Pizzagate: Eyes Wide Open

ITT we expose the elites involvement in child and human trafficking, as well as pedophilia and satanic ritual torture and murder.
Lets start with a recent event right from germany:

>pic related
>article in the Bild newspaper, one of if not the biggest in germany from June 22
>474 vietnamiese children dissappearing from berlin linked to the dong-xuan asia shopping mall
>this mall is goal of a high amount of trafficking routes as stated before court
>states how they traffick people, often from poor families or orphans from asia directly to the dong xuan center for 15k€
>those then are forced to work in germany to pay the loan back (unless the transport was paid for, probably often by pedos and human traffickers)
>trafficked children work in whorehouses and „massage studios“
>if police catches the minors they get put into institutions
>from these they often dissappear again (claimed to run away but who believes that?)
>this center is still not closed down

>this mall had a couple of his store houses burn down for over 24 (TWENTY FOUR) hours just the other day until they could finally finish putting it out
>this totally wasnt just getting rid of evidence

Attached: Bild Dong Xuan.jpg (2448x3264, 3.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Refuge_case

Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times
around 13 min
states how his info about a CIA kidnapping ring is just ignored, and how the childs are used for sacrifices
this is coming from this guy
>Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 – July 31, 2011) was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI.

Bill admits hillary speaks with the dead
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
>Moloch (Phoenician: 𐤌𐤋𐤊, Masoretic מֹלֶךְ mōlek, Greek Μολόχ) is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.

pic related from alefantis instagram
>no chicken in sight
>just a kid

man, i really wonder what was sacrificed there. its undeniable that (((they))) are communing with evil spirits

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Did you know that Alefantis (whose restaurant features the Masonic Shriners Moon and star) has connections to a CIA lawyer connected to the Silsby case?
(Sadly deleted) around 5:50 Nora Maccoby talks about her growing up in an almost all CIA neighborhood making it very likely her family is involved in that as well.

Izette Folger Sister of Max and Nora Maccobie
>children: Anne Maccoby Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, Max Maccoby.

She is also at on the Advisory board of Innocent at Risk which is an organisation to "fight" child eploitation and human trafficing
Max Maccoby brother of Nora Maccoby and Izette Folger, defended in Alefantis and Brock in court
and is on the board of directors of "Friends of the Orphans"

Furthermore the "Friends of the Orphans" orphanage is the very same orphanage Laura Silsby took the children from when she was caught with 33 of them (pic related for more on this)
>PUELLO: There was an orphanage that collapsed in Haiti. It was called friends of the orphans of Haiti. And there was somebody over there that told them that the orphans had no place, no room to place them.

tl;dr: this family with CIA background and connection to Alefantis have an awfull lot of connections to Childprotectionservices including the orphanage that Silsby got the children from. Silsby was also scrubbed from the AlertSense website so you dont see her working there anymore. really makes you think

Puello is a name that also came up as culprit in a recent Child trafficking busts, but is appearently another person. Maybe related?

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Get the fuck in here Jow Forums

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Saddest words of joy
Words to bring the shills again
Jow Forums was right again!

A clear sign that Freemasons fuck shit up:
Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad? They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped. They probably use some drugs to enhance the effect while also building in a trigger to bring the desired personality to the front. Like giving them some certain shirt before the abuse starts or whatever. And since those kids have to be groomed/abused to be superstars you can be sure they think they can not only create the next superstar willing to promote their agenda, but also give all the pedophilic elites some fun time by letting them do abuse the kids. quit pro quo

no coincidences so many of their stars have some mental collapse later in their career.
a week after pic related was released FBI released the pedosymbols by the way. any chance someone got pissed?

also note: A bear, fat hairy faggot, snuggling with a barely clothed young boy
furthermore orange is the only colour that adds to 33 in (Pythagorean) Gematria

Also here is all I have on MKUltra and similar stuff

And here all I have on Masons, Occult faggotry and satanism among the ruling class

thanks, appreciated

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deserved bump

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Pic related is the screen of Viacom on Timesquare. If you didnt hear about this company it owns various TV channels like MTV, CBS with the all seeing eye, Viva with the 2 sets of opposing Vs like seen in . Comedy Central (CC/33) and for us most importantly Nickelodeon (the orange colour being a good additional hint to masonry and Viacom), Like Disney they also feature a lot of Childstars.
The boy you see on the screen is Desmond Napoles, 10 year old drag queen and icon of the LGBT community. Of course pushing ones degeneracy upon a kid (according to the mother he decided on his own at the age of 2 to be a Drag Queen when he first saw them on TV...) is not enough. Look at the spiral that they had to put on his head giving again the pedosymbolisn. Coincidently sexual abuse is related to satanic abuse as well as MKUltra as well as drugs which desmond seemingly gets too
In the video you see one of them trying to give Desmond something, to which the other says "He had one of those already" so probably nothing normal to drink.

