please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk
animals such as pigs and cows are intelligent animals who can suffer deeply and have a unique personality, they are different individuals just like dogs or humans are. they dont enjoy being kept in a cage, being castrated, being raped, having their kids taken away from them, and being killed against their will. they dont want to die for your taste pleasure
all real pollocks should go vegan, because its hypocritical of your to complain about the suffering you endure in life, how niggers and jews are ruining white countries, yet inflict much more suffering unto innocent animals for your taste pleasure and "yummy in my tummy tum tum"
its unethical and hypocritical of you to kill animals for your tastebuds. you dont need to eat any animal products to survive, humans can have perfect health on a vegan diet. the picture is of a unborn baby cow removes from its pregnant mother, after the mother was killed. it was a dairy cow who got too old (4 years) to make adequate milk and make a profit for the dairy industry, so they kill her and throw away her unborn children into the trashcan. this routinely happens in all western countries, video was france
You do know that plants feel pain. Right? Almost every species on Earth consumed the product of other living beings to survive. You are trying to fight a fundamental structure of the universe.
Maybe in comparison to you, but not even compared to squirrels. Countless times, I've watched cows go stand in their water supply, drink it, and shit in it while drinking water. I watched one get it's tail caught on something, panic, and as fast as it could, pull away from it, ripping the end of its tail off.
Daniel Lopez
Killing humans isn't the same as killing animals. Animals exist to serve us with their delivious nutritious bodies. Your vegan diet has caused you brain damage also have sex.