Lads, i wanna make a site that would tell you if a movie, song, tv show or anything entertainment product is a propaganda piece or made to be actually entertaining. For example, the movie 'The wolf of wall street' is a good entertaining movie that doesn't have any hidden messages, propaganda or '' we love gays and blacks, fuck all white people'' kind of a thing. Meanwhile the movie 'Get out' is made to make blacks angry and create civil unrest.
Any suggestions, ideas or anything you would like to see in the site?
>wolf of wall street wasn’t propaganda I’m sorry, it turns out you are terminally retarded. We went for a second opinion and by the time we got to the part about you asking Jow Forums how to make a website they deemed you unfit for oxygen.
Lemme tell you a secret, your site is gonna fucking die. Not because people are clever and know what degenerate shills in media, everyone knows that there is degeneracy. However, your site is gonna die because (((they))) stop funding or your site is gonna mysteriously shut down.