Why is this 42 yo women trying to live like zoomed thots? Go settle down and start a family!

Why is this 42 yo women trying to live like zoomed thots? Go settle down and start a family!

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Better not, i doubt she can even have children anymore.

because she's an idiot, because she's a woman

Look at those Turkey gobbler arms

>be soulless roastie
>im very spiritual!
What do these people think spiritual means? Doing yoga?

I mean she admits shes a roastie by saying shes only physically affectionate (IE: im a slut emcel)
If you cant even bring yourself to metaphysical emotional love. How the fuck can you bring yourself to spirituality? Pro tip: you cant.

>child free
Says it all

Too late user. It's either zoomer or cats at this point

>holds a fucking knife
>on a dating site
Im an incel but if I had a chance with that one I would pass.


kek, why does she live

>vegan to save the precious animals
>turning your baby into a smoothie and sucking it out into a sink is good

>Go settle down
You think anyone was ever willing to marry her
Even good girls have trouble finding husbands

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>God hates a Coward
>Will never stand up for anything, nor have a reason(child) to
>Literally mocking her "post"-boomerian lifestyle
>Self-understood that they're hated
>Gen Xerpilled

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where have all the good men gone?

>start a family
it's too late, user

I'm interested in finding out what her conception of "dominance" is. Feminists normally construe dominance as exploitation, cruelty, sadism and selfishness. But she's a narcissist, so she would never call herself any of those things.

Maybe she subscribes to the common redd!t intellectualism (of which there is no truth whatsoever) that people who are more "dominant" in their day-to-day interactions tend to enjoy being "submissive" when they're "in the bedroom." Describing herself as dominant then probably means that she wants whoever reads this to know that she likes it rough.

>Even good girls have trouble finding husbands

Look at the flab hanging off her left arm

No kids because the twenty abortion ruined he womb, and the diseases killed the ovaries ability to produce eggs. Disease free now, because men are not attracted to her.

Most most modern men are degernate whoremonging manchildren


homeless 42 year old looking for a free place to stay, im shocked

She's kind of picky for looking like a dude, being old and having shitty tastes.

Look at the flab on the back of her arms.

When she means husbands, she means Chads, there's not enough Chads to settle down, poor them :(

The men who would be otherwise good men are stuck in perpetual adolescence due to video game and porn addiction and probably grew up without a strong father figure in their life.

>when you start birth control at 15 and spend the next 25 years listening to kikes
>This is how the Jewish race ends
>not with a bang ... but lying in a pool of cat piss

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I hate these cunts who make political statements on hook-up apps.

She seems chaotic and highly opinionated. This is a big turn off for most men. I've noticed that as women age without having kids and being married, they become more and more like this type.

If shes 42 she probably cant have kids anymore. By 29 almost every egg a woman has is gone.

You really want this woman to produce children? Are you retarded?

How does this even happen

>Vegans are Communist
Bad example not even a decent woman

> start a family
kek. Nobody can ever be good enough, and at 42... too late..
You are looking at a female Narcissus.

this is a big yikes from me

Whats with the sword lmao

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Yes! Find some poor beta male that is foolish enough to take used goods!

Because men let them.

laughably wrong

> where have all the good men gone?
They LOL'd and didn't bother to show up user.

That’s a dude, dude.

this is why MGTOW exists
women ruin everything when they aren't being treated as property

she's subscription based in all areas that's why.
temp bf temp gf temp job uber netflix etc. nothing physical except maybe a record collection/turn table and the rest will be disposable furniture like ikea.

Constantly proving it's not a phase became their identity.

Someone posted a very interesting theory about childlessness in women and mental health...some correlating posts about animals and false pregnancy and the symptoms are exactly the same.

It's a man.

I wonder how many abortions she's had, assuming anyone wants to fuck that

>42 yo
>start a family
Too late. And why would you punish a man with her as a wife, or kids with her as a mother?

>settle down
in a grave?

That's called failed life

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>Whats with the sword lmao
Probably goes to Comicons hoping some basement dwelling male will find her sexy.

She’s 35 but looks 40 kek!

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>What do these people think spiritual means? Doing yoga?

reading boomer memes on facebook

>minimal drinking, no contagious diseases
She looks like an STD vector.

>364 KB JPG
Why is this 42 yo women trying to live like zoomed thots? Go settle down and start a family!

Because she's a hooah, son.

Why does every fucking whore always love traveling?

Damaged goods. She might as well put the rope around the neck and jump. Ironically it's not only we men who suffer from this feminist shit. Women usually do too when they hit the wall.

