
What is Jow Forums's position on what to do with homeless people?

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Help them find jobs. Open up more unskilled and semi-skilled jobs for them by deporting the spics.

There will be more homeless if you cut them in half
They will double, actually

Or they will die from profusely bleeding by being cut

>cut all homeless people in half

holy shit, based and redpilled crusade against the homeless, is this the beginning of the war? are we gonna use swords or some special device?


>what to do with homeless people
In the case of the UK, if they're from the British Isles then help them. The solution is to kill capitalist kike bankers and their pedo lackeys, then remove the shitskin garbage they've allowed into their country. Same with the US or anyplace else, really.

Host fighting tournament on an island and and the winning homeless will be crown the homeless emperor and get some food for a week

Convert them into a meat by-products. Serve them to consumers.

As much as that would make sense at first, the homeless usually keep trying to get jobs. It's just that employing a homeless person is a risk.
If they've only just gone homeless and still have some liquidity left, they'll find a shitty job that can help them get back on their feet.
But the problematic homeless, the ones that have gone too long without a job to still have the opportunity to start one are the ones that give up the search. Live on the street beg for survival and seek solace in drugs.

What they need are reliable programs to get into. Deporting spics won't help; as that term already implies, they're not that great at speaking the local language or blending in with locals. These kinds of people are far better suited for the kinds of jobs nobody wants to do. This is where homeless people can shine, as they can communicate and look like a local after a bath, a shave and a haircut. Being homeless, you have very few bills to pay so almost your entire income is yours with very little taxation (after the american tax return).

Of course, there's also the parasites that demand instant wealth. Let them stay homeless until they get it.

cut them all in half by 2025

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>Pass a law declaring the spot where the homeless person happens to go to sleep that night as their official 'home'.
>No more homless people, at least on paper.
>Pat self on back, problem solved.

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Help the ones who maybe fell on hard times and want to sincerely improve their life. And gas the other 90%. Or at least move them to an island where they can fuck everything up away from us. Here in Portland basically every homeless person is a piece of shit junkie with no hope or even desire to rehabilitate themselves back into society. They add nothing of value to anyone. No chance of ever producing something of value because all they can do is destroy. Throw their trash everywhere, break into cars, openly shit and piss in the street. What else can we do with this human trash? Put them on a damn island. Then maybe sink the island.

Have you ever met a homeless person? They are all severely mentally ill and more often than not on a self destructive drug binge that ends in a horrible mess for everyone involved. These people are unemployable.

This would be fun. Maybe something like a homeless hunger games.

Sterilize them ASAP. Offer them free abortions, free chemical castration, etc. to catch the stragglers.

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Kill the white ones for being race teaitors

Those "people" are even more useless than wetbacks and niggers. They'd only slow down any job they tried to do

>by 2025
Is that how long it's going to take to acquire the loicense to cut them all?

Dont bother america is a fallen "empire" FILLED with dumbasses like the user you responded to

Cut them all in half by 2025

Im a former homeless man. Psychotic depression, bi-polar, alcholic, drug addict.

Its literally the most miserable and horrible existence you can imagine. The day to day trudge destroys your soul, and its why if you dont remedy the situation quickly, its almost impossible to return to normal life.

Btw Hitler was homeless after WW1

Lmao how the fuck did that ad pass committee.

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The answer depends... are we talking about actual homeless people or the homeless people that exist in every movie where they're cute and righteous?

cut them in half, obviously

how did you get out of that? homeless charities help?

Literally this. Use for dog food.

Give them their own county install CCTV and make it a social experiment. Then move LA somewhere else.

>white homeless
>foreigners in social housing

There is an obvious solution here somewhere.

Pls keep pretending there isnt a solution to the homeless issue, ill use my homeless army to burn ur cities to the ground soon enough


Ship them off to camps where gov't and some contracted industries can get free labor out of them, that is if they're fit to work. Work until death, or euthanize immediately if no work can be salvaged.

Bring back work houses. All homeless who are willing to work get free bunk accomodation and basic meals in exchange for working, and given the opportunity to learn new skills to help them work. Those that are unwilling to make an effort get deported to a remote colony island like Australia

work camps

i wonder what your ethnoreligious background is

>homeless people having children is a problem


>Ship them off to camps where gov't and some contracted industries can get free labor out of them

The solution may be to cut all foreigners in half by 2025.

You need to differentiate between the "normal person down on their luck" homeless and the "the lost and the damned" homeless. A number of homeless people are fucking insane, but not all of them.

Any former homeless workers can shed light on this.

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The german cognitive dissonance is very strongly ingrained in this one, good goyim

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Combining them into one giant homeless person is a better idea.

That's bullshit, my mother and sister are homeless and I've spent a lot of time around the homeless as a result. Even the "good ones" believe everything is about them, they believe its always someone else's fault. When you attempt to help them their shitty behaviour is only reinforced.

"normal person down on their luck" aren't the problem
it's "the lost and the damned" that are clogging up all of the resources and causing the chaos and lack of social order

closing the insane asylums out of "compassion" was a mistake

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I stopped being a scumbag, stop getting involved with the police. Went back to my mom and she helped me.

The hardest part was leaving behind the family i had on the streets. They were cunts, but at least they were honest cunts. They were honest about ripping you off.

I got into fitness, met a girl and im taking each day slowly. Shes got her shit together and she understands. I was lucky.

But ultimately i had to accept the problem was me.

Going from homeless to non-homeless in todays economy is fucking easy if you make trying to fond a job your full time job, and if you make trying to find housing your full time job. No, the homeless today aren't any more down on their luck than us, they're just fucking pieces of shit with no drive or will to survive.

