Introduce Piranha to the Río Grande

Lets get some man eaters in that river to keep the wet backs away.

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They wouldnt survive.

It's a good idea, but invasive species suck ass.

t. Great Laker who fucking hates Zebra Muscles.

Just embrace your destiny and return to be Mexico...

Actually you've been watching too many movies. Piranhas target mostly injured and recently dead things.

This idea just gave me cancer.

Put things in river to cause bleeding then let the piranha finish them?

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Put some caltrops in/arpund the river, and maybe get some of those landmines that ritzy gated communities have to keep climbing niggers out, the ones that fire out rubber balls that can break bones and shit.

This post is of extremely low quality

They wouldn't, but the Pacu fish could, and would be much more terrifying.

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>Lets get some farming equipment to pick cotton for us for free

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>not snakeheads that would actually thrive

I'm on the shores on Lake Michigan and I remember the initial bloom of those little fucks, more shells than sand for a couple summers. I only see a few nowadays though, maybe they just stick to deeper waters or the population died back.

We could genetically modify them

Cut the shit out my feet at Luna Pier on Lake Erie during the 4th of July party.

Zebras made the water clear though. That goby is worse

This, pacu are real fuckers.

Anyone caught illegally entering the US will be permanently banned from ever becoming a US citizen.

Incentivize getting in line and lawfulness. Create disincentive to come here illegally. Take DNA samples to compare against those using false identities to further game system in subsequent border incursions.

How many of you have a truck and want to drive from Florida to Texas?

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Thought they didnt bite

Piranhas don't eat live healthy people. Crocodiles are a better option

The bass and perch are at least learning to eat the goby, so maybe they will keep that little shit in check.

Now the fucking lamprey? Fuck! We should let Danish fishing boats in through the Eisenhower Locks and let them fish that fucker into extinction (Danes eat those things...)

Damn, I wonder if they're just more comfortable in Erie than in Michigan? I was at the beach a week ago and probably could only find a dozen or so after ten minutes of scouring the shore. Fine by me since yeah, I too remember cutting my feet to shit when they were first invading.

They bite, chomp, chew, in the most sensitive of areas.

I don't think piranhas eat poop.

>those landmines that ritzy gated communities have to keep climbing niggers out, the ones that fire out rubber balls that can break bones and shit.

Tell me more please.

Why not just transport a few alligators there instead. They're all over the place in the south, therefore cheaper

making the water clear isn't necessarily a good thing. some species depend on murkier water to avoid predation. it also sucks out food for native species of mussels.

lampreys almost killed off the lake trout population in superior. fuck them.

They thrive in Erie because it's shallower and warmer. They also can't handle Superior because of the cold.

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Fear is a powerful tool. Just as the user thinks piranhas are killing machines, ilegals think that too.

It takes only half a dozen attacks to inflict fear on those who want to cross. News spreads fast.

Piranha aren't that aggressive.

That makes sense why they just bloomed and died back I suppose, found a better equilibrium in Erie.
Every year my state fair has a DNR booth with a tank full of those slimy little fuckers, usually stuck up against the glass where you can see their weird mouths. Fuck those things.

nah there's an established population of zebra mussel in superior. they have to clean out in/outlet pipes every few years because they grow inside of them and clog them up.

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Nial Crocodyles would be a better choice

Either all species are invasive or none are. Think about it. Nature isn't static, it's dynamic and in an ever-changing state of flux. Even species given opportunities by man fall into this same reality. I really think people by and large are retarded on this particular issue.

If it weren't for the Eisenhower Locks, it would have physically been impossible for Zebra Muscles to ever even enter The Lakes. The farthest inland they could have gotten (in a natural migration) would have been the base of Niagara Falls.

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they're parasites. they latch onto fish (or an unlucky swimmer) and suck out their blood. a colleague once found a fish that swallowed a lamprey which proceeded to latch onto its stomach and stay alive. they're incredibly persistent and removing them is expensive.

the distinction is time scale. environments are indeed not static. however when a species is introduced that grows rapidly in a short amount of time then out-competes native species, that's where they're branded invasive.

I should also point out the difference between the ecological perspective and the management perspective. the later focuses on certain species of concern that are selected based on the ecological or economical damage they do and budgeted for control accordingly. for example emerald ash borer is intensely controlled to the point where if one is ever spotted in a county, that county needs to get rid of all of its ash trees or risk them spreading further. japanese beetle on the other hand are much lower priority because they don't do as much harm.

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>Zebra Muscles
Cold War-era Soviet biological warfare

whatever fish did this would do the trick

dunno if you know this, but the zebra mussels made it all the way down here to Tx about a decade ago. I had to deal with them for my work.
alligators would be closer to something native, tho still foreign.

Water moccasins. I saw it in Lonesome Dove and it works. Storm needs to stir 'em up though.

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I'll bet you think game licenses are oppressive, statist nonsense.

I for one am staunchly in favor of allopatry in general. In fact, all four of them are American citizens, and three were born in the United States.

I guess that the first humans exploring the world were also invasive.

I have a better solution.

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Hey let's come after your family members

Nile Crocodiles.

This is now a Great Lakes biodiversity thread.

We really need to worry about Asian carp getting in here. Retarded Chicago niggers are about to let them slip right up their shit-river and ruin it for all of us. They will use up all the plankton and biomass that will displace baitfish and kill salmon and trout fishing

I dread the day of the confirmation of the first Asian Carp in Lake Michigan.

Speaking of Lake Michigan, the guys who go out every year and search for Flight 2501 just set sail this week with a new side scan sonar.