>those bingo wings

>Why does every fucking whore always love traveling?

Because they're hooahs, son. They want strange dick from strange places.

they said fuck it, vidya is better

It happens ironically to the higher quality ones more than any others.
They look good, 8+, are pretty smart usually, and during their 20s they get all the dick and validation they could ever handle.
When their 30s roll round, it starts to fade away a bit, the best are no longer there chasing them, but they're still hot and still getting marriage offers thrown at them weekly by decent guys.
But it dries up, or at least the good ones dry up as they pass 35... a lot faster than they expect.
And they are left, still searching, for that one better guy, not quite believing that the best guys no longer have eyes for them. That they now have so little value. Wile E. Coyote running in mid air.
Their own standards never change... Not until it's way, way too late anyway.
I personally know at least 4 of them. They all still believe that someone is coming for them, but all that are left are men they wouldn't touch.

she needs to find a strong man to empower her by paying for her surgery to get those trimmed

For some woman reason as they get older and uglier and lose all value they had they somehow get MORE entitled. Some kind of advanced hypernarcissism.

Checked and based. Modern society doesn't produce men. It produces infantile manbabies who live their entire lives in a perpetual state of arrested development. This is so mega corporations can sell these man-children toys and marvel movies in perpetuity.

They have to fill the empty time.

>start a family
That train has left the station a decade ago

Biocunts will go obsolete with the rise of fembots and artificial wombs. She's a good example of why this will happen

it's just a facade to compensate for their loss of SMV. it's just applied inferiority complex

Did she recently lose a bunch of weight? Looking at that bingo wing.

I have too much empathy as a person, I see these roasties roasting and I hear how scared they are to be alone but they absolutely HAVE to be muh stronk fish bicycle bitches so they never learn. It's sad.

Fuck em.

>punish a man with her as a wife,
There are plenty of men that deserve her

eggs are already rotting at 25

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I am a little confused by this lady. Does she ever kiss? Make out? Does she ever give handies and blowjobs to a longtime boyfriend? Because it would be pretty fucking strange to marry a chick and not know if you are actually compatible in the sack.

>Because it would be pretty fucking strange to marry a chick and not know if you are actually compatible in the sack.
That is what people did for 1000s of years
If you are a man and she is a woman you are compatible in the sack

why do people get facial piercings, they're genuinely hideous.

>TFW you see her at full resolution

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Big yikes, she didn't age well at all

Which site is that leafbro

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>compatible in the sack
Probably one of the most Jewish combinations of words possible. There was once a time, before industrially mass-produced birth control, in which sex outside of marriage yielded a high probability of producing bastard children. Are you saying all of the marriages started before birth control was invented are invalid because of the lack of premarital sex? Fuck off kike.

I still have the instinct to help these self indulgent skanks. I can fucking feel it squirming away. This is how fucked men are biologically when it comes to women.

How about using the paid apps where people arent looking to hookup. Trash app gets you trash looking individuals

They're jerking off to real 2D women.

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We just gonna sit here and ask for a quick rundown?

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She has fuking bingo-wings aged 42. Jesus. Fuking dog-rough.

It says she's 38. But even still, she probably lied by a solid 10 years. A lot of women lie about that. They know that age is currency when it comes to females.

Gobble, gobble, gobble!

Ive known women... She is no woman

I don't use apps. Only good for degenerate used up roasties

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Women hit a first wall at 22, a second at 26 and a thurd at 31/33. The physical changes are astoundingly pretty quick.

Heinlein? U expect me to believe she reads heinlein and is still a liberal nut job?

Id be quizzing that lying bitch

You have to use filters user, to weed out all the trash.

The hell are you talking about?

Look at that loose arm skin dangling like a curtain. Disgusting.

The varies from different lifestyle choices and careers. Women who live relatively stress free age better. The real wall starts at 35 regardless of anything else because it's genetic.

It is a demon not woman. She may have once been a woman but after 42 homeless ramshackle years and upwards of 12+ abortion she has reached the antithesis of the Virgin male wizard.

Your id is psyop bee tee dubz

>contradictions in profile
Everything she says about herself would go out the window with one hard dicking. She should be quarantined.

I regret I didn't fuck some girls 7 years ago. They aren't passable anymore for my standards.

I think y'all are being too tough on her. Not impossible to start a famalam at 42--some people find children with low set ears adorable.

sucks for you id fuck most women.. I'd stop at 40 though.

>Have family
Dude, next time use a meme flag, when you want to be stupid.