Edgy as fuck

Lol, how are you anons this edgy? I mean, conspiracy theories of the modern world are plausible and even lickelly, but you also post shit like 'Atlantis super race', 'whites in South-America' etc etc without any decant evidance. And then there's the 'WE WUZ' niggers, but we don't even pay attention to these anymore.

The most lickelly explanation is this one:

There are about 4 or 5 seperate places of origin of the major early civilizations, the Middle-East, Pakistan (most lickelly had contact and were influenced by Mesopotamia), China, Peru and Mesoamerica.

These people were all either Caucasian or Mongoloid, the most intelligent races, so it is more lickelly these people developed them on their own with no or minor influence instead of thousands of educated people litterally migrating thousands of miles over sea and mountains to 'educate'?? other people.

And if that happened, why didn't they go to Africa and Australia then?

It doens't make any sence. These are hippie theories, who can't accept that these races are more intelligent then abo's and negros.

And don't even bother to post pictures and then 'YOU SEE, YOU SEE!!!', or link edgy books or websites.

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so this is mental illness

No, just to much watching edgy sites and Youtubers.

Intelligent people did travel though.
Plato travelled to India and learned a lot from the Brahmins there. I assume this is also where he picked up on info about Atlantis.
This knowledge helped for the basis for the Greek philosophers, which in turn largely shaped European politics.

I'll have to look into that one, about Plato. But India was already known by Greeks. I'm more talking about early contact (2000 bc +/- Earasia) and voyages to the new world, which seem very unlickely.

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>And if that happened, why didn't they go to Africa and Australia then?
They did. It changed them. They forgot who they are. They became lesser humans.

Pol is not one person

You sound like you have a problem with people expressing themselves on this, the board of peace

Begone you do not belong here

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You’re all mentally ill.

What's lickelly?