Here is all I have on MKUltra and similar stuff
>Desmond’s personal drag style has evolved over the years. Currently, he is most influenced by the colorful club kids of 1990s NYC nightlife
So what is Clube kids?
>During this time, Alig and other regular clubgoers began creating flamboyant personas, and later became known as "Club Kids". The Club Kids wore outrageous costumes that former Club Kid and celebutante James St. James later described as "part drag, part clown, part infantilism".[9] They were also known for their frequent use of ketamine (known as Special K), Ecstasy, Rohypnol, heroin, and cocaine.

However this isnt where it ends...

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And one of the guys in that vid is appearently Michael Alig himself (as an autist im naturally faceblind, so look yourself if its the same guy)
>After The Limelight was closed by federal agents and an investigation found that Gatien was allowing drugs to be sold there, Melendez was fired. Shortly thereafter, he moved into Alig's Riverbank West apartment[18][19] On the night of March 17, 1996, Alig and his roommate, Robert D. "Freeze" Riggs, murdered Melendez after an argument in Alig's apartment over many things, including a long-standing drug debt.[20] Alig has claimed many times that he was so high on drugs that his memory of the events is unclear.
>After Melendez's death, Alig and Riggs did not know what to do with the body. They initially left it in the bathtub, which they filled with ice. After a few days, the body began to decompose and became malodorous. After discussing what to do with Melendez's body and who should do it, Riggs went to Macy's to buy knives and a box. In exchange for 10 bags of heroin, Alig agreed to dismember Melendez's body. He cut the legs off, put them in a garbage bag, cut off the head and put it in another bag, and stuffed the rest into a box. Afterwards, he and Riggs threw the box into the Hudson River.[21]
This is who the parents led roam around their child.

Also back to Viacom
The guy in the pic is Dan Schneider, producer for various shows on Nickelodeon. And here he is with Jennette McCurdy, actress from iCarly who you can also see here
>Hey Dan Schneider [...] Look what you have done to me

Is him getting too obvious the reason Nickelodeon recently axed him?

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>Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy.
Yep. Walt Disney was a member of DeMolay International, a Masonic organization named after the leader of the Knights Templar, Jacques DeMolay, who was executed for heresy and accused of witchcraft and blasphemy. The Knights Templar are believed to be the founders of the Freemasonic lodges, after discovering secret knowledge in Jerusalem near Solomon's temple, and bringing it back with them to France and then Scotland.

Fuck the Disney company anyways. Look at the shit they produce now:

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Scalise was strongly against humantrafficing and childdiddling

Scalise gets shot at the baseballgame, and Pizza gets send to his office

He was then most likely brought into the same Hospital as Seth Rich based on the location, the MedStar Washington Hospital Center
The shooter is also known for abusing his fosterchilds
>In April 2006, Hodgkinson was arrested for battery, domestic battery and discharging a firearm, after he allegedly physically assaulted his foster daughter and two of her friends.
>A St Clair County sheriff’s department incident report said Hodgkinson threw his daughter around a room, pulled her hair and hit her. He then punched a female friend of his daughter in the face “with a closed fist” and struck the woman’s boyfriend in the head with the stock of his shotgun, before firing a round as the man ran away.
>Almost a decade earlier, another foster daughter living with Hodgkinson and his wife, Suzanne, had killed herself at the age of 17, according to the Belleville News-Democrat. The daughter, Wanda Ashley Stock, doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire inside a car.
what the fuck? who burns himself as suicide? why not taking a hose and just redirected the exhaust fumes into the car or let it run in a garage or something? use the shotgun of the guy to make it quick. but fucking burning yourself? Maybe murder instead?

Also Trump brought his personal Physician to scalise
Furthermore weirdly congresscandidate Lindy Li seems to have a connection to the shooter.

