Listen, you either give us the milk money, or we’re taking the kid

Listen, you either give us the milk money, or we’re taking the kid

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Other urls found in this thread:


Incomplete info, provide the race of the kid.

we're mctaking the kids

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Why don't they just feed the poor kids to the regular kids?

All food should be FREEEEEEEEEEE

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How dare they request compensation for a product?
I'm literally shaking right now

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If parents can't afford to feed their children they should be removed, literal definition of unfit parents

Pey denbts

the public education system is literally set up for future wage slaves to become tax cattle

Buying a kid for $75 is Thailand tier.

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Weird that kids have some kind of tab they run for lunch. When I was a kid if you didn't have money you didn't eat, and if your parents were good they packed you lunch. Fuck did this noise come from?

>If you don't pay $75, we will take your kid.

Lmao. Are Americans even human? Or are they kikes in human skin?

Eliminates the need for lunch money which stops Bullies from getting a income which leads to less drugs in school

I don't understand, why would the kids get removed from their parents simply because they have a debt to the school cafeteria?

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They wouldn’t. The School District was threatening the parents with that

Never send your children to public school.

if i ever got a letter like that in the mail, they'll be tearing down that building forever after I'm done.

Coming from a leaf where your country will take away someone's kid if their parents don't let then chop off their dick.

>when you don't pay for your kids' lunch so the McSchool™ takes your children as compensation

What the fuck??? I live like 5 miles from Kingston.

Imagine not feeding your child and then getting uppity at a demand for you to pay for your dereliction of duty.

>Wet, runny rice
>Unfiltered beans (high sugar content)
>Obviously canned or jarred fruit (not fresh)
>Some kind of sickly looking meat
>What the fuck is that thing on the left?
>Plastic bag of chocolate milk

Fucking disgusting.

Our schools had the best comedores in the world just 10 years ago, sad!

You would have to have a kid first, Adam Lanza. That requires sex

Send your kids to private school or do homeschooling.
Problem solved.

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Sounds like a well thought out, sound plan.

So it's just an empty threat meant to scare the parents into paying then? Also why doesn't the school just figure out the cost of lunches at the beginning and charge parents when they enroll their kids in school? The school could create id cards with a magnetic strip or barcode that get's scanned when the kid gets his lunch, money gets deducted from there and the kid gets his meal without parents having to worry, at the end of the school year whatever is left in there could either be given back to the parents if they want it or donated to the school.

>What the fuck is that thing on the left?
Yeah, what the fuck is that? looks like a urinal mint with tapeworms. WTF!

Because trash parents won't pay, then the school catches heat for not feeding the kid.

Not even the worst meal I've seen in my day.
Once had goulash that made four people puke upon tasting it. One of the lunch ladies got sugar and salt mixed up as well as under-cooked the pasta and meat creating the worst fucking taste texture combo anyone had had up to that point in our short lives.

> Send your kids to private school or do homeschooling.
They can't afford to pay the lunch fees but they can certainly afford a posh private school or maybe the very expensive home school curriculum, which also doesn't put them at work.
Which they need to be doing, so they can afford all the bullshit you just spouted.
You're a genius.

americans will defend this

>taking their children away is just compensation for a $75 tab
brainlerwojak.png indeed

No we won't, shit's fucked. None of us want to unwillingly be compelled to do something we don't want to.

zoomers will never know the joy of square pizza

shut up faggot, we're already paying to feed your poor corrupt territory

Iirc WVW is roughly 80% white and the rest black and beaner. Another article is saying that 40 kids racked up 20k in lunch money debt. What I don’t understand is, if they’re poor kids they’d qualify for subsidized/ free lunch

Maybe they have brothers and sisters that can be repo'd too

hahaha, truly the land of the free (health-care but only if you're illegal). home of the brave (trannies).

>won't pay $75 for half a year worth of lunches
>send them to private school

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thank you for your service

Public school is “”free”” meaning it comes out of your taxes or other “free” methods, you don’t pay a upfront fee to send kids to school

Well to be fair if you can't pay like $2 a day to feed your kid, you shouldn't have kids

Man, that school lunch has "I do not give a shit about these kids" written all over it.
School cafeterias should be equipped and staffed to feed 750 mouths once every day.

$75 tab is compensation for milk you retard.
And if you can't afford to feed your children then they should be taken away from you

based poo

>But Charles Coslett, another board member who is also the lawyer representing the board, staunchly defended the letter and its message.

“It merely lays out the options available to the district if people continue to ignore their parental responsibility and the nutritional needs of their minor sons and daughters," he told ABC News.

