Record number of jobs

>record number of jobs

Attached: 636590541716802602-EPA-BRITAIN-UBER-TRANSPORT.jpg (3200x1680, 476K)

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Also a record number of illegals flooding in from the 3rd world

Jews like to hide away the lack of jobs through bloating the service industry... just because they beez getting paid doesn't mean they're contributing to society; the only people contributing to society are the white men in the rural areas toiling the land.

Attached: doordash-software-engineering-daily-1.png (730x389, 7K)


My gf makes around 16-20 an hour with door dash

Once you subtract gas, insurance, car wear, etc it'll turn into $5.


Actually not only are you a parasite leeching off gov subsidies but you are also white trash.

you are clearly a brainlet. By no means is doordash a great career or anything, but you don't understand how taxes work either.
You can make more per mile than your actual expenses in write offs and keep a higher % of your $ than a wagie who makes the same.

Yes, let a burger explain to me how finances work.

Attached: pepelaughz.jpg (800x450, 40K)

How much of that is from the blowjobs she's giving?

Do they have to file taxes for that job? Oh yeah, you’re retarded.

Hey you bully I'm an Uber driver there is nothing wrong with Uber driving. I study online. Make enough money to live in my own 2bdr place. Make sure I don't earn too much a fortnight so I can still claim my welfare (draining the the socialist system slowly). Although I drive uber black and my town is 99% white so I don't get any black customers.

Attached: 1543758103260.png (500x540, 275K)

>earning money next to your real job when you really need money

>being forced to take on 3-4 side jobs because your main job can't even pay your rent
fixed it for you.

>I'm a retarded burger who doesn't know shit about anything, but here's my opinion anyway because FUCK YOU FREEDUMB

Attached: burger_2.jpg (1142x720, 161K)

How do you deal with retards who piss/shit/vomit in your car?

Currently, I gross $1000.00 per week with Lyft. Now after 30% taxes (federal, state county and city) and about 20% in expenses I net just about $500. This is for 40 hours per week in Seattle. Personally, this works out to have me debt free by the end of the year.

Tried GrubHub a few years ago and sat around a lot waiting for the orders to be made. Lyft seems to have less down time but there are still slow periods. YMMV

Thankfully no one has ever doing that but if it does happen, the protocol is you take a picture and send it to Uber, they have a cleaning claim process and they reimburse you for the cost, which I hear is a flat $200. I have 3 internal cameras though and an SBC in the glove box (my car is set up really well), so if it happens to me I will just tell them I can take them to an ATM right now for $200 flat or they can pay the $500 dollars through Uber claims to have my leather interior fully detailed.

I have had two people warn me by tapping me and giving me a "oh shit look" each time I've quickly pulled over and they've blown their vomit out the car no problem. You can avoid this entirely just by avoiding driving at times you know you will be picking up drunks, although those are the best times to drive.

You don't pick them up. I have only had that happen once since February, when I started. Guy was puking on the sidewalk when I pulled up. Made sure he was ok and then cancelled on him. Told Lyft that I was not having him puke in my car. No issues since then. Now I work earlier and shut down before the real drunks call it a night.

That's less than the minimum wage in Seattle with no benefits :( :( :(