Die for Israel.
Die for Israel
>There is only one true power in the world, and that is the U.S.
He's right tho.
>Die for Israel.
What would you do if you realized that Israel is a forward American army base that exists solely to cause chaos in the ME so that U.S. can continue to arm twist the Saudis into forcing OPEC to price and sell oil in dollars, which in turn creates the vast petrodollar empire where everyone is forced to sell shit to the U.S. to get dollars to buy oil for their economies?
>Heck yeah, we should all die for Israel.
>forward American army base th
Lmso have you been posting this silly shot all day? No troops there. Only exists to stir shit up that costs America money
>Lmso have you been posting this silly shot all day?
Cut me some slack user. I just came online. Haven't been here for two weeks.
>No troops there.
Well yeah, if you put troops in a country that size the ME would be up in arms trying to kick us out and not selling us oil.
>Only exists to stir shit up that costs America money
Does it though? Keep Israel alive and the Saudis will continue to price and sell oil in dollars. The current OPEC reserves are 1.2 trillion barrels. That's more than $60 trillion worth of wealth for the U.S. With our debt on $20 trillion, the U.S. is in the black by $40 trillion.
Some really smart people run this country user. They don't give shit to Israel unless Israel is useful. Otherwise, why the fuck would put the Jews among muslims? Jews and muslims are blood enemies, that's why.
It is fair to say that Israel is a forward base of us power, but it's not a one sided relationship. Similar to N Korea and China/Russia.
Will Jesus be happy or sad if I do?
>Israel is a forward American army base
>this is what americans really believe
Enjoy your vassal state, cripplecock
LMAO you must really think I'm a retard? There are American bases all over the middle East .. and yeah all that opec oil is going to a 2nd mega yacht for mbs .. not benefiting me. I have to die & spend my money to protect their dumb ducking yacht
Fuck that.
This, i honestly dont give a shit about muslim sandniggers as long as i get cheap gas. Also lets not forget that the only reason that the middle east is muslim and arab is because they slaughtered all the christians and caused the dark ages when once christian egypt banned the export of cheap papyrus to europe which meant cheap books could no longer be produced. Ive been to egypt many times. The true history is pretty sad. The coptic christians are the real ancient egyptians and they are only 5% of the modern egyptian population. The middle east is the aftermath of what is happening in europe today
Its true. America benefits from israel by using it to crush the middle east and israel benefits by simply existing as a result of american military support
The saud family are crypto jews, you fucking retard/lying kike
Ok rabbi
I have a joke
Except it is going to you. If america lost its power, you will be paying $200/gallon for gas
user, we are a country of 300+ million people. We have the best scientists in the world working on the best defense projects that has practically unlimited budgets since the U.S. dollar is backed by oil. Israel's claim to fame is the Mossad, that's only good at stealing and assassinating. Besides, Israel imports practically everything. They even import 60% of their oil for their energy needs. Please. Our relationship with Israel is one sided.
NK, China and Russia? Sure. With China it's give and take. We give them jobs, they give us their shit while they steal our secrets, or so they think. Russia is Russia.
China and Russia exist purely to ensure the U.S. can start WW3 in the future. No one cares otherwise.
That is literally the nature of the american/israeli relationship. The reason there is so much zionist propaganda being spread and our politicians are bought out is because the israelis know that if america doesnt want to prop them up anymore they will be gangbanged by the entire world. So they certainly do have a good reason to do everything in their power to make sure that americans love israel and the gibs keep flowing.
Woooooooooo global warming fixed
>There are American bases all over the middle East
More like American bases in Saudi Arabia.
>I have to die & spend my money to protect their dumb ducking yacht
Just get a job at your local 7-11.
I have a joke
>The saud family are crypto jews, you fucking retard/lying kike
>Malaysian flag
Let's just think about this logically. The Saud family has fucking 1000s of heirs. All of them want the crown since that gives one control of Saudi Aramco and thus the oil. But you're saying they're all Jews? Like no one in the ME picked up on the fact that the Saud family are crypto Jews and decided to wage war against them for oil?
OR, OR, OR, OR, OR. The Saud family is happy with the money that comes from the petrodollar, and they've just decided to maintain the status quo. They've decided to forget their blood feud with Israelis because they're just too comfortable fucking 200 concubines and having 1000 kids each.
Uh pretty sure it's not just Saudi Arabia. Quite a large base in Qatar and many more
What's the point of making up these stupid lies?
And uh I'm good ..I'll skip the 7/11 and instead america will fuck off out of the middle East
>Uh pretty sure it's not just Saudi Arabia. Quite a large base in Qatar and many more
And? And? And? Why do ME countries allow America to build bases on their land? Because they want Americans to fuck their women?
>What's the point of making up these stupid lies?
user......... I don't know what to say........
>instead america will fuck off out of the middle East
There's no going back user. We're now at the top of the world. Look at history and you will see the fate of the American empire. The Roman empire, the Catholic Church, the Spanish Empire, the Portuguese empire, the British empire - all lie in the dirt.
Don't wish for us to fuck off out of the ME so soon. We'll be on the streets in no time.