"These parents need to look in the mirror...This matter isn't going away merely because delinquent debtors make Valley West the bad guy," Coslett added.

they're starving Jow Forums
but god forbid we make them a sandwich or give them a few bucks for lunch

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You are absolutely right. Poor kids qualify for free lunch, at least here in my state.

The parents already pay taxes for the school out of their wages. The lunch should be free, but the administration uses the money for frivolous expenditures such as new gym equipment, new bleachers, new track field, new hallways, stainless steel bathroom stalls, etc. Not maintenance, brand new, with stupid high quality material.

Fuck NBC. Bunch of twats stirring the pot. Not ever fat fuck with cats crawling all over her is going to suck the Vegan-Cheeto dust off her fingers before finding that schools twitter page and angrily tweeting at them about:

-“lack of respect for the poor”
-“need for universal government funded program”
-“Some dogshit about retarded math calculation they found on

Those pudgy fingers might misspell a few words.

Because this is funnier.

The parents should be put to death. Feed your fucking kids or don't pop them. It's not mine, so wtf should I pay to feed your fucking kid ? Your can't feed them ? Maybe some AIDS ridden rich fags "couple" can.

Race is a distraction--this is textbook class warfare to keep the poor under the boot of the 1%

Free isn’t the right term you dinkle-shit.

You mean, their payment for the schooling includes meals for the children. Nothing is free.

That’s actually not how it works. Next time you’re in “Lulu’s Vegan Cafe” try pocketing the Cage-Free potato chips and thank them for the free snack.

This is an incredible amount. School lunch was like, $3 - $4 a day for me. I have no idea how you could get up to 20k unless they bought shit for other kids.

Have them children eat each other. That way at least one will not be hungry.

Or send the kids to fight in Iraq.

How's that 75 dollar bottle of sunny d treating you leaf?

Looks like she shouldn’t have spent all that $$ on her haircut and that sweet wheelchair.

Where’s the father?
Why did she think it was more important to bring her kid to a rally that have her daughter at the library ready or competing homework?

A state senator once said the foster care system gets paid by the child. She's not with us any more of course.

Parents give kid lunch money.
>kid buys drugs or other stuff

Idiocracy came to life!

You're a fucking retard. if the kids don't have to pay for the meal, then it's free TO THEM. The food was payed for once, I get that. But you are arguing semantics and are a fucking jew for it.

This I don't even spend that much all year to feed my family 3 meals a day. How is one kid racking up that much on lunch during the school year?

Our tax dollars go to pay for those schools. Also kids school lunches are worse than prison food

Last decade we had college student loan debt. Nowadays we have elementary school student lunch debt. The lunches come from an account. When the account runs out the kid goes into debt. One school in California charges over $6 for school lunches

It's a gigantic scam.

Wait why don't people pack their own kids lunch? You have no idea what schools are feeding your kids. What the fuck??

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Puting them in foster care is the most logic thing to do. Not feeding your kids is child abuse.

I don’t understand why they give the students lunch on credit? Sounds like a bullshit scheme by the school to me to get kids who don’t understand money to buy a bunch of cookies and stuff. I remember having to pay for my lunch every day when I bought it

>One school in California charges over $6 for school lunches
Is it mandatory ? Can you pack and bring your own lunch ?

wtf is up with him?

But then the lunches should still stop being served once the account runs out. Instead it keeps taking money out of the account putting kindergartners into debt.

It's a fucking scam. schools are already reimbursed for the money lost due to free and reduced lunches

To make matters worse many highschools no longer allow students to leave at lunch because once every few years some kid will die in a car accident and it gets plastered all over the news. So there is no competition for school lunches. You either eat their overpriced low qualith slop or you go hungry.

>inb4 "just bring a packed lunch"

Many schools are banning those too because they dont meet nutrition standards

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He's about to kill everyone in the room after he realized what they did to the franchise

He tries to contain his rage about the new StarWars while listining to this cuck spouting BS.

They even feed the kids poorly to ensure they will grow up to be mindless slaves.
We really need to wake up to what public "education" actually is.


[joker laughing stops]

It is quite strange isn't it? A public school i used to do research on found that bullying went down when none of the kids brought lunch from home, it also reduced the risk of allergens... fucking stuffed white bread and "cardboard pizza" into their little jiggly cheeks everyday

Clearly incel faggots destined to die alone without kids.
Have a child and tell me it's right that your fucking CHILD is taken as collateral for $60 and not a court order to garnish your wages or repossession of some material goods.
That's so fucked up

Nutrition in schools is completely fucked up. For decades students were taught the food pyramid which was literal propaganda created by food lobbyists

>Luise Light, the architect of the original version was a nutritional expert who made her recommendations based on valid food science in the 1980’s. But certain members of the food lobby rejected her prescription for small servings of their products so they strong armed the USDA, urging them to bury her work. By 1992, they returned her Food Pyramid to her unrecognizable.

