Co-workers accidentally see me taking my antidepressants

>co-workers accidentally see me taking my antidepressants
>Ask what that is
>I have no choice but to tell the truth
>Depression and anxiety?
>Oh me too
>Yeah same
>Me as well
Wtf 90% of my work is medicated. So how about Jow Forums? How are you meds working.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>eating the chemical lobotomy pharma jew

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Been on it about 12 years now. Went off once and got more depressed than I ever was before.

Trying to get off meds as we speak, never did a thing for me and I regret every letting my mum (bless her) talking me into taking them. Just gonna have to learn to live with being this way or kill myself.
Also those 90% of coworkers and possibly yourself are not actually socially anxious or depressed, psychiatry is a glorified pseudoscience and therapists are trained to always assume that a problem exists and work to find scraps of evidence to support it.


Should probably stop working at the LGBT office.

Stop eating Jew medication.

data mining thread

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Top tier ramielposts


I took them for awhile. You are only supposed to be on them about 6 months. Op and his buddy probably have serotonine imbalance at this point. I bet he spazzes out like a retard when he forgets to take them.

Just quit unless you are on a high dosage, then taper off.

Here is the secret to happiness: marry someone you love, find a job you like, have kids.

Its a lot of hard work but hard work is the secret.

Of course. You're dependent on it now. You're fucked mr.zombie.

OP is an SSRI sleeper agent waiting to be unleashed. Sloppy job incoming.

>have no choice
except you literally do.

you guys are all fucked up on jew chems ffs e a CHAD aryan and stop consuming that shit, eat healthy, workout and form a social life and youll be your arse you will see good results. dont forget daily Jow Forums whitepills nit the kike chems.

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I do all of those. Have a great job. A gf and have been working out for years. Those things do nothing for me mentally.

Isn't that every Canadian office though?

Then why are you here?
>is everyone on pills???
Is that your question? Yes the dumb autistic people mostly.

>the pills fix me
No they make you too retarded to care.

>He doesn't medicate like a Chad with sex and firearms

I was on them for that long too. Try to find other ways to chill out. I use cbd oil that shits amazing. Also, go to sprouts or some other natural food stores and get some ashwuganda oil along with any other good mood or anxiety oils they have. It’s so much better than having shitty brain shivers

I was depressed for half a year. I couldn’t enjoy my favorite hobbys anymore and I thought people were talking about my when I traveled by train to Uni. Got really paranoid. Then I just TALKED to my parents and best friend. Cried like a faggot but it helped. Now no longer depressed and I didn’t need a single jew medicine for it.

Stop using meds you fucking good goy.

But I've been depressed for 32 years and now I seem fine desu

I'd say it's pretty natural to feel depressed under certain circumstances. Munching on schlomo's happy pills is a bit... odd.

Depression usually has a cause. You have 3 parts that make up the idea of you, your ego, super ego, and id. Perhaps you should read some psychology instead of popping pills.

>everything is fine, that's why I made this thread

I can always tell it's you op, because you sound like a retard and post pepe op pics. Try switching it up.

The number 1 reason not to take anti-depressants is they make you bald and turn your cock soft.

>90% of my work is medicated
what do you do where everyone is on jew drugs?

Have fun! I'll look for you in the next mass shooting headline you chemical slave. Just Kurt Cobain it already and paint your home with that diseased brain.

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I self-medicate with cigarettes and caffine.

No fucking shit you fucking retard
>I've been drinking every day for 12 years. Went cold turkey once and got the shakes and cold sweats worse than ever before


I don't take meds because I'm not a codependent faggot. If your life sucks improve it.


Yeah, nothing to do with your shitty attempt at living

Graphic design

Sometimes I think I'd like to be medicated because I have no power live as if in a prison, but I own firearms so I can't take the risk.


lithium is the best drug

Me too.
It is not easy to be depressed. You cannot work to help your family.

If Jews caused it they should fix it. They know this system is making everyone depressed. Pills help you live long enough to see it fall and burn.

I did that and now I have neuropathy. You don't want what I got bro


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Just self medicate with weed or something, fuck (((SSRIs)))

We're all fucking doped up anymore user. Just eat the pills, play the game, and buy a fuck ton of guns. None of us are gonna live past 50 anyhow kek.

What kind of nosy asshole asks what pills some takes are?

Drug pushers sell addictive drugs. Shocking.

I've never been depressed and I also dont take prescription medications


I like all the people in this thread trying to justify why the medication that solves a problem is actually bad. Where's the cutoff for jewish trick? Are my sleeping pills too affective? I couldn't fucking sleep before I had them, so fuck me, right?

