own marijuana indoor tent style, LEDs are the fucking SHIT. I start all my veggies in there too before transplanting.

that is blossom rot, which usually means there isnt enough calcium in your soil. add some calcium and make sure not to overwater.

I don't know why but they are so satisfying to grow. And you pretty much nailed it, they can be easier or harder than plantlife, but when you get the conditions right they explode with lovely mushrooms.

I threw a bunch of spent monotub cakes in my compost pile chopped up and ended up with massive mushes accidentally its really all about how vigorous your mycelium growth is



It rained like hell in the spring. No fucking way I could get anything planted with my yard fucking flooded.

6 tomato plants, 4 pepper plants, brussel sprouts, carrots, butter lettuce, dill, mint, green onions, radishes and pumpkins

Grocery store shit is ridiculous big most of the time. Once they stop growing they're just going to get mealy and lose flavor. Even the apple or peach tree in your yard is going to produce smaller fruit, but it's going to be 10x the intensity of anything at the store.

You can worry about size and yield later on after you get the knack of it.

My outdoor bed is currently exploding with mushrooms like every other day whole new clusters, surrounding my plants, busting out of the wood, it is fucking crazy. I wish I knew if they were edible, I could cook mushroom tacos everynight if so.

this. don't compare your tasty veggies to supermarket abominations. those giant engineered veggies/fruits have no flavor usually.

Yeah, once they're the dominant thing growing they just take over. Whether you're trying to trip out or grow food, mushrooms are underrated.

wild chantrelles here are EXPLODING. I live in the upper midwest. I could easily bag 3 giant onion bags in an hour. I just take what I can use though

How's the yield on the bell peppers?
Tried them the last few seasons and wasn't impressed with them. Maybe get 4-6 per shrub.
I think it might be lack of pruning.
Any tips?

Fresh shit is 100x better if it’s eaten within 24 hours, mind blowing. Even the organic shit at the super markets are tamed because they are not fresh. A fresh radish will give you an energy burst of alertness, a supermarket one will not. Etc etc.

Shitty bro. My 50 year old trees are being uprooted due to hurricane strength winds coming out of nowhere, I'm up north east too. We've been getting so much rain that it's breaking records. Growing has become much more difficult. Ask the guy to go back to bagging the clippings, offer him to leave some garbage bags somewhere and he'll have no problem don't even worry about it. If he's hesitant over a small amount of money or something. Thata's why I let my shit go to weeds, the bunnies love it and I like seeing new babies every year. It's easy to keep them out of the garden too, just put a gallon of water with 1 tablespoon of hot peppers, 2 teaspoon of garlic powder and 1 tablespoon of dish soap in the sun for a couple days to permeate and spray it in between rains.

use raised beds or even 5 gallon buckets.

>finally got rid of gopher that was occasionally munching on my peanuts/cucumbers/zucchini
>next day something munched away most of my just sprouted radishes, some carrot tops and peas
between the critters and this shitty Maine spring we had growing has been a bitch. Almost lost some stuff from an almost-frost in early May which is just ridiculous

do you have a dog? if not, go to your local groomer and ask if you can have some dog fur. put it around your plants and spray it with water. no critters are going to fuck with that shit.

good answer

Yeah I have never seen so many mushrooms in a garden bed and it seems like they may be hindering growth of some veggies. It might be a giant cake at this point haha. I could pick a couple of pounds fresh almost every other day. I just don’t know what they are.

Bad circumcision/whack-job doctor?

>just put a gallon of water with 1 tablespoon of hot peppers, 2 teaspoon of garlic powder and 1 tablespoon of dish soap in the sun for a couple days to permeate and spray it in between rains
huh. never heard of that one, but it kind of makes sense. I put up a some bog standard garden fencing and that seems to keep them out well enough tho.

man hands so we didnt lose anything, probably just a really ugly unknown pronoun

I get good yield, it's like you said you just have to prune a ton. I get most of mine later in the season, they just start shitting peppers. My only advice would be not overwater, and make sure they have a soil ph around 6. Also don't have them around hot peppers, they will cross germinate and they never turn out well.

You are not, have never been and never will be a man.

Green beans, broccoli, carrots, raspberries.

if you want to post a pic I can tell you what they are

you miss the point of the original advice.

you want to snuff out the weeds from the sun using a total cover like cardboard. fighting them with poisons is ineffective.

that's cute

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I got too many squirrels, even with two dogs constantly outside to guard against them, the squirrels always manage to dig up the seeds I plant every fucking time. There's literally dozens upon dozens of them.

Post sounds of it starting up. Old tractors are awesome.

anyone tried cultivating pic related? Edelweiss flower

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make pesto and freeze it

im growing cucumbers and salad
i bought seeds this month i think, there were not many possibilities since it is summer already, also they have already sprouted and they are still in pots but they are in terrace of my parents' house

Onions, garlic, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes and a few herbs for cooking. Spinach tastes really bitter I'm told it's probably soil pH but it still is good for adding to lasagne and casserole. Want to try beans next but I'm really time poor

Netting bro, netting. There is a world of gardening and farming supplies, tools and solutions to any problem you can think of. You just have to figure out what you style you want.

Is that pot?


I have 6 hot pepper bushes, 3 tomato plants, 10 raspberry bushes and some corn.

I'm growning hungarian wax peppers, they are like jalapeno peppers but sweet with a hot after taste. Basically the same spiceyness as jalapeno.

Luckily I live in a desert area in Canada, the weather is pretty much same as californa or arizona. Except it drops to -40 in winter.

Probably cause it’s 100% on you if it succeeds or fails, and barely any work. Mushroom mycelium also looks awesome, and you get a valuable product from it.

With a garden it is lots of work and guesswork, then sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate or bugs get it. Been doing them 5 years and only now have figured out the right drought resistant plants, might also grow some pot (nor cal, pretty ideal conditions)