Guys i have to ask. Is America worth going to after all the shit thats been going on...

Guys i have to ask. Is America worth going to after all the shit thats been going on? My father always went to vacations in America and i always dreamt
of going to the land of the free but after all that i have heard i dontk know anymore . I really want to see America but i dont know about it after i have seen whats going on. So what do i do?

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lol no

>Is America worth going to after all the shit thats been going on?
if you like anime, be a faggot somewhere else.

You’re fine, just stay away from California, NY, Chicago and Detroit.

It’s really not as bad as it’s made out to be.

You realize there is more to America than the shit cities right?

Visit Detroit. You'll love the diversity.

If u cut ur dick off ull be treated like a king in the cities

Chicago is alright, just don’t be a retard.

Yes, retard. The United States has some of the most beautiful landscapes and parks on Earth. Avoid big cities except for “historical” districts, which is a codeword that either means 1) no blacks, 2) jews/rich prots only, or both.

You will literally die.

Never come here

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notwithstanding natural landscapes, if you've ever been to a random globalist shithole you've already visited the US

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>Chicago is alright

The only reason Chicago is alright, is because niggers are mowing each other down faster than Pablo mows my lawn.

the aquarium is nice.

Use this and you will have a great time. Enjoy, this is the greatest tool I can give you as a foreigner coming to visit - or as an American looking for a new home.

Just go on google streetview and there you visited amaerica.

> Guys i have to ask. Is America worth going to after all the shit thats been going on?
> So what do i do?
Stay away from the big cities; look out for smaller towns like Aberdeen, ID and the like — honestly stay away from anything larger than, say, Las Cruces, NM.

>When the only good nigger is a dead nigger
>When they're everywhere

After watching The national parks: American best idea, a 12 hr documentary, i too have wanted to visit.
But other than that I do not really see any good reason to go to USA

Shut up Texas, you’re drunk

It's a shithole, you'll be very disappointed.
Stay home and make your country great again.

The United States is a third world country. Do not visit the US. Do not study here. Do not move here to work. Do not invest here. We have the world's largest yiddish population, and they're a force of evil.

There are a lot of nice places to visit. I live in California, and it would be a paradise if it weren't for all of the non-whites.
It's just a bad place to live unless you speak Spanish.
You should see it soon, before it turns completely into the third world.

Seeing some countryside maybe but everything about the cities and culture is garbage

visit the states in red avoid the states in blue it's easy as that.

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america is probably one of the few safe places left to visit. the bad parts of america and there are many have no tourist value so there's no reason you would visit them anyway. outside of them life is peachy.

lol no. it's full of american people

Of course you should go. If you go to the big cities you generally won't notice all the crazy shit because that largely stays away from the touristy areas.

But the best parts are out in the middle - so many natural wonders to see. Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Monument Valley, Grand Teton, Arches, Mt Zion, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, etc. are all absolutely spectacular.