Why do working class white trump supporters vote against their own economic interests?

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Yea it's totally in their interest to let in illegal aliens who will not only drive their wages down, but tape and kill their daughters as well

> illegal aliens work in ever job sector that would affect uneducated racist whites

We don't.

Yea I forgot that day laborers are quizzed about their racial vises before being hired.

Dipshit faggot

Yeah it's totally in their interest to enable the outsourcing of all middle-class manufacturing jobs to the third world. J U S T L E A R N 2 C O D E

Stop voting against your own economic interests

>Why do working class white trump supporters vote against their own economic interests?

is a very good example of why. The burgers have been propagandized from birth to believe that if they are not leftists & liberals then they are by definition rightists & christcucks. To them, political and religious identity is limited to a binary choice between leftist & liberal and rightist & christcuck. The government encourages heated debate between these two poles, who of course are poles of the same jewish system - the system of democracy.

The real solution, the real identity is not allowed to talk about, and it is of course National Socialism / Fascism, the religious worship of ones own people and the policy of putting ones own people first in all questions, without compromise. This is anathema to both the left and the right, but even the brightest of the christling boomers do not comprehend there is an existence outside the allowed rightard-leftard-specrum. They simply don't. They think they are rightists, and they even think Jow Forums is rightist, and all critique against the two must therefor come from the left. Both views are of course wrong. Jow Forums is simply not on the right / left scale at all, and both the rightards and leftards on this forum are NPCs both alien to the board and fully incapable of meming.

But the christcuck boomer does not understand this, he only understand the binary. "If it is not leftist then it is rightist and if it is not rightist then it is leftist". It's like they mentally stopped developing around 12, just before they realized the jewish folk legens they worship are just fairy tales. One has to wonder if they are truly human, if they there is any hope for them.

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I don't know, JIDF, why do they?

>Why do working class white trump supporters vote against their own economic interests?
You can ask the same Democratic Party supporters - why they are backing the elite they hate? All of the Dems are 1-percenters.

More jobs are against my interest?

Why are YOU against your own interests?


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> more low wage McJobs is in your interests

I love this meme. In one sentence it captures the left's condescension, ignorance, arrogance and utter lack of introspection.
Ever since hippies were being beat up by Hell's Angels they still haven't figured it out.

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>having NO job is in your interest

Fucking retard neet leech bum

>importing a flood of cheap labor and replacing yourself demographically is in the economic interest of working class whites

but I guess we get free college, lol

Why is this argument still being copy and pasted here?

>paying reparations, getting taxed out the ass to pay for some roastie's fine arts degree and for some diabetic nigger's insulin is in my economic interests

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Oops, jobs that require a degree are over saturated now

>everybody can be educated and work high paying white collar jobs

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> believing working class whites are “overburdened” with taxes

Nice billionaire talking points to defend . How many boots have you licked today?

Because it’s frustrating that so many working class whites vote for tax cuts for mega wealthy rich and corporations while taxes and healthcare cost go up for me

you are so abysmally retarded and brianless it isnt even worth posting in this dogshit thread

>Economic interest
>We'll give you more programs while escalating inflation meaning you can't afford shit tomorrow that you can today

Shut the fuck up faggot OP and leave this board. You don't belong here.

maybe if democrats werent open border antiwhite cuck faggots then we could adress the rampant greed and usery of jewish laisez faire capitalism, in the meantime every single democratic candidate wants to import millions of browns into the country and give them free gibs


Democratic cities have the greatest wealth disparity


Capitalism and communism are both internationalist ideologies pushed by Jews.

Because a college degree is the equivalent of a high school diploma from 60 years ago since they dumbed down the education system. So now you have to pay through the nose and sit through 17 years of education for what you used to get for free over 12 years.

They don't.
This ANTIFA shill bullshit is ridiculous.
Trump > Niggers, Spics, Shitskin Muzzies, and LGBTQRSTUV faggotry and degeneracy.
All day.
Every day.

Because keeping the establishment from destroying your race is more important than government freebies.

>believing working class whites are “overburdened” with taxes
They certainly will be if you commie faggots are ever allowed to take control, which was my point you sub-room temperature IQ brainlet. This is why I'm voting against kikes like Bernie, because it is in my economic interests.

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Which along with that comes the highest levels of homeless people.

Trump shills for niggers, spics, muzzies, and fags/dykes/trannies though.
>Highest numbers ever in both legal/illegal immigration
>muh black unemployment!
>muh gays for Trump!
The only halfway decent thing he's done is pull back the reigns on striking Iran, but I don't think that's going to be a permanent thing and he will likely bow to Kushner and Bolton on it.

Exactly. Retards like op DON'T WANT MORE JOBS. They just want government hand outs.

Look at him. He's saying so right here.

Keep voting against your own economic interests retard

Imagine not being able to work a white collar job, embarrassing really

Compare that to LITERALLY any Democrat candidate.
It's not even a competition.
You've got to play the game to win.
Trump is better than any Dem in the field, by a LOT.
If you don't vote Trump, you'll be forced to pay niggers for the privilege of your ancestors fighting to free them, your kids will learn about tranny sex in school, in Spanish, and your property will be seized to compensate the suffering of brown people who begged to come here.

Because a few extra shekels for Mr. Noseberg isn't worth destroying my race and country.

>why do americans...
burger education
anglo is vermin is anglo

Wew trumptards are so lost

I don't care that other Brits are rich. Their Ferrari doesn't mean I can't buy stuff I need.

What I do care about is losing my self determination and possibly life to hyper aggressive brown invaders though. I don't even like being near them.

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Dumb-ass nigger, that's why they voted to remove H1B1 caps just this week.

This. Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

85% of people ITT unironically have a dilation schedule.