Huh, I didn't even know about this wreck. We're out fishing every weekend and shooting some powerful sonar down there, sidescan, down imaging, etc. We sometimes joke about what weird looking anomalies on the lake floor might be.

Got a really cool photo somewhere of a shipwreck we picked up on the side scan. It was an old tugboat, could even see the railings and flagpole.

What's the motivation to find the plane besides the obvious? Controversy of some kind?

>Got a really cool photo somewhere of a shipwreck we picked up on the side scan.
That's awesome. Was it a known wreck? There's still something like 14+ freighters that were never found after the Storm of 1917.

I guess it's more or less just for the sake of finding the plane and maybe discovering what happened. Some people think someone blew it up in a suicide so their family could get the life insurance. Finding the wreck would solve that.

Personally, I hope they accidentally discover Le Griffon.

John Tanton has passed away.
may he rest in peace.

And ADS, patrolling drones, land mines with better sensors (only explodes with more than 40 kg of mass above it) and remote disabling, covert automated surveillance,...

Its this tugboat. Story of how it sank is hilarious. Basically the coast guard sank it while they were testing a rope for breaking strength. The coasties hit full throttle before the tug was ready and dunked it.

>John Tanton
I was thinking maybe he was the director of Piranha! Didn't realize he was my neighbor.

I also didn't know this story either about legriffon. Sadly, most wood wrecks are buried or decomposed quickly here. The one chance that it could be waaay out deep is interesting though

And a mine field. After all, we're being invaded by hordes of illegals.

We already have those in texas, if they arnt on rio grande as is likely wouldn't want to live there.

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>The Westwind sank her

Holy shit, didn't know that one. Westwind had a legendary status of being cursed when she was returned from the Soviets after WWII.

Wood wrecks in Superior preserve very well do to the intense cold and anarobic conditions making it difficult for microorganisms to eat the timber away.

I suspect Le Griffon (first European ship on the Lakes, and first shipwreck) will not be found in my lifetime, but I'd love to know how far she made it in that voyage.

how about introducing your neck to a noose, stupid

can bull sharks live in fresh water?

Saimaa Ringed Seals can. Only one of 3 freshwater seals in the world.

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>doesnt know crocodiles are already native to the region.

>Wandering Arctic Garbage Barge

The Mexicans would eat them. ghosts are a better option, South Americans are scared shitless of nature spirits

They do occasionally frequent fresh water areas and are noted to be highly aggressive, but I'm pretty sure you'd rapidly be looking at a preservation disaster. For one, there are already river sharks in Rio Grande, who would compete with the newcomers and are as far as I know protected by law. For the other, bull sharks have been known to travel fairly far inland and I don't want to imagine what would happen if you accustomed a population to human prey.

Wait, there aren't actually river sharks in Rio Grande. I just looked up what the species was called and discovered that had been a hoax.

Youre a retard and should stop conversing with humans, start with dogs, then cats then niggers and maybe one day you can talk to people.

that isn't true, an invasive species is one that is taken from one ecosystem to another and thrive, not due to the possibility theirein, but due to the absolute lack of predation which result in huge consequences for the local ecosystem that become increasingly destabilized the greater their population becomes, until either local predators start to hunt them (very long, but humans can train animals to hunt invasive species, like lion fish in the carribean) or their population crash due to getting to the critical point where there simply isn't enough food around to feed them all.

They got here from balast tanks, same for those fucking jellie fish and gobies.

>torturing piranhas with foul bean meat

Sorry user, I don’t support animal abuse here.

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There is one species of jelly that is native to the region. You don't see them on the Great Lakes as much as you do on the inland lakes in West Michigan, WI and MN. They only bloom once every few years, I think.

The sharks are a hoax yes, but the flying river bear is real.

Theyre not native, they came from china.

>tfw went to the beach for the fist time since i was a kid and there was no muck
Felt nice not having to wade through that stinky shit.

Much of the Rio Grande is ankle-deep.
It gets deeper as it flows towards the Gulf of Mexico.

>The ministry believes the jellyfish first came to North America in the 1800s along with aquatic plants being shipped to Europe.

Oh, my mistake. Thanks for the correction.

Its ok, when i first heard about them i thought it was cool that we had jellies, then when i found out they were invasive i was bummed. Fuck wars and refugees, lets fix the environment first.

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This is a better idea, but you don't need to go all the way to FL... Louisiana has them. You need the mama gators to raise those... They stick with the little ones for first 2 years.

Mexico has native crocodiles, many live in the canals, i dont know how close to the border thier range is though.

Maybe we'll get lucky and the Asian Carp will eat all the jellies... :/

These things live in freshwater.

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Wasn't there that episode of River Monsters where one of those bit a guys dick off?

no, and they probably wouldnt do good, they need slow moving water, and temperature would be an issue.

The answer you are looking for is African Tiger Fish.

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Gators and Caymans are raised commercially in TX... id be surprised if rio Grande didn't already have them.

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People really show their regional bias here. By the Time the Rio Grande reaches Mexico it's a polluted, shit-filled trickle of a river. It didn't even reach the gulf until recently.

For the millionth fucking time the Southwest US is a brutal fucking desert.

Apparently the Mexican government saw hippos in the Rio Grande.
But TW&P hasn't confirmed any sightings.

Throw in some sharp barbed wire while your at it piranhas like blood and fast movements in the water

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>tfw Teddys dream may yet come true!
Thank you Saint Escobar!

Asain Carp suck dick. From Illinois and you do not want them.