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Are sleeping pills the only thing you're taking? I think most of us are talking about heavy duty shit like ssri and anti psychs. Different ball game.


Oh boy the epic insomniac teenager

>MFW took anti-depressants for months
>Stopped taking them when I realised I was physically, mentally and spiritually weak
>Haven't taken them in 5 years and have never been happier after hitting the gym, studying and putting in the effort to find a job that actually elevates the soul

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How could Ramiel be a girl when "she" has a gigantic dick that can drill through 20 layers of metal barriers?

>How are you meds working.
I only take Mk-677, and Weed. Feels good being natty. Only problem is I'm out of weed today and it feels bad man.

Masking the symptom instead of addressing the cause is pretty retarded. You can't sleep because you are a lard ass likely suffering from an infection and you compensate by guzzling suger and caffeine all day.

I take multivitamins, and go to the doctor when I feel tired.

You might also have sleep apnea. So yes fuck you, you are probably going to die soon because it's probably your tonsils.

Yeah I dont put poison in my body. Except alcohol and I put a lot of that in it.

I don't even like taking ibuprofen. U niggas be cray.

There's probably some fine line between science and pharmaceutical jewry.

hey, so long as it's feminine
Been self medicating with booze for about a decade now.

Depressed? Just get a sub for adderall and sort your life out. Once your life is sorted out you can sell some and abuse some for recreation. Way better than those dummy pills. Of course no pharma is good pharma but you already upset the natural balance.

Don't take meds. Never have. Cleared up years of depression by exercising, eating eggs, stopped smoking, stopped drinking pop. Looking back on my notes it had less to do with exercise and more to do with diet. Recently heard a lot of it comes down to the gut bacteria, but I'm not a doctor.

the biggest meme and a scam out there

Freud is a fraud.
But your sleeping pills are a Jewish trick because you could just smoke Indica or take a lot of CBD and it is way better for you.

I only put the poisons I want in my body: Alcohol, weed and shrooms. I'm like a right-wing hippy.

I'm coming off of Venlafaxine now which has been absolute torture. Seriously, this stuff is poison, though I'm mostly over the side-effects now. The drug never did anything for me, like all other anti-depressants I have ever taken.

I'm on a carnivore diet now which has helped me more than any drug ever has.

Carnivore diet is bad for gains. But if you need to lose weight then go for it.

If your sleeping pills are benzos you are fucked beyond belief. You'll be on them the rest of your life for a sleep issue that could have be fixed naturally believe me. Enjoy your functional brain damage and debilitating addiction.

You're doomed, you miserable piece of rake. I never took that shit in my life.

I'm not fat, I don't drink caffeine, and my sleep problem has been around for as long as I can remember.
They are not.

That's retarded logic, if by gains you mean muscles swelled up with water and glycogen and the excess calories from carbs then that would make sense. If you are getting all your calories you can make gains fine on carnivore not to mention the amount of protein and creatine you'd naturally get from all that meat.

this but unironically

Sleeping pills are so fucking bad for you, you might as well take a shot of heroin before bed.

Amazing the amount of addicts justifying their pill popping with "it just works user, I HAVE TO TAKE THEM"

>took Ritalin in the early 1990s because ADD, didn't fix whatever issue psychiatrist saw
>took accuntane as in the early 00s ended up with lifelong digestive issues

I haven't trusted medicine since 2003, not a single pill is allowed in my body. If I die, I die.

my medicine

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Im 32 and was on antidepressants since I was 12. Most of the time prozac which made me gain weight when i was super skinny. Was on something called strattera also in middle school. I got off of it in high school. Then I was on one I dont remember with Prozac still, but I switched it out for Wellbutrin which helped with weight loss. I got put on Gabapenten also last year and decided it was too much and went off prozac and was immensely sick for about 7 months even though I phased off of it. I was numb in my legs all the time, constantly sweating, nauseous, couldn't think clearly.

Off of it my depression was about zero, but i didnt have any other emotion either and had a brain fog, could not think clearly or fast. So I increased the size of the Wellbutrin im on and have been pretty happy, Way less depression and have a realistically mood, dont think my mind is 100% good/ clear as it was but im ok.

I got diagnosed with aspergers when I was little but meds made it mostly un noticeable. My dad beat me pretty badly when I was little and I think that was a big cause of my depression problems along with not being able to interact with people well.

