Venezuela is fine, right?

>>go outside in Venezuela
>>National Guard point you with a gun and ask for your phone
>>You give the phone, there is no way you get out of that alive if you say "no2
>>go back home sad, getting another phone to talk with you family outside the country will cost you months of work, maybe a year
>>Turn on PC to let your friends and family that you got robbed
>>new email on inbox
>>Is Google Photos letting you know that someone is taking pictures with you phone
>>see pic related
>>Curse Hugo Chávez and leftist all over the world

How can you still supp leftist Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

ya, keep larping CIAids
you smell like bagels

onion bagels

What's your butthurt today, summer friend?

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Post his uncut brown dick


jesus, Venezuela is such a shithole, but brother, we are really close to that. Cristina is a one way ticket to the gulag, but even Macri who offers us the road to the US is steering the ship to the sunny beaches of the Caribbean. Fuck socialism, and fuck those eurofags who think socialism is good just cause they have a fucking 99% privatized economy with kinda high taxes, so they can afford public healthcare. Thats not socialism, you would die if you got the real taste of it.

We never tried real socialism.

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eat shit unless you have family members living in VZ

everything you think you know is bullshit on a chef's some ass

"anda a freir monos brazilero hijo de remil puta" fucking mokey frying brazilian cocksucker, venezuela is a shithole, I've got plenty of refugee friends, your fucking Lula socialism is shit, i hope bolsonaro prosecutes all the commies in your country

This board has open bordens. Over here we invade you guys.

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Argentina is a fucking economic nightmare shithole as well
thank god I have guns now, I will mow
you stupid fuckers down if you try shit

keep being a USA bitch

niggerzuelans deserve a rope on their necks

yeah of course we are a shithole, we went from venezuela dictatorship with cristina to a fucking eastern europe US controlled social democracy with retarded macri, but when did i say argentina was doing good? never u fucking monkey, good thing bolsonaro gave u guns so u can fucking kill yourselves more easily

No if we prevent that, boludo. I mean, you guys, i still cant vote but i do talk to every Argentinian about Chavez and Cristina.


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hey where u from? I think the only viable option would be a guy like Espert but more popular, but that would take a couple of years

if argentina is a shithole, why are they full of non-white inmigrants from poor countries? you're just jelous because nobody want to live in brazil because it's dangerous as fuck

I agree with this culiao

I usually would respect your neptune underwater country ass...but you can respectfully eat shit on your lovely orange windmill goat cheese opinion when it comes to South America

I respect your country for being the best farmers in human history but eat the brazil nuts in my shit when it comes to understanding south america...especially that you needed canada to prevent you from starving during WW2

you literally send Canada tulips every year like the cucks you are and let them live in your country for 6 months without a visa

shame on you ...sending flowers to cucks

I still love you brother for your superior cheese and great people

Got two friends, it's bad down there, bad in your country too for the most part. Don't monkey up, just put your nose to the grindstone and make a better world instead of trying to counter-bicker obvious points.

you still have the best BBQ in the universe...
I love you my south american bro
no more divide and conquer

fuck our governments, they are shit

Venezuela needs an Pinochet.

at least you can download torrent without troubles here

Based and seething monkey. Just invade Venezuela already.

haha you monkey people have the best parties (carnaval) in the world and pretty cool beaches, its nice to blow some steam throwing shit at your neighbors, u know what we should do? just like the old times team up with lil uruguay and kill al the paraguayans

What venezuela needs is to be fucking divided like post war germany, half under colombia control the other half under brazilian control. Remove fucking socialism from their nigger brains and then give them soveraignty to rule their shithole

I'll take that as a compliment. Here, have a Dutch qt.

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Chile needs a pinochet

fucking inmigrants dude, It's hard to have an argument if Chile is white or not, for the fucking brownie ghettos, now with these fucking non-white inmigrants chile is fucked up, where is my tata?

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all I want in my lifetime if for South America to unite and prosper

we need to rid ourselves of our governments and unite as tribal peoples that can live in peace and prosperity

give me your fine wine and I will give you ayahuasca and one of my sisters so we can become brothers

No, most sites are blocked after complaints and lawsuits from fellow white people.

>bad down there
not for me or mine LOL

LOL they don't need that shit
just stop with the fucking sanctions, they don't hurt the ultra wealthy, just the simple people in an attempt to cause a grounds root coup that won't happen

my objective is unify argentina, chile and uruguay and put all brownies into an oven and make the southern cone white again

I just like the southern brazil tbqh

who fucking care? you can always download your games and movies without fear

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Vlza obviously, but if you ask in Argentina, i am in CABA.

as tempting as it sounds, we should just be bros and stop shitting on each other

It was and thanks

if we ever unite, kill every argentinian state economist, they will turn the currency into toilet paper in less than a decade.