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Brad Wenstrup helped treating the wounds of scalise directly after the shooting until the ambulance arrived and probably kept him alive
He was also quoted for saying "It’s just as easy as ordering a pizza, to order a person.”
the choice of words is no coincidence. possibly /ourguy/

the same doctor who is responsible for scalise, jack sava, also appears to be on the guestlist together with the podestas
he talks about in the beginning how it is normal to get shot and be relatively fine and later get into shock and collapse explaining the critical condition.
this article talks about why a gunshot to scalises hip, not just any hip, but scalises can be deadly
here it says he was in good spirits, and even called his wife and talked to her. scalise was on the verge of collapsing but instead of insteantly operating on him and stabalizing him they let him talk in piece all chilled out with no worries?
they already set the narrative up to make it seem like its normal if he dies
this bitch even already talks like he dead

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hodkinson, the baseball shooter had a list of targets but didnt shoot anyone on the list?
is he miserable at aiming? is the list fake news? or is that a list with targets he isnt supposed to shoot because those are (((theirguys)))? a threat like "you are next"? or the FBI giving an unofficial warning like "we heard there something, be carefull goys"?

furthermore hodkinson seems to have dissappeared months before the shooting
where did he go? certainly not targetpractive. was he maybe snatched up and MKUltrad in that time?
>Prior to the mass shooting, Hodgkinson visited the senate office of democrat Bernie Sanders, whose failed presidential campaign the gunman had volunteered for. The FBI also said the shooter had been in contact with the offices of democratic senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.
>"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said in the statement. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms.
but happens to not mention the visit. hmmmmm

>The FBI released new information Wednesday on the lone gunman
>According to the bureau, 66-year old James Hodgkinson acted alone in the mass assassination attempt, in what the FBI is describing as a “spontaneous” incident.
>lone gunman
just like with abe lincoln and JFK i suppose.and so spontenious he dissappeared months prior to the attack and had a list with him.
is anyone else thinking now?

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Theres a war between two powerful factions. Trump is the figurehead of the elitists that want control. Masons probably, against whomever has been in charge since 9/11.

CPP (((Shooter))) was an obvious false flag
he ran over a kid before and was left of without any charges. he had a debt to pay and the false flag was the payment.
also his father is an actor

as well as he himself seems to be too, or at least in the movie business

and he lived in Haiti

this all hints towards the connections to the higher ups. they didnt just choose some random guy

also the trafficcam shows there was prior knowledge to this incident and they made sure no footage will be found

doubtable. (((their))) main control sheme is the media, something that Trump attacked like noone else. He made a bunch of EOs which seem to prepare for a future purge of pedos (even though it got really quiet for a while around that). Also they were in charge way longer than since 9/11, 9/11s execution alone started 33 years earlier. Now under Trump Epstein suddenly is in the spotlight again as well.
Obviously it could be a limited hangout, getting rid of some lower pedos to pacify the masses, but only time will tell I guess.

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Bump. Think James will show up here?

The shills spam the fuck out of these threads.
The whole board is overrun with shills trying to slide any Epstein/Mossad blackmail and child torture discussion.
We know it's real and its all out in the open you sick fucks

Multiple senators wore the socks in pick related

These socks seem to be exclusively available on this website

Chairman of this onlineshop is Sir Phillip Green
This friendly guy also lend his private jet to the McCanns to tour around
And he seems to also get along really well with Bill "I put my dick everywhere I shouldnt" Clinton
furthermore "Sir" seems to be a honourary badge for pedos, like:
Sir Jimmy Savile
Sir Phillip Green
Sir Clement Freud

Also aside from the pedotriangles:
Coke & Pizza = Cocaine & Children?

wouldnt be the first time.

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Paddock had Childporn on his PC (even though it was claimed the harddrive is gone earlier)

The brother of the shooter was arrasted for childpornography, making it likely that this whole thing is connected to pizzagate ("eating thousands of dollars sushi comped" probably hinting towards slang from Cheesepizza being switched to sushi)
I assume the whole Vegas thing was the bill for all the "Comped Sushi"

Then we have the security guard Jesus. First he was shot after the shooting started, later on it was said he was shot before. But that isnt the really interesting part. The interesting part about him is that he apparently dissappeared out of the hospital

He then was insisted on only appearing on that one show, at Ellen and nowhere else

Where he then proceeds to carefully just repeat what Ellen tells him what happened and confirm it while also looking kind of uncomfortable

He bought 33 guns in the last year. 33 being a number the masons really like to use

A women went around the festival before the shooting saying they will all die

Also lots and lots of reports of multiple shooters.

Also it was on Route 91 at October 1.
Route 91 at 10/1

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Hogg is connected to an organisation founded byP odesta and another kid to another pedo org

while we are at florida

how did he make this interview than during the shooting if he wasnt there?
>interview during the ongoing shooting while hiding
>"get rid of guns REEEEEEEE" is the only theme
>According to the Interviewer (Hoggs) and official timeline done either 5 hours before the shooting happened or 6 hours after the arrest of the shooter (9:32, AM or PM not specified)
you also see the light shining through in the background shortly at around 0:38. so its not 9:32 PM but AM, since PM would be dark in winter meaning it was made before the shooting happened

Said when he heard about the shooting he grabbed his cam and bike and rode to school to film.
how did he make the interview during the shooting then?

