Tfw rappers start supporting Trump

>tfw rappers start supporting Trump
Have we won the culture war, lads? The left are seething about this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Donald in da house.... ma maannn

American is not relevant for anyone but retarded burger creatura: stop spamming the board with your mongoloid usa content kys and go back kike

Wtf I love rap now. I unironically want to see this in my lifetime, the Democrat party would be obliterated.

>Literally caring about anything remotely related to usa
Why do You shame your countrymen so much greece bro?
You perfectly know usa is literally not relevant to world's affairs
The only answer You should post to any burgerflag post should be "kys"

Donald Trump just ended racism with a single tweet. Blacks are going to start voting republican.

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I thought kanye had always been a trump supporter

>The very talented Prime Minister of Sweden
What's so talented about him?

Attached: file.png (1104x734, 182K)

Trump is trying to free A$AP Rocky from Swedish jail.
He may be a nigger, but he's America's nigger.