A return of stoicism and cloistered communities based on spiritual growth and guidance through perfections of skills
Followed by an Era of aetheticism

Homless man find your passion and dedicate your life to it in a closed lock self sustainable community for the next ten years.

Form monastic art collectives
Devise straight edge sex cults
Eco collectives.

Return to 18th century living with Pete Townsend and sons.
Learn to heft wood
Build your temple
Learn to care for it

Well, congratulations on making it out. Being homeless would suck.

>cut homeless people in half
I'm ok with this. Maybe we can get it done before 2025

>That's bullshit, my mother and sister are homeless

just kill yourself already

Guillotine 2.0 2020 edition.

Should be epic.

I'm 'homeless', own an RV that I travel around in. Used to hitchhike and live out of a backpack, met the mother of my kids at a festival and we got an RV once she was pregnant. Two kids now. I've been on Jow Forums since 2006, you newfags with no responsibilities could learn a thing or two by leaving your non existent lives and going on the road.

The county I lived in down in SW Florida would have the Sheriffs deputies drive around and pick up the bums off the street and drive them north to the next county and just dump them there on the side of the highway. Was pretty based and no bums standing around begging.

A lot of the homeless have severe mental issues, like schizophrenia.

A good chunk, however, do not remain homeless for long.

>>cut all homeless people in half

Giving the amount of muzzies why dont they explode the homeless?

a fucking leaf

Why? Because I'm not breaking my back for people who demand to have their way? They can rot on the street for all I care, they tried their absolute most to keep me on their level.

>cutt all homeless in half
what did they mean by this, so sharia is finally state law?

>Pete Townsend and sons.

or drug and alcohol addiction and want to remain homeless to keep that lifestyle

Do you all have the same sympathy for the flu or e. Coli?

>I've been on Jow Forums since 2006,

*smacks dick out of your hand*
Step up I've been here since 05.

Now this is a plan I can get behind.

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This would actually solve homelessness

Why cut the Homeless? Send them to Resyk

Resyk: we recycle everything but the soul

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you are so full of shit that you believe your own bullshit

he's right though

Show flag kike.

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You sit them down and assess them. if they are mentally ill, you find the parents, liquidate their assets, then kill them.

If not mentally ill, you give them soon-to-be deported spic jobs.

They are homeless because they had to pay for the porn liocence, the TV loicence, the wanking loicence, the loicence to have a loicence and could not afford a home any more

If they aren't white and cristian deport or kill them imediatly

Pay and send the homeless to the homes of politicians, media, and corporate executives

I wish homeless would be culled, America already makes it illegal to give them food. I’ll end up on the streets and I’d rather the government put a bullet in me then get knifed by some fucking nigger or tweaker.

That's been Californias plan, and it works great! Tent by the freeway? They have Tenant's rights!

you jews are all fucking schizo sociopaths
go back to your kibbutz, jew


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*you kill the parents for being heartless cunts


we have to draw a distinction between homelessness and grave mental illness. It's pernicious to pretend that these people who argue with buildings and get into fist fights with street signs just need a job. A large portion of these people need intensive treatment. Alcoholism and drug abuse also play a large role here. You can't just give them money and expect them to turn their lives around. They won't.

That's a shiny horse


Worked for Rudy

Prevent homes from being an investment. Tax immigrant labor through the roof. increase tariffs.

You're just mad because you demand to live in a world that doesn't exist. The only way to end homelessness is through forced labour.

End immigration. I don't mean reduce, I mean END. The economy will grow at it's usual pace, without importing millions of shitskins to fill the new positions will create a labor shortage, which will force businesses to compete with each other for employees, which will drive up wages and make it easier to get a job in the first place, then the homeless will be gainfully employed and can afford to buy a house.
Unless they're homeless because they're mentally ill or drug addicts, in which case they go to the reopened asylums.

Ok that's really violent

The leaf is right. I have employed homeless people and they make it out like you wrong them and spend their paycheck on drugs. Get some money and avoid work. I don't have a drug addiction so I don't know what it's like but I have to imagine having money is more important than living under a bridge smoking crack

>breaking my back for people who demand they have their way?
*imports thousands of foreign workers*
*hands out section 8 housing like candy*
*gives neetbux to retards with 'anxiety'*
*gives millions in foreign aid*
*apple hasnt paid taxes in years*
*government worker starting positon 100k/yr*

So will you finally kick Trudeau out of the office?

>There will be more homeless if you cut them in half
>They will double, actually
>Or they will die from profusely bleeding by being cut

I'm not a doctor, but the second is probably true

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There are better ways to kill homeless

Yeah sure, its everyone else's fault once again right?

Literally the one in the picture. Most who stay homeless are actual fucking scum who just beg for free gibs and refuse to work.

Source: was homeless, now nearly 6 figure job.

Lower taxes will make more economic opportunities, thus lowering unemployment. That’s why unemployment has lowered so much during trumps presidency.


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I’ve had a similar idea too. Essentially a thunder dome scenario where two enter and only only one leaves. The victor gets shelter and food for a month before having to compete again.

How did you get to that stage?
On both ends I mean, how did you get homeless then how did you start doing alright?

>multiple ways to phrase sentence
>"reduce by half", "decrease to 50%" etc
>Nah let's use most retarded one possible.
Jesus Christ has the level of English in U.K fallen that badly? They fucking invented the language for God's sake. I'm not a native speaker and I can fucking do better.

Most of them are homeless because of drugs not because of financial hardship.

doesn't work for many of us. when your entire life is trying to battle sever mental illness, there just is zero chance of fitting into a work environment. You may be able to produce one week and then be shit tier for two weeks after that. It's to disruptive.

t. rapid bi-polar disorder
t. homeless on and off for ten years