The sanctions have done jack shit. Not our fault Maduro can't run a fucking country.

btw anons, Today I had return from my two years of white life in US. I don't understand why people says Chile isn't white, mexicans are niggers as fuck.

feels good be a white man in a '''''white country'''''''

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South America is gigantic, ethnostates can be achieved easily as the identity of the mongrel is fickle
negroes for example have no idea of their origin and would settle in any region given to them.

you know what is the big mistake of south america? spaniards were too pussy to kill the natives, now the continent is fucked thanks to that.

just white people is civilized and I suppose all we aggred with that.

Chile is sorta white. It's why it is the only non-shithole country south of the Rio Grande.

yeah poor paraguayans, heard theyre doing pretty good this days we should ally up

wow CABA is really nice, love going there, im from cordoba and we're like a rural town for you big city folks, did u leave vzla long ago? met some people with crazy stories from vzla while working in a kiosko here

>southern cone white again
I'd say from the northern tip of Chile, all of Argentina, maybe a bit of Bolivia (but that'd mean a lot of deportations), Uruguay and southern Brazil

Should Columbia annex Venezuela and reform a United Gran Columbia?

at least here we had roca who killed many indians and made the blacks fight them, but that was only in the south, we have plenty of indians in the north sadly

>70 sanctions including not letting VZ in mercosul doesn't mean shit

tell me you are being sarcastic, I can't believe you are this fucking ignorant...the USA literally blocked VZ from being part of a south american free trade agreement because of your sanctions

please don't be this fucking ignorant or I will ask you to go back to rettardit

Also, sorry you got robbed by elephant ears.

They could, however since those places are full of drug lords, we could be seeing a narco-state instead of a good state

>poor paragay
we are all pretty much fucked on a long enough timeline

In Chile you can always know if the city is white or brownie just for the social status economic of the zone.

we need purge all the north of chile, kill all the mapuches in the south and shoot up all the brownies

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Dumb fucking monkey. Venezuela has been in economic collapse since 2014. Is being apart of muh "South American EU" going to magically wave away all of the problems in the country, like Army personnel getting murdered for their weapons?

our lucky thing my fellow souther cone american, it's we have the weather.

the only reason why the southern cone is white is because european inmigrants feels comfy in souther cone soil.

so we must take our mosket and become the southern cone in the last white colony

>funny fact
you can see more british with white etchnitiy in falklands islands than london


being in the mercosur maybe could help lower food prices, help a little bit with famine, but yes, vzla problems go much deeper than that, us sanctions were "la gota que rebalso el vaso" the drop that overflowed the cup.

Pacific Alliance was a mistake, fucking cocambians,

That is unfortunate. I have to ask on your opinion on Pinochet. Was he based or did he suck ass?

even as we argies hate brits, we have to admit that they did a much better jobs managing the falklands that we could have done, they kept the island clean and white. How nice

How could they lower food prices if the country is fucking socialist? Food is dirt fucking cheap, but there is none there. Maduro is spending every cent to hang onto power and pay off the military.

in my wet dreams, the south of chile is admnistrated by the empire german in 1900's and makes the southern a white place without mapuches

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venezuela doesent produce much food, argentina and brazil are big producers. a free trade deal would make imports of food cheaper. food is only "dirt cheap" when there is.

shit fucking mapuches i hate them here we had a fucking hippie "santiago maldonado" drown while defending them and his face is still used as a campaing logo for the left acussing the police of drowning him. kill the hippie fags and de indian niggers

eat shit burger education retard

send the undesirables to the USA where retards belong

>mfw someone says all chileans are mapuches and indios

yeah dude, thanks to those scum is why we aren't considerated first world countries

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Shut up jungle monkey. At least we can afford to pay for education, unlike you dumb shit flingers. Also, despite having no economy, Maduro also has a better equipped military than you.

two of my best friends are chileans and they aint indian niggers, is that kast? he seems like a guy that would make chile even better, still, someone like piñera in the economic sense did a good job I think

Got here a year ago, still no "white" job but i managed with freelance and shit. GF was more lucky and shes already working for the City Government.

How is Cordoba anyway? People here tell me about how good is to live in "Provincia" and not in the City.

So this is where all the sudakas

fuck off , god bless USA, I lived two years there and was wonderful, the only problem there are beaners and niggers,

I suppose in brazilian people don't eat beans as like the brownies countries, right?

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>Pinochet. Was he based

There, absolutely based. Of course the leftard argument is

>He seized power!
Yes, after the previous president was declared inconstitutional 3 times and refused to leave the charge while forming his paramilitary militia. Do not, ever, use first past the post election system, that fucker got in charge by 34% roughly speaking while the other 2 guys had 33% give or take a few points
>He is a dictator!
Yes, and he saved the country
>Muh human rights!
Fuck off commie bastard. Your comrades bombed people, killed and kidnapped, you've got no morals to talk about that. Even when we're paying for 'reparations' until your grandkids graduate college and to the fake tortureds
>He was the most brutal dictator in latinamerica!
Of the 3000 people recognized as being killed by his gov, somewhere between 1500-2500 had ties to terrorist groups, fuck off. And 10.000 as 'disappeared'. Only in argentina the 'disappeared' were 40.000, and like 20.000 dead. Fuck off

the problem with piñera is he's a fucking cuck who obey the communism party as like a dog, we need a president with two big balls like Kast/Trump

Venezuelans are fucking niggers. Who cares.