You wonder why so many americans are fat? It isnt due to lack of education, it is due to being educated about the wrong things to eat to begin with

Notice all the carbs making up the base of the pyramid?

Attached: essential-nutrients.gif (432x339, 33K)

We need to bring back debtor's prison. No different than theft.

>square pizza
That shit is disgusting and provides no nutrition, as designed. I remember how happy I was just to get to high school where we had a sub line each day. Everyday I was eating shitty turkey lunch meat, and it was still way better than the cancer they served in the other lines.

If 75$ is no big deal, then pay it back.

>The school could create id cards with a magnetic strip or barcode that get's scanned when the kid gets his lunch, money gets deducted from there and the kid gets his meal without parents having to worry, at the end of the school year whatever is left in there could either be given back to the parents if they want it or donated to the school

Thats basically what they do, only once the money runs out they KEEP charging the kid and the kid doesnt know any better so it racks up a bill

Next theyll be setting up financing plans for lil sallys fruit cup

>be piece of shit that doesn't pay school lunch
>kid is too stupid to just steal or not eat lunch
>parents get offended they get called out for not paying
Fucking hell what is wrong with them? The school is clearly just overplaying their hand to get attention from these degenerates but oh no can't tell somebody who willingly takes on debt they need to pay debt back. Can't do that anymore with so many stupid college kids crying about debt they applied and asked for. Fuck them and fuck you stupid college kids.

Sell them into indenture until they've worked off the balance owed. A little bauxite mining or breaking hemp will teach them the value of hard work and valuable vocational skills.

But public school lunches cost money (not much) and I've never even heard of the concept into going into debt for school lunch. At my school the poorfags all got lunch at reduced price or totally free, then again I come from new york state, and as bad as our public education is, it makes the rest you look like total savages.

Trash parents dont pay anyway. Schools already get reimbursed for free and reduced lunch. This is gouging the parents of students who dont qualify for free or reduced lunch. Schools used to "food shame" those kids by giving them cold food or lower quality food if they had an outstanding balance. It's all very fucked up and the cost to feed all school children is a drop in the bucket compared to what we give israel every year

Of the 30 million students the school system feeds every day 20 million get free lunch 2 million pay reduced price of 40 cents. The remaining 8 million pay an average of $2.72 (im being generous and using highschool average. Elementary school average is $2.48. So the results of the math will be highest possible)

$2.72 x 8 million x 180 days

$3.9 billion

In 2016 the US gave $38 billion to israel

Just a reminder goyim that you don't really own your kids and will forfeit your 'right' to care for them in the case of non-payment.

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It said 40 kids, so that's $500 each. At $2 a day, that's about one school year's worth.
But as long as we aren't going to euthanize these kids or sterilize poor people, we have to do something with them. I still can't believe some states don't give free lunches to poorfags. They buy the cheapest, worst food available anyway.

Stop splitting hairs you cunt. You know what he ment. The parents tax dollars go to pay for their child's schooling. Food should be included with that

Some people are so fucking deluded theyll argue against not putting children into debt over a hamburger. Its not like 6yr olds can leave and choose to get food elsewhere

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I am so happy I didn't have to stay in to eat lunch in high school. I can't imagine how bad the food was.

maybe that FAT HUGE MONSTER should share some snacks with the lil nigger

No schools have started banning packed lunches or inspecting lunches and sending letters home to parents because theyre "not nutritious enough"

I never ate the school lunches they were so bad but some kids had to.

If youre on free lunch then theyll feed the kids for free throughout even the summer months

Kids on free lunch outnumber those paying full price 2.5 to 1

Listen frog, you dont know what youre talking about. It's not the parents who cannot feed their kids that are getting these threats. Those people are getting it for free. It's families that technically make enough on paper but are still trying to scrape by and cant qualify for gibs

Most parents do pack lunches, but since feminists convinced women to become incompetent wage slaves, mothers are far less likely to keep it up.
When I started middle school my mom told me I could either pack my own lunch or just take lunch money each day. She also basically stopped lunch food at that point so there wasn't anything good to pack. And then they were giving me $4 a day when I told them lunch was $2.25, so obviously I'm not going to say no to that just so I can try to pack my lunch with nonexistent lunch food.
Holy shit though, that public school food was so bad I think it actually fucked with me. I felt so much better after getting to the sub line in high school. This shit is criminal and we shouldn't let the state poison non-ruling-class kids.

That fat bitch is eating all her kids food

>i just want free food because i had a kid wtf like gibmefreestuff you greedy corporations 1%
Fuck off bernie


Sounds like tranny screeching or CPS trafficking