Has anybody got a link to this one or could upload it to somewhere? Anonfile/MEGA/RGhost/DropMeFiles/MediaFire — anything like that?
Andrew Bailey
Other urls found in this thread:
Aiden Lewis
Benjamin Collins
bump or YT kill-switch will brake
Joshua Nelson
Colton Brown
Michael Walker
Cant bump your own thread retard
Grayson Stewart
Fuck off faggot, I did not know it.
Sebastian Russell
You aren't even letting it get to page 9 or 10 before bumping.
Way too impatient. Sage.
I hope they terrorize you for weeks to plump you up with adrenochrome before they feed on your tattered ragdoll corpse.
Jose Richardson
then stop posting and lurk moar newfaggot. sage.
Henry Adams
The optimal speed of bumps. There is no reason to let the thread go as far as 9 pages down with the existing posting speed.