Based mutt When the jew is dead you can have your ethnostate
Andrew Sanchez
Lol the irony of all this is that the US is apparently better at resisting Israeli b8 than Iran is. Godwilling Iran will be bombed- and Iran will retaliate by bombing Israel.
How can one nation be so based? No other country, not even Russia or China would sieze a UK ship. Tit for tat. The West broke the nuclear deal and UK illegally siezed their ship in Spanish waters.
If you live in iran and bought gold a decade ago you are very well off now
Tyler Green
Juan Smith
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DESTROY BRITAIN
Joshua Rivera
Jane Bond will be more than enough woMAN to handle this.
Julian Phillips
>The ship seizures are a ruse The ship seizures are a ruse >The ship seizures are a ruse The ship seizures are a ruse >The ship seizures are a ruse The ship seizures are a ruse
This is preplanned and the Iranians are using the guise of piracy to smuggle in nuclear tech transferred from North Korea on the high seas
John Flores
Based Eye-ran
Carson Green
Benjamin Ramirez
Jew news aka fake news
Noah Adams
Its coming back, Prime Minister Johnson with Defence Secretary Hunt will rebuild the military.
Leo Wilson
Led by based pakis Kek
Robert Ortiz
starting with "Ingland"
Nathaniel Foster
If the Brits have balls, they will Chatham Iran (like we did to the Brits) and get their ships back.
has it finally reached the point that britain must give them a stern talking to or does iran need to jack a few more tankers first?
Logan Foster
Shit your mouth
Jordan Johnson
what is it with you brexit cultists and your imaginary EU army and why do you have nightmares about it?
Brayden Carter
Easton Jones
Yes Trump, fucking do it. I want the Trumpcucks to defend yet another awful decision.
Connor Russell
I'm all for a war with iran, on two conditions 1. The MSM doesn't get to analyze and spin it 2. The politicians keep their dirty dick beaters out of it.
Jaxson Wilson
Reminder that obama enabled these people to have nuclear weapons.
Lucas Ross
Do you have a source on that? I don't see anything about Singapore being involved, but I do see that Gibraltar seems to be the primary player in the seizure, and the UK just helped.
My dad is on a Navy ship off Africa and mom just got off the phone with him shaking and stuff. Somethings going on and she wont say anything.
Luke Allen
This cannot be refuted. It is Iran that is acting aggressively and refusing to come to negotiating table for no good reason whatsoever, if they want confrontation then they will get it sooner than later and it will be their own people hurting far more than it will be ours. They should be begging Trump for some sort of peaceful solution but these dumb fuckers have so much hubris they think if they puff out their chests enough they can bully the rest of the world into dealing with their bullshit. Saying its not fair, that America is guilty of the same things is not an acceptable answer. How do you think America should respond to Iranian aggression and their steadfast refusal to any dialogue? The US has extended the olive branch, what has Iran done to avoid confrontation? They can't play a game of tit for tat, they will lose.
Jayden Parker
D... don't tell people about that, Dutchbro
Matthew Bell
iran genuinely retarded
Robert Smith
No Bharat, the mouth is not the loo. We've been over this.
Eastern Europeans doing most of technically demanding jobs, pajeets and flipflops doing manual labor and western officers is pretty much standard in international shipping done by western owned ships.
A war with Iran could divert attention from Epstein?
Jordan Stewart
No they know both the (((us))) and the (((uk))) dont want war since they know the results will be catastrophic to their overlords in tel aviv
So if you fuck with iran and confiscate their ship expect the same for yours
Iran balls are made of steel unlike yours frenchie
Justin Scott
Deluded arrogant ZOGcucks once again are about to bring about another drawn out, multi decade trillion dollar war that will create another failed state in the ME, but this time with Thermonuclear ICBM's What could possibly go wrong
Lincoln Peterson
>Illegally Notice the outcry about how Iran did a thing... but it was in response to other people prodding and poking them.
>Iranians did this >not Israel Sorry faggots... no Greater Israel for you... oh yeah and we'll be seizing the assets of Jews and their corporations for child trafficking >have a nice day
I can see why your country's top export is whores you stupid idiot
Julian Foster
I don't want a war with Iran, but if Britland invokes NATO, we have your backs and will loan you money at reasonable repayment terms. Destroyers for Bases II is on the table as well. I've always wanted to travel to the Isle of Man or Dublin without leaving America.
Michael Jones
>The Iranian MENACE MUST BE DEALT WITH Kikes gonna kike.