Shooter was also on drugs
like most school shooters are

they already agreed to get rid of the evidence, like they also did in Sandy Hook

On the same day a drill was announced where the kids were told the police would fire blanks around. who didnt have that in school on the same day someone came in to shoot your school up for real?

One girl talked with Cruz when the shooting started

And appearently the actual shooter wore helmet, mask, bullet proof west and more combat garb, yet they could somehow identify him as Cruz

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If you just want to know about the meaning of #cumpanda go to the end of my next post, this will lead to it though
Josh Bekenstein, Sponsor of the New York Dinner of the Clinton Foundation

He works for a company founded (among others) by Mitt Romney
>Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by several former Bain & Co. partners that included Mitt Romney (later to become the 70th Governor of Massachusetts and candidate for President of the United States), T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss.[4] On account of these shared roots, Bain & Co. still maintains a strong institutional relationship with Bain Capital. Many current Bain Capital managing directors and professional staffers began their business careers at Bain & Co.[11]

Bain & Co, even though allegedly a seperate group still has the same origin as Bain Capital and I would be suprised if they really severed all ties. Bain & Co has ties to Atlantic Council
Which in turn has ties through Dmitri Alperovitch to Crowdstrike

Crowdstrike is one of the companies which fueled the rumors of russian hacking and has ties to the DNC

So Bekenstein has ties to the DNC, donated to the Clintonfoundation, and has connections to a group fueling the russian hacker narrative. However there is Seth Bekenstein, his brother, who was found guilty of Childpornography
So a Bekenstein, with ties to the DNC and donated for a CF dinner working for a company founded by Mitt Romney has a brother that distributed Childporn

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>Bekenstein was convicted in 1987 in New York on charges of sexual abuse and placed on three years' probation, records show.

>Bekenstein was charged in a criminal complaint with receiving child pornography that was mailed or shipped in foreign commerce. He is scheduled to appear before U.S. Magistrate Wayne Brazil at a detention hearing today. (January 12, 2001 )
>The sender, later identified as Seth Bekenstein, emailed hundreds of child-porn images, including photos taken by McVicker, to the agent. Bekenstein, a U.S. citizen living in Mexico, was then arrested when he visited Portland in February 2011.

he was found guilty for sexual abuse and only got 3 years on probation, was then caught again in 2001, and then was arrested in 2011?!

also in
>One pornographic video, ostensibly titled as being a National Geographic documentary about pandas, opened with an image of a panda before leading to a depiction of "three underage boys engaged in sexually explicit activities," Kawabata said.

ever notices how many of the kids in the instagram pics look really tired? so tired they have rings around their eyes? rings like pandas have them? i believe the kids are the #cumpandas

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The unification of the polar opposites is something that stretches itself across many cultures. Be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born. Or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. In the egyptian mythology osiris dick (male) that gets eaten by a fish (female) (pic), or the Washington Monument (a dick, male) standing in the vesica pisces (female). The 2 pillars, Boaz and Jachin which stood before Solomons Temple and represent the sun and moon, and again the polar opposites. Sol, solar, sun. mon, moon. Sol-o-Mo(o)n. Even the "Star of David" is representing the male and female being united with the opposing triangles.
There is NO Star of David, it is the Seal of Solomon and possibly Star of Remphan, Solomon used to commune with other spirits after his 700 wives tempted him. They called it Star of David because David is seen as a good king and thus tried to make this black magic symbol seem good

In case of the star we have the triangles that also additionaly symbolizes the 3, or with the 2 triangles the 33
All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day
33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life, trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation
Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm
Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promise

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gw bump

Regarding Silsby being scrubbed from the web. Laura Silsby is no longer found on the AlertSense website. She used to be on the website with pic and name (as Laura Gayler though), but they restructured the website and now she is gone.
For those that dont know, she was caught smuggling out 33 (interesting number by the way) out of haiti after an earthquake, most of which werent even orphans. She then was spoken guilty but only sat the 6 months she awaited trial and was set free afterwards and then went to AlertSense which provides technology to AmberAlert which is a warning system of the government for the case of, ie., children dissappearing.
Furthermore they also scrapped her work at AlertSense from the Wikipedia article. While
>Silsby and Hammons worked together at Hewlett-Packard.[24] Silsby-Gayler became associated with MyStateUSA an Idaho corporation based Meridian Idaho in 2010 [30]. MyStateUSA CEO, Claudia Bitner, founder of MySateUSA appointed Silsby-Gayler the CFO and corporate secretary in 2011(30). MyStateUSA changed its name to AlertSense [31]
you dont find anything any more at the current article's_Refuge_case

