Does Iran secretly have a stash of nukes?
Does Iran secretly have a stash of nukes?
its definitely possible, and America may be the only place that knows, hence why they are holding back.
That's precisely what I'm thinking too
I was watching Guliani on Hannity. He is literally a paid shill for regime change, and regime change is better than war. They want limited strikes to hurt Iran's regional power, take out the Navy and nuke sites, that is what he is proposing.
It is almost too logical, too measured. Much more limited than what I expected. Either it is misdirection or it is all they think they can get away with...
I also thought the same thing rumor is that Iran got nukes not sure how or when, 90s from Ukraine or from China, maybe Bill Clinton? Heh. Maybe they got it during Iran Contra. Unlikey but... Ex Soviet is likely. They had the cash by the 90s.
Yes underneath the 2 tankers they stole
No, they have much better stuff like tractor beams and shit.
It seems thersea may's faction wants far because USA doesn't. That UK ship turned off it's transponder and went off course and ignored warnings. I don't think you can say it (ship navigation) was hacked by Iran (my first thought) is all of that is true.
theyre called persian americans
and they are just waiting to detonate
Zoroastrian Space Lasers?!?!
Yes goy, they have nukes and other WMDs. You need to invade them asap to protect the world!