Molyneux said IQ test > degree

Do you guys agree with this?

Would you not get a "wtf" reaction having this on your resume?

If it would benefit me I will pay good money to have a legitimate test done

>What if it's 85
I'll retake it until I get something over 175
>Don't you fucking laugh

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pursuing and or valuing what is good, the true, and the beautiful >>>>>> IQ > degree

While I'm agreement, virtue doesn't expand ones empire or effective sphere of influence

Who controls the IQ tests? Leftists love changing the definition of things. Once IQ was adopted as a means of demonstrating value, the method of determining IQ would be altered to favor Tyrone and Shanequa.

I agree, it is controlled by leftist - however that doesn't nullify it's usefulness if it can be used to further your opportunities

I disagree. In fact there's a window around IQ120, say 110~130, which means you're "smart enough to realize how 'stupid' you are" and that's about it. You're not smart enough to make a career, and you're too smart for menial jobs (they make you depressed and suicidal).
I know plenty of average IQ, and even morons, with a degree and they seem happy. They don't mind to be subservient, completely unaware of JQ, etc.
I have IQ115~130 on tests (including by a doctor, not just online) but haven't been able to get higher education (for certain reasons) and my life is shit. Can't get a good job bc no degree. Only can do jobs that makes me bored and depressed after 2 weeks to 2 months. Being subservient lowers my self-esteem, etc.

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The best IQ tests already exists.

Go to any American ABET accredited electrical engineering undergraduate program and graduate with a 3.5+ GPA

I am in the 120-130 range as well and I have a decent amount of trouble with jobs being rewarding, not giving a shit about my college work (although I did get a 2 year degree). It's beat but you should try to adopt discipline and routine it will help you be more productive

expanding empire and sphere of influence since the mid 1800s has made American a prominent hotbed of international interest and subversion
I understand your point but I think virtue still takes priority

Everyone has to be subservient when they start a career if you don’t understand that it’s your personality not your iq that is the problem. Insurance is a great career that you can do with just high school and if your as smart as you claim to be industry related education shouldn’t be an issue for you.

I agree.
IQ is the single best predictor of job performance.

Well that's obviously true given the current state of things.
An 85 IQ nigger can get a degree today without knowing how to read.

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high iqs will be overqualified for most jobs and end up un or self employed

AOC has an economics degree, proving that degrees are largely worthless unless in a specialised field which is in high demand.
AOC 60 IQ.

Pretty impossible for an 80 IQ person to get a 3.5+ in an ABET accredited electrical engineering program.

Private industry will suck your duck if you have over a 3.5 gpa in EE because everyone who's smart knows this is one of the best indicators for intelligence

I don't know if the book "The deliberate dumbing down of America" goes into it, but someone did, on how the modern education method is geared to the female form of learning - highly focused on essays, i.e spewing shite for as many words as possible. They kill male attention spans, that require problem solving and pragmatism.

It may be too late for me. I did somewhat manage to keep a good paying job for a short time. I only started the job shortly before 2008 economic crash. After the crash people attitudes changed drastically. They'd sack people for any reason (in a job where making mistake is a part of the job, really). It was very demoralizing. Wages went down about 40% over the short period of time and never went up again.

>it’s your personality
Yes. I didn't get deep into that bc it's bit off-topic ITT.
Also my IQ is not my claim, it's a test result. I don't consider myself smart above the average.
Also I'm from a shithole EU country. I'm not sure Insurance is a great career here. Is it the one you have to be a slimy jew?

It's possible. On the top of that, I remember maybe 3 teachers that were able to actually teach children. The rest was boring as shit and aggressive--clearly mentally unstable, not fit for the job.
And yes, although not America, most of the classes was just reading and remembering, although they never taught us how to remember things, no NLP stuff, etc. Math was also more focused on remembering definitions than problem solving.

IQ tests are retarded, you can study and retake the test over and over and to get a better score, even if you take different tests each time it doesn't matter, IQ tests are just a guide not an end all be all kind of thing

Don't knock writing. Men have been writing for 3,000 years.

My genuine advice to you is start saving a small amount of money over the course of a year, watch jordan petersons lectures on personailty, and god series

Then start a business, its hard but not as hard as youve been brainwashed to believe.
Its not just that youre subservient, its that youre not living up to your responsibilities or your own potential and you mentally crucify yourself for that, and you should.

I expect most responses just to be calling me or peterson a shill but i never post on here just lurked since late teenage years, i just wrote this because honestly mate youre not fucked up in the head youre just an absolute shitbird and deep down you know it

I wish you all the best mate. And remember western civilisation isnt going to uncuck or unfuck itself

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He's just romanticizng the idea of intellectualism being better than his degrees.

He's generally correct, but only because the vast majority of college degree programs have become absolutely watered down with grade inflation, lax admissions standards, and a refusal to hold (non-white and non-oriental) students to any high standards for performance. The exact same thing could happen to IQ test results, factoring in an "adversity score" boost like the SAT is now doing.

Men write with purpose, the female form of writing is writing just to write or some inane topic that everyone knows is a complete waste of time.

Infact a lot of jobs now are infected with female forms of writing that basically gate keep a lot of men from the job artificially because they would much rather make less and not have to deal with retarded bullshit.

In what sense? I have a PhD in a stem field, a psychiatrist-administered WAIS test of 139, I'm 6'1 with a decent jawline, and: tfw no qt3.14159 gf, make 23000€ net a year with no job security, and drinking is starting to be my only real hobby.

>start saving
Haven't been able to do that for years, since wages dropped. Everytime I save up a little, something comes up, car breaks down, need new clothes, etc. I live below poverty (to western standards) working 45~55+ hours a week. I'm not in my 20s anymore. I wish I could follow your advice, but at the moment I'm stuck in a mud.