Also Pizzagate wiki was (((shut down)))


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Some dogwhistles, I believe trevor moore is /ourguy/
song about a kid getting sold into the showbusiness by greedy parent

0:29 seconds watch the list:
#5 pizzaparty
#1 AmberAlert
amber alert is an emergency system for example in case of missing children and is provided with technology by AlertSense which is the company fucking laura silsby works for
then he continues to say his parent sold him off in the song.
1:10 he says he cant stand the rich kids bar mizwahs and sleep overs with saudi princes
at 1:30 he sings about being put in a pit for 3 days and splashed with a hose which reminds me on those hot shit videos and the other shower videos
manager comes in saying "nothing to see here, he is just pranking lol"
2:30 kids says they will sacrifice him to the god baphomet

then there is also this shit:
includes the satanism, threat of suicide and blackmail through forcing him into fucking a child.
also goes 3:22 (Skull and Bones) and ends with the words "God please help me" even though all the other High in church clips have that song going on longer at the end

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>elites involvement in child and human trafficking, as well as pedophilia

anyone who claims that old men fucking young women, who then have babies, increase the lifespan of the human race are not telling the truth

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate

B-But goyim, wouldn't you rather talk about storm area 51? Much more interesting right!
Look, they're naruto running, isn't that crazy?

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lesson learned, if you keep repeating a lie that something was debunked which actually wasn't debunked then people will come to believe that it was debunked
Obrien, the guy that talked about how "beautifull" hait is was in a resort, wahoo bay beach resort just next to where a bunch of kids were freed the other day, the Kaliko beach club

pic related, the locations of the 2 clubs. Note that the 33 is an important number in the occult and for freemasons

>not realizing im just here to slide the area 51 thing
Lurk more nigger.

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On the reason and purposes behind this
The purpose is rather simple.A child that gets raped will often "reenact" it with other kids afterwards because it thinks thats just what adults do, probably also some coping mechanism. In the same sense, the elite that abuses grooms through the abuse the next generation that takes over that will think "thats just how things are going" since they dont know it any other way. Aside from mentally grooming this also ensures that the new rising stars are blackmailed since they participated in the satanic pedo shit themselves of which the higher ups surely saved some evidence. A new guy has to do some initiation ritual like
So he can be blackmailed through threat of exposure and ridicule, and once in that position will get more and more depraved tasks which all will be recorded, the higher you want to go the more disgusting and evil it gets

Then there are the occult principles behind it. For example
Cronus (Saturn) was eating his children in order to stay in power which is achingly similar to moloch recieving childsacrifice. i believe both were a metaphore originally for a lifestyle filled with egoism and greed, making yourself live comfy but resulting in your children/descendents having to clean up the mess just like we do right now, poisoning the oceans, air and land, cutting down forrests, nuking the shit out of desserts causing radiation everywhere, all which our children have to clean up, and by doing so we are eating/sacrificing them and thus letting cronus rule. its the result of our worship of satan aka our weaknesses and of course the literal sense of childsacrifices, wether ritual or abortion sacrificing the unborn for a better future of yourself which is the same like satanism, which basically is egoism and egocentrism caring only for your own well being

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Comet ping pong features shriner symbolism with the crescent moon and star. Shriners are known for trying to „help“ children in need and do so by dressing up as clowns (honk honk, am i right?). They (or more precisely the Royal Order of Jesters which only accepts Shriners) also are rumored to be the branch that kidnaps children for the others.
Now look at CPPs curios position

>the ping pong paddles

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I don't think so

the fingers are associated with planets . the middlefinger for example is associated with saturn which may gives relation to pic related making it a bloodsacrifice to saturn.
on a side note, the ringfinger is the sun finger, the sun, being a symbol for God and the finger also associated with courage and passion. I believe rings and circles are meant to seal something away, and the ring at marriage is never mentioned in the bible and likely is a ploy to corrupt it, and who would have known, after the marriage passion and courage dies off just killing the marriage.

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look who joined the club

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appreciate your efforts to make these threads, germbro

Bump. Good work OP.


Yeah, debunked by multiple news outlets parroting each other because Alefantis had a tism fit over it.

