Who Are You Voting For?

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Any democrat besides Biden.


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The Dem I actually want to get the nomination is Tulsi. She won’t get it. So I’m voting Trump

Bubba Bo-Bob Brain for President
Freakazoid for VP

the dims select their candidate the week before the Olympics 12 months from now

Trump because I live in CT, any democrat if I lived in a swing state.


would vote for boomer bernie for a piece of that sweet la raza cosmica pussy

bidens son just married a jew. so avoiding dems might be an idea

He’s a big guy!

>leave your wife of 20 years to fuck your dead brother's widow
>leave her to marry a much younger model
You have to admit, he's alpha

thats not alpha, thats peak degeneracy. are you jewish?

For whom are you voting*
Never end a sentence in a preposition.

That Williamson lady then will vote for drumph

Any Democrat.

Probably Biden. I'm not sure who else can win.

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anyone but Trudeau

My vote is so valueless I will continue to write in "Harambe" for every election, ever
Fuck polls

Whoever advances us towards National Socialism(Accelerationism).

I would recommend people voting for Trump, then making Tucker the next one, no joke!

Conservative Party
Brexit Party

who ever the media tells me is the most racist.

2 scoops 2 genders 2 terms
Nuclear codes; acquired

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>I would recommend people voting for Trump, then making Tucker the next one, no joke!
Trump can't justify a second term unless he resorts to "LIBERULS R BAD!" rhetoric.

>Imagine voting for the weak beta cuck Bernie Sanders

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Independent here

Voting Tulsi in Dem primary

Trump is general election



He's falling in the polls. If anyone close to him gets the nom, it's going to be Warren.

Voted for Sanders in the primaries and Trump in the General

Probably the same. Realistically hoping for a Sanders/Gabbard ticket, but my dream would be voting for Jesse Ventura.

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Are you me?

We’re not alone, user. Many of us feel the same. It’s just not going to happen, sadly.


I'm voting for myself as a write-in



A free ticket to destroy that whore’s floppy pussy.

Id say Tulsi for the memes and then Trump when it actually matters. If a better man came up id gladly vote for them instead, but Trump is all we have for now

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you'd make a terrible president; you'd be zogged faster than Trump was.

Hydra 2020

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Fucking checked.


Trump. Only because he's at least slowing things down enough that Tucker/Hawley have a chance in 2024. To vote for anyone else would mean the Republic would collapse. Trumps might love jews, but he loves them less than the rest.

>candidates are always ZOG approved
>he still thinks his vote matters

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Warren. I want to see corporate America fucked in the ass like it hasn't since Teddy Roosevelt.

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Not all

You can also argue that if Trump gets elected again, that it could be the end of the Republican Party in a sense

>double digit iq brown woman voting for communists
>the same communists that her family fled from
it checks out

See above. Trump buys us time to install Tucker / Hawley in 2024, who are lowkey NatSoc

Definitely not this asshole currently in office that's for sure.

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fuck your gay shit.
I ain't clickin that nigga

The Republican party is already dead and Trump is Delivering the death blow to the Democrat party by turning it into a circular firing squad. By 2024, it's going to be blatantly NatSoc v. Communists

I like Warren. I don't like her reparations bullshit.


No. You are speeding that timeline up way too quickly

it's tulsi saying congress wants to go to war with iran because they are israeli agents

I may vote no confidence

woke as fuck

Warren is super close to being a good midwestern candidate if she just dropped some of her most left bullshit. She even gave a different answer on gun control than most of the others, when she talked about studies and fact based approaches, though she still had the implication of an assault weapons ban, so fuck that shit.

Trump, duh

Patrick little.


These bitches need an ole fashioned dose of equality.

The trouble is that anyone who gets in won't be able to pass shit unless they get rid of the filibuster. If they do, it doesn't matter who wins because they all seem to be willing to sign the same things.

>Warren isn't completely cuckoo

Trump! Fuck you fags who vote for anyone else.

Id rather vote for the lesser of two evils than allow the worst into the white house.

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Yes goyim. If you even THINK about voting for anyone other than Trump, then you are a faggot.


Imagine voting for the democrat platform

I’m sticking with Trump.


I fucking wish. But it'll be at least another decade before that happens. One day it would likely happen though. Then the boogaloo would begin

voting is jewish

I dont vote

lmao he revived it. No one cares about a party of cucks, they want a party that has someone like him actually saying right wing things instead of being a progressive+god


Cuz I fucking hate liberals and want to see their fucking hearts get ripped out on election night (yet again). Will be glorious.

No one. Fuck'em all. They are all anti-white male.

Donald Q. Trump

only idiots vote in america.

One can hope user.

For you.

what a fucked up family

Donald John Trump

Bernie but he won’t win. So anyone who will cause corporate acceleration until this dumb fuck country realizes mega corporations aren’t your friend.

Wrong approach. No woman goes for men she can convince.

nice picrelated

Yang for gibs but since he won't get the nomination I'll vote for Trump.