go ahead, i'll wait.
Name one politician more hated by the zionists
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Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord.
The kikes absolutely HATE him. Vampire men are seething with jealousy while the women throw themselves sat him.
It's safe to say that Sorin will Make Innistrad Great Again.
He wasn't voted for, but JIDF hates this guy. I've never seen Omar attacked on Jow Forums.
sounds based.
any that aren't fictional characters?
"a jew living in israel is no enemy of mine"
suuuure bud.
See? Like clockwork. JIDF will never criticize the anti-white gang of four, only the one who would actually do something to stop white depopulation. JIDF fears action and promotes meaningless virtue signaling.
Dumb fuck...care to go hard mode? Make sure you specify dead or alive
This chick is a CIA plant. Look how think and frail she is in that recent return video. Also look how her handler has to physically direct her into the crowd. Chick is under some sort of mind control and legit has no idea what she is doing at all.
Ok kike shill