Waiting on an argument

White woman, lurked since Eliot Rodger. Waiting on an intelligent antiwoman post. Seriously. Handsome marine corps husband also waiting next to me. Why do u hate women, fags? Just pathetic?

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You know the rules.

Nice larp.

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>marine corps husband
Kek imagine dying for Israel while your wife gets rammed by niggers and posts her feet on a nepalese basket weaving forum

For real fag. I posted an original

Kek bitches maybe u newfags dont recognise

I know it's a troll but I'll bite.

The fact you came here because of Elliot Rodger meant you wanted to most likely laugh at what you consider losers. People suffering is a joke to you and this is why people shit on women and guess what its your narcissistic dogshit brain people hate not the fact you have a vagina.

Fuck off dependa, you've done nothing

I don't hate women. I just don't respect them.

Get fucked and recognize. Quit hating women, we're on your side stupid asses

gee I wonder why.

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Fuck u, i was an original stacey. Praise kek bitches, shes here. Quit droolin

>get fucked and recognize.
Lol i bet you have cornrows and your kids live woth your parents

Make babby.

Quit your pathetic anti woman shit. Your here for a reason, dont be so simple ffs

Made babies, 4 of em w my husband. U ? No larp bitch

I wanna c tits boys! Quit playin.

enjoy talking to yourself schizo

Hey baby white woman here i live in so cal. I have kids and am married. Im white sos my hubby. I guarantee u im hotter than u lol

Hey fag. U gay? I bet u are

literally (you)

Don't hate ya, I think you're a graceful lot, when you shut the fuck up and look cute and do the dishes.

Simple man, I like my silence.