9 Hours of Hitler was Right
Nice thanks
God damn I love bitchute. I forgot why Youtube was good.
Nice try ZOG fbi agent.
Adolf (((Schicklgruber))) was jewish and was chosen to holocaust the Aryan race in which he succeeded. If you are a fan of (((Schicklgruber))) you are a fan of jewish Zionism.
Nice try moron /or stupid Kike jew Rat. Hitler is rising because the world knows that he was right Fight it all you want, but The Great Awakening has been achieved and will only skyrocket from here forward.
>this idiot thinks Adolf (((Schicklgruber))) was Aryan
>everything is mossad
based schizoid. keep trying.
I love Hitler, but it’s no secret he’s the bastard of a Jewish mother.
>I love Hitler, but it’s no secret he’s the bastard of a Jewish mother.
And it's no secret he killed millions of Aryans in WW2 and only a few thousand jews due to Typhus. And neo-nazi idiots are so fucking stupid they think (((Schicklgruber))) is /their guy/
>and only a few thousand jews due to Typhus.
Beware of buttchute links.
america is the greatest enemy of white people but nobody is blaming you
272K is nothing compared to 6 million
The "holocaust" was all preplanned Adolf was their boy thats why they let him escape to South America. If you think 9/11 was impressive it wasn't shit compared to the so called holocaust.
Check your numbers newfag
You do realize that Red Cross apologized for the document and confirmed that it was faked since it was used in propaganda stuff right?
>INB4 but dey are da jooz
Wow, didn't knew Jews would change their mind so quickly, or at least, tell the truth.
>You do realize that Red Cross apologized for the document
Hitler isnt a shicklegruber nor is he jewish since his own haplogroup already debunks it.
Also he has blue eyes and blond hair as a child no one is falling for your bullshit kike and not only that it contradicts with the many lies of this shecklegruber.
First off this is communist propaganda projecting marx jewish onto adolf
Is jews using the claiming others trick who which my boy bobby had called out before.
>your a fan of zionism
Or simply put you are plain retarded who fell for the oldest trick in the book.
Also wrong again if hitler was so fond of zionism why is it that they assassinate his ss officer.
And calling it a criminal haven.
>Goes for a mess of a narrative that contradicts its self more often than not that makes movies likr the star wars sequels look coherent in comparison.
You think anyone is falling for it jew?
>killed millions of aryans
You mean a war that was declared by the likes and britian which had been prolonged due to churchill and becausw the international bankers got assblasted against a nation that defended there homeland?
>he killed few thousand
He didnt even try to kill them he wanted to deport them.
Well shit my guy I guess libya is at fault for the european crisis for not stopping gadaffi from being killed.
Oh ya I forgot to mention michael collin piper which btfo this who claim which surprisingly enough jewtube shut most of those videos down but the ones claiming hitler is a jew, a muslim, a fucking faggot
All stays up.
Then his free palestine speech which again gets shut down
Crush the freemasons and debunks of him being a freemason all get shut down.
His alliance with al amin which again gets shut down.
So go fuck your self for not arguing in good faith or where those claims even came from.
Wow, that guy rocks!
>escape to south America
No but there is a letter which concluded had him dying and body burned to a crisp.
Quit falling for the history channel meme.
Never happened and was not pushed till the 70's or the 80's
Go make another holohoax thread and I will gladly rekt your shit.
trip doubles
then trips
nice image.