How would you improve/fix Europe using this map

Improve and correct the borders of Europe to how you see fit Jow Forums
How do you think Europe >should look?

Attached: europe_2019.png (2988x2187, 490K)

Countries are made up of races of people, not borders themselves. To fix the countries, you need to weed out particular races.

to start heres my fix

Attached: europe.png (2988x2187, 491K)

Fix? You cut off our sea access yet allowed fucking Ukraine to exist

How'd you fix it

Define "fix" because Europe can't be fixed in terms of making everyone happy. Too much forced relocations, conquests and redrawing of borders.
Me just wanting a peaceful diplomatic path to restoring Germany's borders would piss off half of Europe by default even if Jesus came down to endorse it.

Central europe = Poland
The rest = our vassals
These threads are so retarded..

Attached: 1563218511437.gif (900x720, 87K)

Attached: 1562532655633.png (1828x1647, 314K)