I will accept that, I think a lot depends on the professors and teachers. Most people don't even know the basic rules of logic nowadays. Ask some university educated thot what the difference between a sound argument and a valid one and they won't be able.

It's a good post, but you might need reading glasses

Intelligence and education are both very important. There is a special interaction between both, they stack eachother. Intelligence is nothing with low level education and education is nothing with a low intelligence level.

If you are intelligent, but you have a bad education then you will most likely turn up as some freak, highly specialized in some bullshit.

If you are not intelligent, but you had a good education then you will be a very good goy.

Most people on this board are intelligent, but uneducated or educated in some bullshit.

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if smart people were truly smart, they'd of made the
world in a way that everyone from every iq can enjoy
the world in the same way. instead jealousy and envy
replace what should be common relations. centralized
& exclusive wealth generation and enjoyment leads to
pitch forks and torches.

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checked and based

most people here are intelligent but lack the basics, and not just a little. It's fun but also painstaking at times to witness.

I'm basically in the same position


If you are intelligent you will show it on the job, don’t be a supreme gentleman now.

I duckduckgoed RSD, but I still don't get it

>I disagree. In fact there's a window around IQ120, say 110~130, which means you're "smart enough to realize how 'stupid' you are" and that's about it. You're not smart enough to make a career, and you're too smart for menial jobs (they make you depressed and suicidal).
f-fuck, you just described me

That's a good approach to it, shame post's like this get lost in a sea of shitposting.

I also feel like im just smart enough to realise im not that smart
Im smarter than the cattle around me, but i dont seem to be able to do anything of value

No. A 10 year old can have a super high IQ too, it doesn't mean that he's well read and experienced enough for a job.

A degree is just a standard certificate you can do more than sniffing glue
IQ is less accurate the higher the level so in the opposite way it defines whether you are a retard

>proving that degrees are largely worthless unless in a specialised field which is in high demand.
Have a Degree in IT / CS
U wot m8?

Of course I agree with it, but it will never be a reality. The genie is already out of the bottle. If large swaths of the population stopped going to college in the US, the racket would be over and you'd have grovelling kikes begging the government to "do something."

Myself and most people dont have six-figures and 4-6 years just to qualify for work.

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I scored 142 8 years ago.
Stop judging yourself on a test that can be beat. The power of the white brain is how it applies its plasticity. E-celebs throw out inflated numbers to make you feel inferior, it's a demoralization tactic to take critical thinking from focusing on them and their past.

>E-celebs throw out inflated numbers to make you feel inferior, it's a demoralization tactic to take critical thinking from focusing on them and their past.
We're all flawed. These aren't e-celeb's: they are the voices of your generation.

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I out perform everyone in my company on each level I've been promoted to. I have reached the ceiling for having no degree.

My current role requires a 4 year degree, I don't have a degree.

The problem is to go any farther, corporate standards come into play and no 4 year degree bluntly means no advancement.

I watch POC struggling to even keep their operations afloat, when I would sleepwalk through their responsibilities.

I've coded 60k a year jobs at the place I work. Meaning, I took a role and made it obsolete with the click of a button.

there is not much to think, empirical data supports that IQ is more worth than a elite degree.

Reminds me of a guy I chat with who does backend security. Company has to boast that all of thier staff are degree holders for PR purposes.

because, you fucking retard - obviously you can have 200 IQ and can still be failure in life. none claims otherwise.

Fuck off, you passive aggressive retard. Learn to fucking read.

Having a degree means you understand why and how things work in the big picture. It doesn't matter how much of a whizz or rock star you think you are, because the people above you always knew how to do that shit too. They're just too busy with the big picture stuff that you "geniuses" can't handle. It is a true genius who can do your shit and also handle the big picture with that same ability of being a whiz.

I have interviewed people before for technical jobs. I ask people simple questions about everyday situations they'll encounter on the job. Almost everyone always gets everything wrong regardless of intelligence or degree level.

I'm not even asking esoteric shit you'll find in some obscure article from a hundred years ago. I'm talking course level 1 type shit you could find on Wikipedia .

I got my current job worked ng in a lab from answering the interview questions correctly. It was to write down Maxwell's equations. Seems fair to me. Literally 99% of people even with advanced degrees can do something that simple

>Literally 99% of people even with advanced degrees can do something that simple

Literally 99% of people even with advanced degrees cant do something that simple

No, it's your behavior

Fuking Maxwell's equations. We've never gotten along

And that's totally unrelated to IQ, right?

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The peculiar trend I see here is that "meaning" (performing to your potential) is the goal, which is true also in my case.

I am financially very well off from investing, but the money is irrelevant. It has no joy to it. Once your bills are paid... You get numb to the excess rapidly.

I have a very young son, and am working on more - and I invest in him greatly with time and effort.. however my daily "grind" is so meaningless and grueling because it's " trash work" (employment)

No fulfillment at all.

I believe other anons have nailed this with "start your own business"

At least in that scenario you get to make all the decisions and capture all of your productivity

If you held ecelebs to the same standard they hold others, they would be revealed as frauds. These people are grifters.

Yes because any retard who can get in debt can get a degree.
And some degree are total joke

Whats your IQ, Walmart-user?

>In fact there's a window around IQ120, say 110~130, which means you're "smart enough to realize how 'stupid' you are" and that's about it. You're not smart enough to make a career, and you're too smart for menial jobs (they make you depressed and suicidal).
This is me but my IQ is only around 105. I think existential dread has other causes not IQ.

Being smart does not equate to being fair.
An intelligent person has more potential to prosper on his merits and wit. Why would they want the world to be equal when they are better?

Yes, you choose how you behave. IQ however, is genetic


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