Totally credible debunking.

thanks guys. But I merely give back what other anons gave me in earlier threads. If it werent for them and God bringing them into the right threads I would probably have non of this info, and they are to thank as I merely collected it over time and repost in hopes of others providing yet additional info.
Freely I received, freely I should give.

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turns out its pretty easy to debunk your own strawmen.

>hey there is this creepy restaurant which features pedo symbolism and has connections to CIA and known childtraffickers in the government a which is probably a meeting place to exchange contacts and info for faggots, pedos and degenerates of any kind

>"Conspiracy Theory claims Clinton runs singlehandedly a childtrafficking ring from the non existent basement of a pizzaria "
>Basement actually still exist though

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have a bump krautbro

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thanks user.

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I think I posted through most of my stuff (aside from some pics) so here some additional info on other subjects

Ancient History

Nazi UFOs and Hollow Earth

the occult principles behind 9/11

False Flags (9/11 included but not as detailed)

NASA being lying pieces of shit

MKUltra and other mindcontroll

Pizzagate (ctrl + f "hogg" or "paddock" dor the parkland shooting or vegas shooting)

Satanic and Occult Elite

Also i made a blog with all this stuff having the info in a better order (as i always adjust according to what others bring up in thread) but misses info others brought up

And if someone is interested I made a discord server some while ago since the threads were shut down all the time. People on there are autistic but knowledgable
discord gg/ZXBuST

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now the real tinfoil stuff, the connection of the childrape to MKUltra, Ayys, Demons, Occultism and Satanism
The stories of alien abductions and demonic possessions are all pretty similar They often run in the family, include violent sexual acts (like anal probing), unableness to move or speak and a general sense of being scared. Also both are reported to just stop when calling out to Christ for help
Now there are people that claim aliens come around and give us knowledge and technology. Think of Paul Hellyer, former minister of defense of canada
or Podesta rambling on about alien disclosure. Now I assume everyone knows about Pizzagate here, which brings me to the next person talking a lot about ayys giving us technology, Boyd Bushman
at 2:36 you can see the pedotriangle dangling in the background.
What did the demons and fallen angels do in the past? They gave humanity knowledge we arent supposed to have yet, same the ayys do now.
And if you know about Pizzagate you also know how its all about satanism
So we have satanic sodomizers talking about (((ayys))) giving us technology. The sodomy supposedly makes one also more receptive to the spiritual, kind of a shortcut, but probably like falling off a cliff is the shortcut of getting down from a mountain. You can be sure that the higher ups underwent the same practices as their victims (just without the murder at the end) which results in
a) Brainwashing, they will eventually thing this is normal behavior, especially the kids, and later will continue the practice
2. Blackmail, one steps out of line you expose the crimes they did during those rituals
III: Shortcut to spirituality.
>cruz said demons told him to shoot up the school

Attached: Bushman Pedo.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

I believe:
Grey Alien= Demons aka spirits of dead Nephilim
Reptillian=Fallen Angels, like Satan, the fallen angel that appeared in Eden in form of a serpent (reptile) and later the dragon
Nordics/Tall whites/Pleiadians=angels/inner earthers
Remember that the UFO community claims Reptillians created the grays. In this case it would be the case too as the fallen angels mated with humans, creating the nephillim whose spirit traditionally are the Demons. Thus the reptillians created them by mating with humans.
Others i have no idea about

Interestingly ritual abuse, as well as demonic possessions, as well as ayy abductions, all feature sodomy
"Coincidently" around the area of the anus there is the rootchakra located. What is the purpose of this one?
>Security, safety
>Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
>Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
>Support and foundation for living our lives

Remember how rapevictims often are left Traumatized their whole life? Same area.
They trap their victims in an endless feeling of being insecure and vulnarable to have them controllable by corrupting their Root Chakra, and do this by sodomizing them as well as other forms of torture. This seems to be specifically done in satanic brainwashings where the subjects also are forced to be fucked and get fucked by animals

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the root chakra is your survival instincts. only if you rose above the constant fear of death you are able to actually process new experiences and evaluate them, see them from all angles outside of the threat they pose (sacral chakra), after that comes the solar plexus chakra responsible for our self esteem and self worth for which we have to see us in context of the new experiences and how we handle those. only once you love and value yourself you can start loving others (heart chakra), and love goes through the stomach, solar plexus>heart. next comes the throat chakra and the best speaches are those done by talking from your heart, what you truely care about and communication is the job of the throat chakra. Once you can formulate the truth properly there comes understanding and insight, the third eye chakra, and from this understanding you realize that everything is connected with another, the crown chakra

by putting you in a constant state of fear and anxiety they lock you in the lowest state of conciousness, occupied only with survival unable to really process any experiences. Early traumata like circumcission can alter your brain enough to effect your entire life.
All the fear propaganda all around merely is there to lock you into the lowest state of conciousness controlled by fear.

