>JF claims to never masturbate
>JF claims to never use birth control
>JF claims to be chad that always cums in pussy
>JF has been dating her for a year
>She is still not pregnant
well well well.... somebody is lying.
>JF claims to never masturbate
>JF claims to never use birth control
>JF claims to be chad that always cums in pussy
>JF has been dating her for a year
>She is still not pregnant
well well well.... somebody is lying.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying premarital sex is alpha
JF claims that he does not need to get married to have sex because every woman he has ever had sex with he was committed to supporting.
He probably lies about not using birth control. The guy is pretty smart, so I think he knows having a baby with a potato is a bad idea.
Stop watching that grifter.
His retarded girlfriend is 34.
your future wife thinks it is
he's literally claim the only requirement for having a baby with a woman is that she is alive in 2019. That means she succeeded evolutionarily so it's al l fair game.
>beep boop beep beep bbc beep beep worship black cocks beep boop
Pour water on yourself, bot
He probably sterilized it
JF is a fucking creep
whoever takes this weirdo seriously can fuck right off
and don't call it "dating" this kike woman is mentaly retarded or something she has no concept of dating
>men geting pregant
JF redpilled himself on the superiority of she-men
Nigga knows that women aint shit and that man>woman but the dick only works for female shit is nature making sure you exist
Whatever happened to JF?
These lies are so blatant that I think he is kidding. And you are falling for the joke.
JF is a TITAN he will impact culture more than any migrant will ever impact your wife's son's colon so stfu
He's still around?
how much money have you given him so far?
Do you plan on purchasing his bath water?
>potato nigger
go and riverdance somewhere else
Someones got a boyfriend!
That thing is so ugly. It probably can't procreate.
JF is highly intelligent and damn good at making logical arguments with high levels of nuance, more so than anyone on the alt-right. But my god why does he date these fucking freaks. This girl speaks like a retard, acts like a retard, looks like a Jew. I guess every fucking alt-right moron has to have some terminal fucking condition that ruins their otherwise good traits.
>Ooga booga
Judging by her retardation, "she" is probably infertile. Also fuck you, fuck e-celebs, fuck niggers, fuck muslims, fuck arab, and above all
anyone got the link to his luke ford video where he says he's slayed over 1000 women? He is a compulsive liar, this shit is tame compared to him blaming corrupt family courts for him submitting his own psych analysis
Jf has a girlfriend, but she lives in Canada
JF also self censors to follow youtube rules because he's a grifter who only cares about money. His gf is literally a retard. He is a serial tard fucker who claims to have fucked over 200 women. I'm on phone otherwise I'd link it.
What kind of alpha preys on retarded girls lol?
>That snozz
I do the same thing. It's easy. A woman's cycle isn't that hard to figure out. Don't know about JF though.
>Maybe if I call someone "kike" nobody will realize I'm the kike.
Yes and yes
Lol imagine listening to you, mama jf is a princess
>dick mutilated burger calls me kike
who cares desu
JF is directly antagonistic to YouTube you moron and he's making bank. You're jealous and possibly a shill.
Quit to the insult jpegs, eh Kraut. He sure struck a nerve there.
>doesn't deny being a kike.
He took bloodsports and made it into a nightly right wing stream of unparalleled intellect with a diverse range of guests who all end up agreeing with him
She's not retarded tho, she's got a surprisingly spontaneous intelligent wits.
So i no longer think shes dumb.
Instead im pretty much sure she has some hearing defect from birth, which makes ppl talk as unclear and nasally as she does.
It's a hearing problem.
JF is a total weirdo but some of his takes are decent
Who the fuck is that girl?
Is she really a retard or just not speak English?
No, its just her french Canadian accent. She sounds normal when speaking french.
>So i no longer think shes dumb.