>go outside in Venezuela
>get robbed because your state is in lawless anarchy
>pretend you are still living in lawful state instead of murdering kike puppets of the government
No pity for homo domesticus.

glad to see other alt-right chilean here, many of chileans here are fucking bluepilled with caca perro

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Where's the joke

because those niggers will going to your country like refugees

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I don't know, those running around in Spain are often times really qt. But then again they must be upper class and hence seem to be either Castizos or Whites.

>the south of chile
All of chile, aweonao.

At least we could have been good allies.
Fun fact, in the 1910's the germans wanted to build a Krupp guns factory in Chile, however politics delayed the choice until the start of the war and the germans obviously had to back down.

I only went to the US once so far, to Disney. Loved it. Even the true spics and beaners I met were good. The whites totally based. I don't get why the left wants to sell the 'drumpf is bad' stuff, country is awesome, prez is awesome... I trully wish them the best.

I don't know why I think your true name is Zinker...
Anyways, there are quite a few of us in there, too quiet to fight the commies head on though.

literally pick the cashew and brazil nuts out of my shit

I hope you fail to acquire your insulin at low prices in Canada and subsequently see your legs get chopped off by a ghetto surgeon you fucking low life piece of shit

may your seed die in a trailer park tornado, you redneck pond scum shit

Fuck off with that monkey nosed niggerfucking shit whore.

well getting a white job is hard as fuck hahah, glad you could settle with our gf here, and both are working. Cordoba is much "quieter" than caba and much calmer in crime, we can use our phones while walking in the centro and not get robbed, everything closes late and opens kinda late, still we close for siesta. Crime in the barrios is kinda higher than in centro but nothing like buenos aires, specially the conurbano. U may get pickpocketed but not murdered for a phone u know. Food wise, i liked more porteño restaurants, but that is personal preferences I think. Lifestyle wise we live much cheaper, expenses and rent is much lower but we have a pretty expensive public bus system and no subway. food is cheaper and mostly everything. also, we recently got things like rappi pedidosya and are going to get uber soon. I mean, both places are nice, if young I think the big city is more exciting but both are good to live

>But then again they must be upper class and hence seem to be either Castizos or Whites

Same in all of latin america, the whiter, the richer and smarter.
Its a wide trend, not absolute, but it is a handy rule of thumb

>Ich kannt deusche sprache. Mein vokabular ist zu klein aber ich will deutshce lernen. Ich liebe deutschland

promptly microwave your own s@y bean laced shit and recall your glory days in the hell you fondly remember as the USSA

yep pretty much like a macri but who didnt destroy the economy, i feel you bro, people here call macri and piñera "extrema derecha" ooh boy they're so wrong.

People who think it's spelt Columbia need to leave.

mehh most venezuelan refugees all got jobs first thing when they came here, and they work hard and behave nicely, most employers will contract them not only because cheaper, but because they aint lazy

Eh no. They're not getting in. They're already getting kicked out of Curaçao.

Because most here have never lived under leftism, bunch of privileged faggots who have lived under cushy liberal governments. Nothing is funnier than wstchingbwesternees sit on their asses in their comfy homes and advocate for communism, socialism or nazism. It's almost exclusively middle class brats.

They're still niggers mostly.

They are virtually the only migrants apart from the Eastern Europeans that are useful and not a drag. Also the people, especially the women are redpilled af. I like them. It's likely that the upper class is more likely to afford the flight and shit while preferring European life to American one. Kinda understandable, especially if one is catholic

Freut mich zu hören, aber was erhoffst Du dir davon? Ich meine, es ist ganz schön schwer Deutsch zu lernen und man braucht einen guten Grund sich das anzutun.

it's not zinker but you close, it was pretty awesome go to the US and have a german surname.

maybe it's a bit silly use a reference of a kid show, but 31 minutos made a video about how the german empire almost got the Strait of Magellan. usually I study a lot of history but not of Chile because my source are weak

funny fact, I arrive to Chile today

you're retard

weaks leaders are useless in this dark days

Imagine living in such a shithole country that nobody can be bothered to spell its name right

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What if we settle them in the Antártica?

German-speakers make the mistake easily cause Colombia is "Kolumbien" in German. Many Germans think pronouncing something in the English-way is actually correct. That type is called Denglish but it's rubbish nonsense

They should change the spelling then. Belgians used to call it Columbië too, but not since a long time.

source of this story?

Made up, I suppose.

why is that shitskin holding a white weapon, go pick a spear

>Freut mich zu hören, aber was erhoffst Du dir davon? Ich meine, es ist ganz schön schwer Deutsch zu lernen und man braucht einen guten Grund sich das anzutun.
Es wäre meine dritte gute Sprache. Es ist die meist gesprochene Sprache in Europa und ich mag Deutschland einfach. Außerdem ist es viel besser als zu lernen, was auch immer die Abbos hier sagen.

That is about all my german though. Had to use a bit of google translate, to be honest.