It's LITERALLY the same shit as all the democratic candidates, only hidden through veiled "conservative" tweets about 'Murica and all that.
Conservatism is just Marxism doing the speed limit.

BTFOd in one sentence


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Who gives a fuck about code monkeys


lel I love how "voting against their own interests" was the line used by Bernie supporters during the 2016 Democratic primaries to complain about blacks voting for Hillary. And the Hillary supporters claimed that phrase was racist, classist, and made no sense.
Now they're all parroting it as much as they can.

Mass immigration is modern slavery. It is designed to import people who will accept anything, often chased by wars and misery created by the same who support immigration, to put them in competition with locals, and lower wages and destroy workers rights.
So. Explain why slavery is ok. I am curious.

SeeAnswer. I dare you.


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So you'd rather crash into a socialist hellscape at full speed as opposed to slowing down with a possibility of stopping and turning before we get there?

good post

I'm shocked that people still believe this dichotomy on Jow Forums

Excellent post. Far too many people fall for the left vs right dichotomy. They only view the world as left or right, nothing else.

>Goy just vote against your demographic interests rather than your economic interests, let the brown people replace you goy!

Nufags in numbers so high we have a hard time to assimilate them. But we will.

Tell me about my economic interests.

And the commie Op gave up. Again. After less than 10 shitty posts without arguments. Again.

>Possibility of stopping it
Lol you're of the belief that what is coming can BE stopped. It can't. Not by a long shot. Not by Trump or you or anybody else. What you fear is inevitable because the Jews have spent the better part of 100 years crafting it to be this way. We're a bit too late to reverse it now.
I honestly can't wait for the shit to finally get to the point where it's as bad as you say. Maybe then white people will actually grow some fucking balls for a change and start pushing back against it collectively for a change.

Because they value freedom over wealth.

Economically slavery was pretty good for blacks. They had an education that led to a job that afforded them food, shelter and medical care. But they weren’t free.

Eh, pride mostly.

It's that "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" syndrome.

Still more respectable than insisting the government pay for everyone's shit.

They would rather suffer themselves, than insist the government lifts them from their suffering.It's easy to mock them from the perspective of the middle-class Dem.

Parents gave them really great upbringing. Paid for their undergrad and masters, so they could work as a librarian and make ~$45k/year.

These people have been taken care of by their parents until they are ~25 years old, and so it's easy for them to mock working class Reps.

do you think I am talking about myself? do you even understand what you are saying? how absolutely braindead are you? any civilization NEEDS to exhibit a de facto pyramidal caste socioeconomic caste structure, how else do you think all of the things and infrastructure of a civilization can be built and maintained you utter fucktard

a white nation would have white ditch diggers, white construction workers, white toilet cleaners, white scientists, etc: the gaussian nature of the distribution of innate characteristics means all would be supplied in a fitting manner

it is literally physically and genetically impossible for everybody to be white collar, ethnostate or not

I love this daily pasta OP, doing God's work. This converts people away from libshits on a daily basis. Based and redpilled.

Or working class republicans are absolutely fucking morons who vote against their own economic interests

All republicans off to working class whites is meaningless culture war bullshit whiling pulling the wool over their eyes and giving CEOs and billionaires massive tax cuts


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Because anyone worth a damn here is middle class, which commimunists hate. Not to mention it would benefit them in no tangible way. Why pick Communism when it gives the dregs of society more political power, and doesnt let them slowly kill themselves with drugs or unhealthy food? Why must the system be dysgenic?

They do a lot more than IT. They have accountants on the street. You're very low IQ and low information.

You’ve been posting this for two years faggot. Have sex

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Excellent post. We've been duped by the two-party system, so we always choose the lesser of two evils. Instead, we need to choose the third position.

Because middle class commies are working against our racial interests

>Assuming you know my economic interests

Because the party of the working class keeps laughing at them, telling them their problems aren't real, and dividing them with identity politics

But one party wants to make sure they have free healthcare

Maga working class shitheads vote against universal healthcare is pants on head retarded

Most here don't, aside from the plebbit transplants. This is a NatSoc board (of peace). But we also recognize that Trump is the accelerationist candidate driving the left to out themselves as anti-white globalist degenerates and another 4 years of their insanity might just wake up enough whites for civil war 2, in Minecraft of course.

Not living with illegals and niggers is in my economic interests. They day that the left stops shoving multiculturalism down my throat is the day I listen to them.

Funny, I look at it the opposite way. Why would any sane white person vote democrat at this point? This is a party that despises you, your culture, your ancestors, your country and wants open borders so you can eventually be replaced. What exactly do whites get out of this deal?

>modern left
>supporting working class

Living wages , free healthcare

Stopped reading there.

Why do unemployable leftist college students think they know what is in the interest of the white working class?

>Mass immigration is modern slavery

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for everyone except whites

>uneducated racist whites
Why do you hate whites?

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Yep, lets give up everything for free healthcare... Oh, and I already have a living wage. America's one of the most prosperous countries on the planet. Not like we're talking about Somalia here

Why do you hate whites?

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Why do you hate whites?

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Why do you hate whites?

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Why do you hate whites?

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Why do you hate whites?

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Trump sucks schlomo globohomos cock.

>This. Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests
Why do you hate whites?

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>All republicans off to working class whites is meaningless culture war bullshit whiling pulling the wool over their eyes and giving CEOs and billionaires massive tax cuts
why do you hate whites?

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>Question why white working class Trump supporters vote against their economic interests
>"You must be one of them leftists!"

Nice one, smooth brain. Keep voting for those Republicans who will sell you out for cheap labor. Aren't they awesome because they voted for HR 1044?


Why do you hate whites?

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Being poor>living next to niggers and spics.

Why do you hate whites?

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