Antifa and the metal scene

Hey guys, Jow Forums fag here hoping for a bit of assistance from a more knowledgeable group.

My buddy runs a concert booking company in my locality. Its mainly centered around black metal music. Antifa has been protesting his shows, sending derogatory emails about his company to venues and flat out committing libel from a myriad of fake FB accounts.

Any tips on identifying these people? I've suggested he reach out and see if they'll talk on Skype, even to berate them, and pcap their IP as the audio stream is open. He doesn't think they'll go for it though.

As a fellow metal head and huge 2A supporter, anything that can be done to set a legal example of these pricks would be a step in the right direction. I mean, this is libel and has a quantifiable loss of revenue for him (even though he does this for fun).

First Jow Forums post BTW.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>reddit spacing
>blog post
>no timestamp
go back to tumblr or whatever faggot

lol sorry man

Shoulda greentext, I know.

Talk to your local Proud Boys chapter. Chances are they already know all the antifa in your area and where they live.

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Let the metal fans sort it out. Just move the mesh pit outdoors or let them indoors

Invite a rightist group and provide a space for them to help organize resistance. you have no idea how powerful it is for civvies to cry out for help from the leftist - it basically illuminates the heroism of rightist resistance

This a board of peace but you can go to minecraft with a spiked baseball bat and work out your aggression on them.

Thanks all. Part of the problem is that the venues are starting to blacklist him because they don't want to deal with the harassment they're getting from these regressive idiots. Even our major news publication wrote an article about a band he brought because one member used to have some sort of tie to NSBM music. I've yet to see these scum at an actual show but pics I've seen from ones I have missed, they're fucking twigs.

The Proud Boys are low IQ faggots.

I met a few in my area and I wasn’t impressed.

this shit happened a few months ago with a show in kansas city. you cannot deal rationally with antifa.
you are up against a group of snot nosed cowardly faggots that have absolutely no chance in life to be successful so they feel the need to blame successful people for their failings. all i can suggest is that the promoter assure the venue that the groups booked are not overtly politically incorrect and hire extra security to deal with the commies. sorry.
p.s. can you say "nigger" on Jow Forums?

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