There is also the reptillian brain in charge of pretty much the same as the root chakra, survival instinct. Some people are "entirely" controlled by this area in the brain with every act only being there for survival. Stealing money from some guy, or even murdering people that threaten your lifestyle. The temptations of the flesh. The abuse and sodomy affecting the lowest chakra which is the easiest effected (iE through sodomy) due to its connection with the material.

The Serpent is a common symbol for evil because just as this chakra and conciousness is the lowest so is the snake crawling at the lowest on the ground representing the conciousness of the individual

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What is MKUltra? It is the CIA program working on mindcontrol methods which (((officially))) was stopped in 1973. They kidnapped drunks, prostitutes, homeless, and whoever else they could find from the streets to perform these experiments on them (next time you see a crazy hobo, maybe you realize why he is so crazy)
How is it performed? Basically they torture and stress you until your personality breaks into multiple people and you develop a dissociative identity disorder also known as multiple personality disorder. These methods include outright torture, waterboarding, sleep deprivation, being forced to look at strobing lights
and basically everything else that induces stress and Trauma. They furthermore aid it with the use of drugs (likely LSD or something similar). Eventually they build in some trigger, like always having a certain picture (like the monarch butterfly) on the wall during the process or making the subject wear a special shirt making it aware that the torture starts resulting in a certain personality they desire to come to the front. These new personalities can be then shaped pretty much freely and often dont know about the other personalities. It appears that the younger the subject is the better this works.

Is this still being done? You tell me
Some possibly are just druguse or fake (like the first one possibly is) but I advice to check the Britney Spears one at 7:25

Pic related an artwork of Kim Noble who underwent heavy abuse resulting in her personality being split. Extra attention on the Handkerchief below the kid, likely "drawing" the Pizza related map on it right now
Catching fluids as kind of a souvenir

Some more on MKUltra

Attached: Kim Noble.jpg (350x439, 32K)

This can all be summerized to "weakening ones mental and spiritual fortitude in whatever possible way" to make them controllable. If they are controllable to humans they also are to spirits and at that point the rituals and symbols come into play to call demons, as they are not omnipresent and otherwise would just miss the opportunity to take control

Some anons account on something related
>I have this early childhood memory and I am swarmed with fear currently when I write this. It's hard. I remember that it was night and I was probably 3-4 and I was in my room alone. I saw this classic flyng alien plate stop in front of my window.
>I also have another memory. An alien pictured on the wardrobe again in the middle of the night, it was only made from light.
>Also around this time I started wanting to be alone and perform this weird sexual thing where I would prostrate so that my ass is up and vulnerable.
>I am not gay to this day and I remember doing this once.
>WHAT THE FUCK totally mindfucked atm.

>Last year I have this weird dull pain between my scrotum and anus, couldn't sit without a donut pillow. 6 weeks of antiobiotics, lot of painkillers, nothing works. In january I had an Ayahuasca ceremony, in the deepest of the journey had this strong urge to pee, I don't know how I reached the bathroom but remember that the urine was dark green almost black. Since that the pain disappear. Weirder part is that the day before the ceremony I had lot of synchronicities and strange things happened. I think that root chakra was retaining some emotional stuff and Ayahuasca help me to release it.
>So, I think there's some truth in the chakra thing.

also in >It appears that the younger the subject is the better this works
pic related

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>Bild newspaper, one of if not the biggest in germany
kek, fuck no.
They're the german equivalent of "The Sun" or the "National Enquirer" and their numbers dwindling for years now, they're also convicted of fake news with cases into the hundreds.
I consider every single "news" of this newspaper as fake, as long they aren't confirmed by other sources

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there are dozens of others. Just need to look for "Dong Xuan Menschenhandel"

and Bild is one of the biggest there is, even if controversial at times
> It is the best-selling European newspaper and has the sixteenth-largest circulation worldwide.

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There was a case where a twitter user going by the name 0hour collected thousands of accounts sharing and posting CP on twitter which were all linked to another. She (i think it was a woman iirc) gave the list with all the accounts to twitter in an effort to get them banned and reported to feds. Their answer was to bann her instead and leave the accounts open.
Of course twitter also featured the pedo triangle

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>TRUTH starts here


>Kappy Video Translation

>Scalia, Aquino...