Physically and emotionally i peaked around 24 then my mom was killed by her boyfriend and I fell apart. I had two girls who liked me quite a bit, one ended up with someone else because she was obsessed with him since high school and the other was kinda shitty and they both got married when I was 30 and the one I really liked got pregnant right away. I got so depressed my immune system went nuts and my white blood cell count was super high for over a year. Dr had me screened for cancer, but it was just depression. Decided to get off prozac, but it took most of a year.

I lost 25 pound and can move around again closer to a normal person. Think I can finally join a gym in a few weeks.

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Wrong. Insulin helps your gains.
>the amount of protein and creatine you'd naturally get from all that meat.
That's besides the point. You can eat just as much meat but then throw in some potatoes. Your blood doesn't retain creatine as well if you are keto either.
You might be able to make gains but not as easily on a carnivore diet.

Of course you get a lot of hopeless addicts when your definition of the term includes "it fixes a problem which prevents me from living my life properly"


lol ok.

What is this floating shape thing

Long term depression is for those who can't face themselves, they can't see how degenerate they are, they cannot truly admit their own degraded character - and with that cannot see their own ideal and their own highest.

Grow the fuck up and read Jung. You think I do not feel depressed sometimes? But I know why, and I fix it. And I a appreciate it. I accept it. I find strength from within - for the most part depression is a pubescent meme originating with everything that comes with that age, however there are adult cases and any man that treats it as some impossible; a beast he cannot tame.... then he is weak!!! FASCISM IS BUILT AROUND SUFFERING, IT IS THE PATHETIC MODERN WORLD WHICH HAS MADE YOU SEE SUFFERING AS EVIL OR GOOD OR BEAST OR ANGEL - YOU MUST TRANSCEND THIS PETTINESS FOR MY SAKE, FOR YOUR OWN LIVES SAKE!!!

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>"I think you're addicted to driving your car"
"See, that's a frequent justification of an addict"

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It unironically does work though, once you find the right combo it's so easy to get up and improve yourself once you stop wanting to violently murder yourself over small failures and shutting down and going to sleep or using other coping habits to avoid the repeated pain of in capabilities through your brain fog.

I'm about to get my Master's in Aerospace Engineering and I almost necked myself after failing 2 quarters in a row during undergrad. At first it seemed like I would never get better but after gradual improvement via changing meds I got hope that I could indeed be saved.

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Pain of incapability*

>sleeping pills are highly addictive and a form of hyponotic, similar to truth serum.

fucking fatass lol

> I have no choice but to tell the truth
you are a dumb cunt m8.

Maybe I need some pharma jew to handle working a 9-5 cubicle job too

Hey user, I drink a cup of coffee, take vitamin c, fish oil, centrum and vitamin d. Maybe you should try vitamins instead of popping jew pills.


>taking (((meds)))
lurk moar

>I smoked crack for 12 years. Couldn't find any dick to suck for that $5 to buy a rock and god damn it was so terrible. Crack is great

Tell them its for high bloodpressure

>Imagine being such a newfag you spell more wrong

OP has posted the rare octahedron pepe

I really must be superior since I don't need all that nonsense.

>Goalpost moved so that whether the pills solve the problem or not is now irrelevant
>Hypnotics and truth serum exist
>Having sleeping problems is a guaranteed sign that someone is fat
You country is enough of an embarrassment without your help, you know

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I did try vitamins, fish oil, other supplements, and coffee first, about 3 months of my life wasted on hoping for improvements in my mood that would never materialize. Perhaps that's right for people who don't actually have clinical depression. But others really do need pills. Most of the people who make them are White by the way, not Jewish. Jews just go into business or literature school.

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i've never taken a "med", if you do, it means
you have serious fucking problems. i don't
mean the kind doctors can help you out of.

>Tfw the world is so absolutely fucked up that just about everyone with a functional iq needs medication to sedate them in case they all go apeshit and actually do something about the world

Just imagine if the drugs stoped coming

I never take aspirine, don't go to the doctor, never take medicine for anything, take cold showers in winter and surprise, I'm perfectly healthy and have never been hospitalized.

>sleeping problems is a clinical disorder, there is no underlying cause
>truth serum doesn't exist, there is no such thing as a hypnotic
>there is like 50 causes for sleeping problems all are treatable
>takes a narcotic instead

lmao junky

I come from a mechanical background. People tend to drink instead of taking meds. Different coat, same devil. I'm clean and plan to remain so.

I just came out of SSRI after 10 years using it, they would just not let me enjoy life ironically,now I feel better everyday , but you get ''brain zaps'' the first few weeks

You don't have depression problems, you probably have fatigue. Take vitamins and adderall.

>Take vitamins and adderall.
>and adderall
You people are insane.