Why do you guys care so much about the white race?

It's just a race, there are plenty of others out there.

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Because we have a Terrorist Zog Enemy that occupies our nations and White Genocides us but they are Guilty of Treason and will one day be dealt with.

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Literally go here bitchute.com/channel/White-Genocide/ for over 1600 videos explaining the answer to your question, juden. But we know a dual israeli Terrorist jew like yourself won't learn. Even if you did, one good just doesn't mean anything. Natural Order will reclaim what has been stolen from the White Race. Things will be made right again.

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Who the nigger spelled Libya like that

Because whether I like it or not, I'm white and that makes me the enemy. Even if I didn't care at all about my race, even if I did everything they want me to do, even if I were to fight on their side, in the end I'm still white and therefore a racist and subject to whatever "retribution" they decide to implement.


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Be Proud of your Race! Take Pride, and Capture the Rainbow!

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My Pride My Flag!

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I'm not white but nobody has to justify why they don't want white people to mixed out of existence, especially not whites themselves. Anyone who unironically asks such a question is a kike, a nigger or a retard and should be disregarded.

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If Jews get an EthnoState, should everyone have an EthnoState?

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