>Q Research auf Deutsch

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Have a bump, keep it up!

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>epstein island

Another reason I believe why mainly children are used in the ritual abuse and sacrifices:
Children have a stronger connection to the other world. think of the monster under the bed, imaginary friends
Now what additionally increases this is stuff like near death experience giving with many people reporting the very same things, usually meeting deceased ones or God which they instantly recognized. Also strong torture leading to dissociation (Out of body experiences for example like pic of depicts, painted by kim noble who was heavily abused as a child that she depicts here and developed MANY different personalities. [note the handkerchief/pizza related map] This principle was also used in MKUltra which is just the age old satanic ritual abuse refined with modern chemistry and psychology to subdue others). You lose connection to this world and thus increase to the other world.
Now you probably heard of "you are what you eat". Similary they try to then gain the vision the child has by ingesting its pineal gland (thought to be your 3rd eye and seat of the soul) or drinking the blood, like the believe that you gain potency when eating the balls of a lion or something)
this is but one aspect of course. there is the symbolical meaning behind the sarifices, blackmail purposes, and the fact the elites just likes to fuck

pic related, this island?

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We know Policeforces are infiltrated by Masons

So who believes that shit like this (a whole bag of evidence of a guy who raped 31 children suddenly "dissappearing") is actually by accident.

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in France it is said that beyond a certain level, all police men/administrators are masons

well, if you are not you wont get a promotion.

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pic related, maybe a LARP, maybe another show, but there is this
How likely is it he was abused hard enough to supress the memory?

in one thread we looked into the claims and turned out 2 or 3 other series fitted the description of which one was home improvement

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source? commie san

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really makes me think how many anti trump shills are all seemingly involved with the pedo bullshit

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Friendly reminder that Charles Manson, The Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, and James "whitey" bulger were all MK Ultra test subjects.

What are the chances?

well, i saw an interview with manson when he was in prison already. There he stated that there was this one guy who told him what to do, and he always did it without asking questions. This reminded me of MKUltra, but one day he asked the guy to do something for him, and he refused, and that possibly broke his programming and he (iirc) cut that guys ear off in rage.
Also it seems more likely that Manson was framed. That doesnt require MKUltra though, even more so since he kept denying that he ordered the murder.
There are other cases of MKUltrad people being framed, in example Nikolaz Cruz >
>>cruz said demons told him to shoot up the school
but here the programming was to make him admit he did it when quite obviously he couldnt have been the shooter. '

So i dont know what the programming was meant to accomplish in case of Manson.

For the other 2, I didnt look into them to be honest, but there are quite some other links to MKUltra with other shooters. So I dont really doubt it.

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Does anyone know anything about worldcorp? Does anyone have an archive?

only that its where the "hot shit" videos were posted seemingly first. Website seems rather shady, but i dont have anything on it

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>putting you in a constant state of fear and anxiety they lock you in the lowest state of conciousness

maslow agrees

>Friendly reminder that Charles Manson, The Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, and James "whitey" bulger were all MK Ultra test subjects.
Explain Manson. Was it his early stints in prison?

>>putting you in a constant state of fear and anxiety they lock you in the lowest state of conciousness
The whole of our culture is based on this to keep us in line.

nah, Manson wasn't MK Ultra. Can't comment about the rest.

redpill me on maslow user. I dont think i came across him yet

>hey look at this terrorist attack, arent you scared of more? so let us just pass these laws which would otherwise make you riot to protect you

>arent you scared of climate change?
>lets pass this bullshit regulation that arent doing shit but destroy competition on the international market to destroy our economy

>Hey, arent you scared of these shootings?
>Let us take your only means of defending yourself of the tyrannical government which in advertedly will come so you feel save again

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>Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review.[2] Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which focus on describing the stages of growth in humans. He then decided to create a classification system which reflected the universal needs of society as its base and then proceeding to more acquired emotions.[3] Maslow's hierarchy of needs is used to study how humans intrinsically partake in behavioral motivation.

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ok china

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and let me guess, survival needs override all the others, and as such the mind pays not attention to those. Thus by creating fake crisises we distract our mind from the shemes at hand and the purpose of life to these fake crisises.

ever wondered why the Jesus taught us to not fear or worry? to just have faith that we are protected and provided for? simply because we dont fall for these shemes, and figure out how to overcome our flesh.

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Who are the 8 Goddesses? What happened to the 8 goddess cult?

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O Oprah what is you doin

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Megalia murders babies

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feminist witches murder babies

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you are a quick study, user
i like you. have another bump.

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