That's because you're a member of the JIDF, you dumb fucking kike. Very well thought out argument.
i can not deny something that is not so, i can deny something that is so but that i do not accept, which is the meaning of the word denial.
now apply your fucking ointment to your mutilated dick you fucking diva
It's because that's a man. JF is a faggot.
where are her nudes?
reminder that french canadians are the kikes of canada, working tirelessly to destroy the country for decades now
JF and justin trudeau are on the same nigger-importing team of butthurt faggots
>well well well.... somebody is lying.
Maybe not fucking during ovulation?
I think a phd in biology can plan for that.
That's Mama JF
This is an ID would you carr to bring on di pooblic spayce?
All I see is a vile lying white Jewess....Why is this a thread here?
>when you no longer have any arguments so you just make stuff up almost randomly
cool story bro
Man you suck who hurt you
>i can not deny something that is not so,
Not just a kike, but a retarded kike.
I'm guessing the Auschwitz crematorium right beside the masturbator machines and the Schlomo lamp shades.
i'm happy, and I want everyone else to be happy. But fuck the kikes.
My father works for the internet we have ways of punishing you
>white Jewess.
pick one, because you cannot have both, you shill heeb
has jf ever been right about anything?
>his pet theory is completely bullshit and superfluous to evolutionary theory
>his internet history is a track record of denying being wrong (on religion, on philosophy, on history) and beating on idiots who barely understand their own arguments
>he blames a system which exploits the naivety of women, yet blames non-whites for destroying the traditional white system of authority- why the double standard?
>insists on begging for money when in reality he should be creating user friendly content and collaborating outside his yes-men sphere, since he will soon exhaust the resources of his 20-50 sycophants
>deeply unaware that he is now stale, running out of steam and his move is the worst possible time to become financially liable as he's about to hit an income collapse
will the jf story end in tears? he's the intellectual equivalent of jason blaha.
Bring it on, bud lol. You're in for a world of hurt
Who the fuck is JF and why should we care that this ugly Jewess can't get pregnant?
mama jf is the only eceleb i can’t impersonate in text form and it makes me feel bad. i just can’t make any sense of what she’s saying.
You just fucked with the wrong potato Buck-o
BAsically this lol
I understand what she says but how the fuck do you spell it I dunno
>wrong potato
>Irish flag
That's the most elaborate shit post i've seen since 2006... get the fuck outta here you dick lol
I listen to nearly every stream JF does. I have concluded his woman is of average intelligence with some emotional issues from something in her past (the whole Spencer thing). Either way, she's a consenting adult and happy, and they make a good couple. Get mad.
Who ze fuck iz jf?
I feel ya burgerbro
How come this place is infested with e-celeb loving niggers these days?
>these days?
Newfags posing as oldfags as usual.
>How come this place is infested with e-celeb loving niggers these days?
Because you touch your penis at night, you naughty Kraut...
Yea, we all know it, but don't shame them, burger broskie, it's good entertainment value lol
Eee iiiz dee yuletimayte idyys frog
Checked and kek'd
>JF claims that she's not Jewish
I'm sure he's prepared to defend these claims on the public spayce
>Being on this site for 2 years is being an oldfag now
Okay then
Absolutely based
i've been here since the beginning, sizzle tits.... the fuck does that make me?
What are you limp dick faggots talking about?
AaaaaaaaaaaAaaaahhhhhHHHH KAWAAAIIIIIIII
The results of the new Masterchef season 10 episode results, you flaming heeb. Come on, god dammit
Literally whomst
Nice ID
Sex is degenerate
Ethan "the gunt" Ralph, is that you? I know recently you tried starting shit with JF to get some drama views on your shitty show.
No white guilt destroyed her womb with his Excalibur cock
Sex is about procreation, not recreation, you fucking jew. Enjoy it while you do it. don't wear condoms, and birth more white children. I bet it pains you to hear me say that, eh memeflag.....
How do you know she is not pregnant?
Bud, if you know who the fuck this kike is, then take a break from the internet, You're drinking too much Jewish Kool-aid