I see everyone talking about how muh the government will shoot them all but these people are fucking retarded what do you think the public’s reaction will be if they actually shoot hundreds of civilians this will create massive riots protests and distrust in the government because it will show that they value keeping their secrets more than American lives but the government knows this so they will just send riot crews to tear gas and rubber bullet the crowd we can only hope there’s actual casualties
The Area 51 raid
nobody gives a fuck about the god damn onions boy raid on area 51. Focus our energy on these fucking kike satanists being engulfed in eternal hellfire.
If even 1% of the 1.7 mil show up that will be 17,000 people how is riot control supposed to control that in the middle of a desert and there will obviously be suicidal people and druggies that show up who actually make a break for it so they might actually be forced to shoot some of them I can’t imagine what the public’s reaction to the military killing American civilians depending on the circumstances it would either piss of a lot of people or everyone would just go back to their lives in a week
Bump. Simone please post the live stream.
people arent going to give a fuck. that one wildlife fbi shooting, waco, etc did nothing. We are 3x as apathetic now.
The area 51 raid is a meme to distract everyone from Epstein and the fact that every connected to the Mueller probe is now getting picked up for sex trafficking.
I’m saying this has potential for escalation and can create internal problems for ZOG and it’s far more dangerous to have internal problems than external ones like Iran
Yea but everyone on here is talking about Epstein non stop I barely see any msm talking about it though
There will be less than 20 people to show up. All of which will be looking at each other nervously waiting for someone else to start entering Area 51. One guy will do a half-ass charge. Guards will stop him with ease and he will complain of some minor injury acting as if he had just gotten raped with a hair roller. This will cause the group to lose focus and they will leave hours later after protesting the perceived brutality.
It's all a psyop for the coming alien deception